Hi Veeky Forums. Newfag from /b/ here. What's the best way to cook an eye of round steak? (Preferably Medium-Rare)
Hi Veeky Forums. Newfag from /b/ here. What's the best way to cook an eye of round steak? (Preferably Medium-Rare)
sear both sides on high heat for 2 minutes
bake @ 450 degrees for 6 minutes
Grill it.
Boil it.
>Newfag from /b/
At least you admit it.
OP here. I came here to roast steak, not to get roasted.
Eye of round is a very lean and tough cut. I'd probably slice it thin and use it for stir fry or cube it for stew rather than cook it and eat it like a steak.
let it sit in the sun until it rots a bit.
ding ding ding
>eye of round
Cook it low and slow like a roast. Cooking it up like a typical steak will result in a sore jaw.
Pan sear with butter
Make tacos is what you're saying?
1) build a time machine
2) travel back in time
3) purchase a better cut of meat if you want a medium rare steak
tldr treat like a london broil, brief grill and bias cut?
slice that fucker razor thin and make ramen or pho
i would agree, very high heat sear then either lower heat and cover pan or throw in your toaster oven
most importantly how will you season it?
i've been using sea salt and a bit pepper, very little oil and once my sear is done i lower heat pour red wine vinegar on the meat then cover on low heat adding more vinegar as it evaporates.
make scallopini out of it.
Sous vide and then seared in a pan with butter and coconut oil
aka boil a bag steak.
why not just throw it in a zip lock bag and boil it til brown?
Because you don't boil it you fucktard, you cook it at the optimum temperature throughout. It literally can't overcook and no juices escape the musle tissue
put it in a dutch oven, cover it with tomatoes onions and celery, throw it in the oven for 45 mins, will come out perfect.
how to save an eye of round:
1. fork it to death
2. cover with coarse salt for several hours then wash this layer off
3. sous vide for a while
but yes, next time buy a fattier cut. round is difficult
>sous vide beef
cut it into small cubes or really thin strips and make steak tacos with it.
I want a roast, but most of it would go to waste, and their easy to ruin.
>a stir fry is a garbage disposal
why? because you associate the technique with panda express tier food?
I just made a stir fry with prime NY strip steak and it was sublime. you can't possibly expect a tough, dry piece of meat to taste good with fast, high heat cooking
a stew would be fine for eye of round though, or a pot roast. I usually buy those cuts for pot roast
I remember when I first came to Veeky Forums because I had a legitimate interest in cooking. I learned pretty quickly that no matter what board you go to, Veeky Forums is shit and OP is always a fag.
Use a jaccard tenderizer on it, nothing else itt will make an edible steak out of eye of round. Then you can sear it and if it's thick finish it in the oven. Cutting it up will work to make something edible but it's obviously not a steak at that point.
Jesus, man. I don't think that's what he was implying. I think he meant that a stir fry lends itself well to concealing poorer cuts of meat (which it does)
ground salt, pepper. rosemary and fresh garlic. sous vide for 24 hrs at least then sear in a cast iron, nice and hot
>sous vide for 24 hrs
>I don't think he meant that. he just meant that
>boil your steak
>in a plastic bag
>for 24 hours
>using your cell phone to do so
Is cooking dead? Yeah, it's dead. Or this is a small group of people having a giggle.
That looks like pork...
But for steak I'd recommend steak rub and soysauce marinade. Then broil on for like 7 min on each side