Hey Veeky Forums what beer should I get tonight? What are you boys drinking?
Hey Veeky Forums what beer should I get tonight? What are you boys drinking?
boyfriend brought home some of this. yummy yummy in my tummy tum tums. I'm not a big fan of beer but this stuff is to die for!
but I'm not sure if it's available outside of Colorado, maybe look for a smooth oatmeal stout?
I'm finally opening this to celebrate being finished with college; have had the bottle for like 18 months now.
Should I let it breath for a bit after opening it?
Yeah why not
Stella you fuck
Eat shit roastie
I got this pink grapefruit IPA homebrew on tap.
I'm not a girl.
Kill yourself faggot
>support the market so hard that they added 2 ounces and dropped the price to $2
Looks like the beast is still winning boys.
thanks for your concern but I'll pass :^)
Aww shit malt liqour.
looks... interesting.
Muskoka Detour
Milwaukee's best is beer brother.
Freeze jacking to higher alcohol percentages is what makes something qualify as malt liquor instead of beer. They naturally brew it to 6.9%, somehow, but shit like hurricane is freeze jacked and nasty.
This stuff is turning out amazing this year, they have my business until they fuck up like hurricane did and let an employee get piss drunk and vomit on the bottling line, resulting in a human vomit smell on every bottle for months. Or letting beer skunk, which I just told them not to do, while asking for free shit and coupons. It's really worth a try, miller is getting back in the game and cleaning their tanks every batch and putting out really drinkable stuff. I could probably shill for them if it wasn't such a dishonest profession.
This is the second amber beer I've tried and gotta say I'm not a fan of that after taste.
This was p good but it tasted more like wine than beer.
Almost no hop taste whatsoever.
What an absolute shitpost.
How about a beer you can actually enjoy instead of choking down some imperial IPA just to look cultured?
>I like my beer to go past its shelf life
Congratulations! What did you major in?
kristall is better
Vitus is the superior choice
I just compared KBS 2016 vs KBS 2017. Im a little drunk these are my tasting notes from each. Keep in mind that the 2016 is a year and 2 months old.
KBS 2016 vs KBS 2017
Chocolate forward on the nose (slight toasted coconut)
Bourboun notes and chocolate
Coffee is not as present
Slightly more alcoholic
Kbs 2017
More coffee forward
More roast
Very balanced (coffee, chocolate, bourbon, coconut? )
Both dont have a plum jammy flavour that many imperial stouts have. Slightly artificial tasting but very good overall as they are not offensive on the roast. They are not harsh. Great beer.
finally got my hands on this
cant wait to drink it in 6 months
Is it weird for an ipa to want for the consumer to age it? It would be fun if you could get the same beer 6mos from now and compare a fresh one to the aged one.
i'm not sure if you're familiar with that beer but it's particular and stands out a bit. it's 18% (around there) and it's generally agreed that aging it improves it's flavor 10 fold.
It is weird.
Pretty sure it has to do with the super high gravity. 120 definitely mellows out over time.
what beer is good for a first-timer?
I mean I've had liquor, I've had vodka and rum and tequila and whiskey and bourbon, but I haven't tried beer so far, so what's a good starter? how can I get a small quantity so I'm not throwing away money if I don't like what I bought?
Sierra Nevada pale ale is a good starter. You can get 6 packs or buy a 24 oz bottle. Post how you like it in one of these threads for further suggestions.
mac's black porter - pretty bloody tasty.
just a 6-pack because i'm with the lady and i have to pretend to not want to get bladdered.
I have heard of the brewery, but for some reason I have never picked up a a product from dogfish head. I was not aware the beer is 18% abv. That is crazy. Have you tried one fresh? If so is the hop way more forward. Btw i. The guy who just compared the 2 kbs so i am still slightly drunk.
While SN is a solid run of the mill choice, it's probably going to come off as too bitter for a first timer.
I've never had it but I'm told fresh it is pretty harsh as the alcohol taste is very up front, but with age it matures really nicely and a lot of the hoppiness starts to override the sweetness of it.
>the wisconsin cheddar of beers
[spoiler] green Buddha beer [/spoiler]
Interesting as i would have thought that the hoppiness would have been toned down with age.
Many ipas, which are hop forward, boast to drink the beer fresh and not age it.
4loko gold.
>>mfw when drinking in my car up my street so my family thinks in taking the night off from drinking
Generic Asian adjunct lager that has nothing going for it other than a gimmicky bottle.
Shiner Bock and Lone Star
I tried to drink one of those earlier and got maybe 1/5 through, was gross as fuck. Wasn't expecting it to taste like a dollar store energy drink
I can't drink tonight, I've just had surgery. So I'm sticking to a non-alcoholic apple cider.
it's very subtle compared to most scotch ales, doesn't taste like it's made of whiskey barrels like most do
Its just saying fuck it. Took me about 10 minutes to down it. But I ate fries then chugged. Honeslty just wanted to get that feeling fast and forget my sad life if not tolerate it for a bit
It's alright. A bit heavier on the malt than I would have liked, but it's fine.
Vitus is so fuckin' good.
>implying dollar store energy drinks aren't great
Do you like their regular IPA? Thats pretty good. I didnt know they had this.
Fresh IPA night tonight! Really liked this one!
I am currently enjoying a 3 floyds Zombie Dust. Delicious.
Never had as much floaties in any beer before! Looks nasty as fuck, still the taste is alright, not as good as the pale ale though.
I was about to get it but I passed on this garbage.
Enjoyed this with my partner tonight.
Best sour I've had.
Currently drinking a 4 pack of a killer local NE IPA. Picture courtesy of a terrible local newspaper.
Icy cold BOTTLES of Heineken.
those are okay
Yuengling is the best cheap beer.
Full, distinct, but not overbearing flavor.
Better than the last one, but the Pale ale takes the prize still.
are you from sd by any chance? i've never seen mik. outside of town
btw their shapes is really good if you're into white ale
*blonde ale whoops
Not from San Diego at all, they ship some parts of these beers to denmark and sell it there so that is where i get it!
Had this lager after all that juice!
Today's haul
Busch light in the can
fuck yes brett IPA good choice. Never tried that one tho, as I'm not a fan of stone.
That's a very ugly cup
That's a very good looking cup. Interesting, I've been wanting to try anchor's blackberry IPA, I've only tried one fruit beer and it was alright.
definitely gotta try this
I had a scotch ale from a small place in Quebec and it had a smoky cherry flavor to it. Is that typical of scotch ales or fairly unique?
>attention whore replies to every post as if his opinion matters
>ignores my favourite beer, Yuengling.
I'll fight to the death that its better than all mainstream beers , there's you're GUARENTEED (you)
>trying to start conversation in a thread
y so bitter user, also Sleemans Draught>>>>Yuengling you fag
You responded to me 3 times there.
Not a bad haul, if I do say so. The IPA is Maplewood's first canned release of Son of Juice. It's 6 days old. The cider is sweet for my taste but the combination of lemon, basil, and apples is wonderful. The Dragon's Milk Reserve series continues to knock it out of the park. My favorite is still the coconut rum barrel, though.
Not pictured is
>Boulevard Rye on Rye on Rye
>Polish honey beer
>Half Acre Vallejo and Navaja
>Central Waters Barrel Aged Chocolate Porter
And a few more I'm forgetting. Oh yeah, Oddside Hazel's Nuts and Pipeworks Emerald Grouper.
Working at a liquor store is dangerous.
Drinking can after can of bud light because my boss gave me two cases of the stuff.
have I been memed Veeky Forums? I bought a 4 pack (46 burgerdollars thank you very much), had one with dinner, it was good but probably not 12$ good.
dude why
the 90 minute is good enough
funnily I didn't see the 90 minute at the store. I know it's on tap at a few places around town though
I'll probably take the advice upthread and age it for a bit
The wild red and black are baller.
Mgd reporting in all ipas and and other fancy gay beers are for hipster homosexuals
Yuengling, just got off a double at my delivery job
>ignores my favourite beer, Yuengling
Are you serious?
120 is overhyped as fuck, and the price reflects that, especially considering that you're supposed to cellar it - which takes up even more space/money.
Still a good beer; just not something a lot of people want to wait a year or two to drink for what they charge.
As much as I like beer and spend way too much money on it, I'm well aware that that trend is fucking up the industry.
>at least I've never waited in line for a limited release
This shit's just great.
It can be fun to get in on a limited release, if only for the people you can meet. Then again, I avoid the big ones and only really go for the smaller local ones. You can find yourself drinking with the brewers and having a nice relaxed time.
Get yourself some Oberon
Good idea or bad Idea?
I thought about getting a 4-pack of this for the same price but I just couldn't do it
>falling for this meme
I'm from Pennsylvania
Butthurt coastie detected
a shit.
Can't decide what to pair with some pork chops and asparagus tonight beer bros. I have a Russian imperial stout, a German dark lager, a Tripel, and a Rochefort 8. I also have a can left of a really light delicious Gose but it's cold and rainy so I'm ruling it out until it warms up again. I might do the German dark lager and have the imp stout for dessert but that might fuck me up.
haha in a video the Mikkeller dude claimed he wants to make cloudy beers because that's what's "in" at the moment. This is just over the top, looks like orange juice with pulp.
yum I wish I had access to more sours
>stain your lips core
pork chops and dark lager
That's a really nice pour on that stout. Almost looks like nitro.
>stout with bourbon barrel-aged coffee
A buddy of mine got it for me because he knows I like stouts, but that description didn't make it sound too appetizing.
It's a fantastic beer, though.
Modern Times fucking kills it.
I moved to NorCal last year, and despite having one of the most booming beer scenes in the country right now, SD still blows us out of the water.
My main problem with craft beer on the west coast is that we're still not over fucking IPAs. Nowadays, there are enough breweries that I could find something I enjoy, but when I lived in San Diego about ten years ago, it was almost exclusively IPAs. Although, when I lived there I was able to get Stone's Chipotle Smoked Porter, which they don't seem to have outside of southern California.
I totally get that, but I'm admittedly an IPA drinker - double, triple quad... That's usually what I'll order, so despite whatever animosity I had towards Californians is canceled out by the amazing beer selection.
Hop forward beers are still super popular, but ubiquitous shitty ones have kind of been fazed awhile ago; now most IPA's that you find on tap are the top of the top, and the new fad is sours, which can be hit or miss, since the market is saturated.
Yeah, but a "top of the top" IPA still tastes like a skunked regular beer.