"Classily"/casually antisemitic literature

What are some staples of classic literature that is antisemitic WITHOUT being virulent, obsessive, or politicized about it?

I'm talking about things like major 20th century authors who weren't even fascist sympathizers or obsessive Jew-haters, but who clearly saw disliking Jews as a completely normal cultural thing. Major writers for whom despising or suspecting Jews was as normal as despising or suspecting communists would become in the Cold War period.

Pic related is sort of an example, but I think Lawrence just hated everybody.

Why on Earth is this of interest to you?

In either case anti-semitism is always going to have an obsessive and politicized edge. Even in those who are not Far Right


>In either case anti-semitism is always going to have an obsessive and politicized edge.

I disagree. I feel this is a bad case of presentism. That's what I'm trying to avoid.

Really? I didn't even know that. Thanks.

It seems pretty general in Russian lit. Sneaky Jews are stock characters in much of Turgenev's and Gogol's shorter work too.

>i want to be le intellectual antisemite, treating it as something natural and orderly, not like those savage neonazis, no im not like them

kys unironically you pseud piece of shit

That's awesome. That's exactly what I'm looking for, like "Plautian" archetypes or stock Shylock types.

Enjoy arguing with a strawman you've concocted in your head I guess.

>who clearly saw disliking Jews as a completely normal cultural thing
Most classic christian and islamic lit, when it mentions the subject but doesn't dwell on it enough to become virulent
Saadi, for instance

Illiterates do not belong here, kindly leave
You too OP actually, your reasons for asking this must be equally stupid

The Sun Also Rises

The whiny little bitch in the group that nobody likes is Jewish

>being this triggered

>Even in those who are not Far Right

This is true. The media in my country is pretty anti-semitic, but they cloak it in supposed resistance to Israeli policy, which is typical of Leftists.

Came here to post this. TBK has so many off-handed references to "bitter old jews" and the like.

I think dosto harbors some resentment towards the jews as the killers of Jesus too.

Well, Henry Miller has a lot to say about the Jews and his attitude is similar to Nietzsche's in that he clearly thinks antisemitism is retarded and keeps company with jews but then he says a lot of 'antisemitic' things like about how disgusting little jewish dudes are - he typically sees them frankly and realistically, an admirable and talented race of roaches.

Nietzsche was anti-biblical more than anything.

Or maybe Israel has committed atrocities that have gone completely unpunished.

>Enjoy arguing with a strawman you've concocted in your head I guess.

elaborate then, make your position clear.

No thanks, but I'll give you the hint that my position involves the fact that people will throw tantrums, demand explanations, and make assumptions about what my position is.

what else am i to argue with than a "strawman ive concocted in my head" if you're not giving me anything else. don't cry about being misrepresented if you don't want to clarify your position and discuss shit.

Again, the fact that you think that, before anyone can ask questions or be interested in something, they have to justify or clarify themselves to you, is part of what interests me.

But what you actually think or what you actually judge to be justified or not doesn't interest me.

alright, im just telling you then, don't be offended by being called a le wannabe intellectual antisemite. i got that impression, and many others may and will get it. please don't cry about your position being misrepresented, as that would be so predictable. hope you find some Rational basis to hate jews. :^)

I don't think my family or my advisory committee would like that very much but thanks for the well wishes all the same :^)

real talk doe, its impressive that all your replies have been dubs. is that some ashkenazi magic going on?

Like what?

Heidegger's antisemitism is evident in his notebooks, but apart from the metaphysical jew and his culture he didn't care about them

Most people who hate jews are mouth-breathers who don't understand geopolitics and/or commerce. Like, how fucking retarded do you have to be, to get it so badly turned around that you think the US is serving Israel? Or that domestic populations don't need to be conditioned to do the right thing? Or that wealth concentration is a bad strategy?

Just naive and ignorant and just plain fucking dumb. The jews are helping us run the planet, or at least keep things balanced so nobody tries to fuck with the US and spark a nuclear war. And you're mad at them because they push interracial porn? Think, maybe seeing this shit is going to wake someone up to a tribal way of thinking. Someone who would've otherwise lived in a "blue pilled" bubble, weak from the comfort of living in the west.

People who hate jews are just too dumb to understand what they're doing.

The New Testament