The man has spoken.
Guy Fieri officially BTFOs 'go 'za
Other urls found in this thread:
Mate, I don't have time to watch a fucking 20 minute video.
It's a doggy dog world and my time is a diamond dozen.
The link brings you to the time, dumbo
I don't give a fuck about snoop Dogg
Shut up you pizza shit
Everyone already knows deep dish is garbage.
Shitcago BTFO
Based Fieri putting Chicago in it's place.
Guy is a douche... in boston... see him in restaurant middle of day.. me nice as pie... him douche... not polite or nice.. Too good to say thanks for the compliments... just a douche... kiss my ass Guy... seems u forgot where you came from...
inb4 the interrupt and wink pasta
No it dosnt you stupid faggot.
>no hesitation
I'm starting to like guy fieri.
Yes it does you fuckdumb
Wrong again you cock gobbling rump raising kneepad wearing homo.
I also came away from this video liking the dude more than I did
If you look at the link it shows 18m40s, maybe it doesn't work for you because your a gay?
This only solidified my love for ourguy
Do you answer staplers instead of phones?
Aside from Guy Fieri, does anyone else here really like Hot Ones? It's gotten me alot more interested in some comedians, rappers, celebrities, and internet famous people. I really like this series and the whole hot wings thing, I even want to buy the lineup of hot sauces to try for myself
Sean Evans' research and questions are on point. I thought this was just some gimmicky youtube shit, but it's actually pretty good.
It's very entertaining. Sean Evans is a good host
>the episode with coolio
Their hot sauce is REALLY good too. My younger brother ordered a bottle and its the only hot sauce I use now.
Here in upstate NY we have something we call a tomato pie, it's basically a deep dish 'go 'za. We at least have the decency to change the fucking name instead of "UHH NO ITS STILL PIZZA" when it clearly fucking isn't.
You can like it, that's fine, but stop comparing 'go 'za to pizza, it's a different beast and the people that pretend it's a pizza should be gassed.
Hot Ones exists simply for people to plug their bullshit in a controlled, corporate environment. Nothing real happens. Nothing interesting comes up in conversation. All the same talking points that are brought up in every other interview. The only reason people sit back and watch it is to see if these people can make it to the final round, subconsciously digesting all of the bullshit ads while they wait.
>22 minutes
Holy fuck I'm not watching that. Someone sum it up.
is must be terrible living with so much cynicism
>Implying he isn't right
>advertainment show invites shill to eat wings
>shill shills recipes, answers weak questions, offers scripted anecdotes
>advertainment show collects sheckles
Hot Ones, everybody. Every episode ever.
I'd love to hear your argument that proves me otherwise.
oh yeah, the guests 100% go there to plug stuff
that doesn't make it less entertaining. the questions are good
That's every talk show and interview ever. You aren't being clever or original by pointing this out. You're literally stating what everbody knows you fucking dumbass.
I've been meaning to get ahold of all the sauces and a shitload of wings so I can have a party with my friends where we try them all.
Why watch it if you know you're not gaining anything from it? Why waste the time, given that so many people know the game by now?
Replied to one of the wrong posts, but fuck it. I don't care.
Why watch anything if you know its been done before? I literally don't understand what you're asking.
But the questions aren't good at all. They're handled with kid gloves at all times, and always give the guest the ability to come off looking better than what they are. It's a ploy.
But, if you're idea of entertainment is watching people more successful than you eat wings and answer softball questions, I don't believe you'd be able to understand why there are people on the other side to begin with.
you expect the host to just shit on the guest?
they're fucking eating hot wings and answering questions.
>waaah stop liking what I don't like
No, I don't expect the host to shit on the guest. This has been done since the inception of television. Its the late-night talk show format transposed to the Internet.
I do expect people to stop watching twenty minute long ads and calling it entertainment,.
>waaah stop liking that I don't like
God you're fucking stupid.
not an argument
Didn't intend to be, just an observed fact so blatant that I had to chime in to state it.
Says the guy who's favorite hot sauce is Sriracha
i saw this show for the first time last night. Guy also says Steak n Shake is the best place for a burger, which is true. In n Out is garbage compared to steak n shake.
he says the opposite actually
The God has spoken.
Sean Evans tries a little too hard to act cool. It reminds me of like that younger cousin who tries to hang out with you and impress you all the time. However I still love the show and he's a good host.
I have Mad Dog 357 and Blair's Mega Death in my fridge right now. Mad Dog is great as an additive. Mega Death actually feels not as hot, but it's deceptive in its heat, as the label says, and you can easily overindulge and then find yourself regretting it when you're literally pacing back and forth waiting for your mouth to return to normal. Overall I'd recommend both of them.
You need to chill the fuck out.
Embedded videos don't jump to the time.
You have to copy and paste the link.
>that response to the question about making awkward restaurant owners feel more comfortable
guy with the bantz, was surprised by his wit
>mixing Mad Dog into marinara sauce and making pizza with it
he says chicago is literally the greatest food city as an addendum
What? Stop that.
what? i thought famous people actually did interviews for having conversations and general fun!
>making pizza with marinara sauce
Rachel Ray did the entire gamut and also took a teaspoon shot of each as well and finished
she blew everyone else the fuck out
Since when has anyone on Veeky Forums cared about what that fruitcake thinks?
No. Replace the ? In the link with a # and it works when embedded as well.
Well, it should.
>"bread with stuff on it"
>eyes narrow
>head recoils
>then the next thing he says
He just described the shitty, famous ones. He's never had local, small business.
Nice trips.
Im in Chicago for the weekend. What is a good local pizza? Ill take pics and upload them here.
Best place is J.B. Alberto's in Rogers Park. Pete's Pizzeria #2 is good, too. All the other places I knew I haven't eaten from a long time or most of them closed up.