Are Alex Jones meme water filters any good or are they overpriced for what they are?
I don't want to be a gay frog, how well does it filter water?
Are Alex Jones meme water filters any good or are they overpriced for what they are?
I don't want to be a gay frog, how well does it filter water?
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It's good, but skimps some important shit. Just buy the one he's ripping off.
Join the gay frog master race user, and buy a regular brita filter. Even Obama uses one
They are called Berkey
Yes, user, they are worth it. $200 up front for all pure water you need for at least 5 years. The filters are only $50 after that.
I actually felt different after a few days of drinking it. One of the better purchases I have ever made, but that is probably because I am obsessive about water purity.
Berkey is fucking worth it. Lived in the city for a few years and would only drink filtered water.
Fortunately the water quality out in the country is pretty good so I can generally get away with regular tap water.
>this autistic fuck just lost his custody battle
hope he kills himself desu, some people shouldn't be allowed to reproduce
>everything I don't like is autism
>one case exists of a male winning a custody battle in the history of the US
Wrong. This guy is a fucking nut but you are objectively wrong to the point that a real life autistic kid has to tell you how fucking stupid you are. May as well kill yourself.
You mean these shits? You'd have to be an idiot to buy one. There are companies that have been designing water filters for decades and employ actual engineers,but you want something by some retard who hates science because... why, exactly?
Bill Nye says that fluoride is good for you. So yeah I would rather listen to you know... an ACTUAL SCIENTIST than some conservatard fuck
Lol don't buy stuff from Alex Jones. He believes breathing in the scent of herbs cleans your lungs.. I used to like him but I'm really convinced he's nuts.
>Bill Nye
He's a "science guy", you stupid fuck. He doesn't have a science degree, and he's never been a scientist.
wtf stop filtering your water
>Bill Nye
>a scientist
Jesus christ.......
>Are Alex Jones meme water filters any good
Okay, I looked it up OP and no it's junk.
Your first step is to call or visit your local water utility and request a copy of the Consumer Confidence Report (CCR), which is an annual test required to check for contaminants by the EPA and must be made freely available to residents on request by law. Some cities post theirs online. See here for info:
That will tell how clean your water supply is at the generation source along with what contaminants (if any) are there and in what magnitudes along with the their permissible legal limits. However, what this won't tell you about is sediments or other junk that can enter the water supply on transmission through pipes and water mains to your house plumbing and through to your tap. For that, you'll want to buy a a cheap digital TDS meter ($16) and actually measure your tap water:
If you have pretty hard water (>150ppm of turbidity), then you might consider filtering if you don't like the taste or have mineral deposits scaling up your faucets, shower heads, and dish washer/laundry machine.
At that point you either want a Distillation or Reverse Osmosis-based system. Anything else including the 2-stage system on Alex Jones website is a glorified Brita-charcoal filter system that won't do anything but waste water.
>$16 TDS meter
Lol, if there's enough of something bad to show up on one of those, you've already fucked yourself over drinking the water as you wait for amazon shipping
CCRs are all fine and good (my local supply is one of the cleanest in the world) but all sorts of stuff can happen between the mains and your tap. Every few weeks the water runs brown for a few hours, what am I going to do, just stop using water? Fuck no, I'll use a filter.
As long as your water supply is already fairly decent, a Pur Classic is a solid choice. It's basically as good as it gets without installing a multi-stage system in your kitchen tap, and it's cheap as fuck
>barrier filtration
>fluoride filters reported to be fitted poorly in units
>parts of the internals reported to rust
Just get yourself a a 5-stage reverse osmosis filter you cheap fuck. As much as I enjoy the insanity of Infowars, Alex Jones is just selling a 2nd rate water filter.
You could've chosen anyone else but you decided to use Bill Nye as the representative """Scientist""". lol
I also want to point out that their claim of being able to filter out dissolved contaminates is highly suspect if all it is a cheap 2 stage barrier filtration system.
He's a mechanical engineer which can include building rockets. Are you implying that building rockets is not a science?
[spoiler]Rocket science, perhaps?[/spoiler]
OP 2-stage barrier filtration isn't going to work well on dissolved contaminants without a good charcoal filter and you'll be changing that filter frequently. As mentioned above, distillers and/or reverse osmosis is the way to go.
The only time I use 2-stage barrier stuff is on my life straw in my go bag.
>caring about what le ice cream orgy man has to say