/memoir/ General

Memoir General:

1. How old are you?

2. How many words of your memoir have you written so far?

3. Approximately how many words do you expect to write overall?

>writing a memoir

Why write a memoir, when others with write several biographies?

Aint nobody wanna be reading about me spending 16 hours a day playing videogames and shitposting.

daily reminder that Proust lived completely ordinary life

I'm not in the public eye and of no interest to anyone. Why the fuck would I write a memoir?

Precisely because you're not in the public eye. My own memoir, currently at 640,000 words, is in part a celebration of what many refer to as "ordinary" life. There are no police chases, no orgies with famous singers, no stadium tours, no drug binges, but an articulate, detailed homage to the world most people are acquainted with but lack the sensitivity and genius to properly appreciate.

That said, some parts of my memoir would be fairly interesting, if anyone cared to read the damn thing.

OP here

>1. How old are you?
25 years of age

>2. How many words of your memoir have you written so far?
640,000 words so far (I've covered birth until the age of twelve so far)

>3. Approximately how many words do you expect to write overall?
Probably over two million.

>tfw memory too shit to write a memoir

Gonna have to be a partially autobiographical novel.

Are you serious?

I don't understand how people can have a bad memory. Only women in my experience are contented by having such a poor memory. Personally I remember everything which has happened to me ever since the age of about six.

Similarly I can't envisage having such a good memory.

It's a regular occurence for friends to remind me of something we did just a few years ago and my memory of it is so vague and fragile that I wouldn't have been able to say for sure whether it happened ot me or if I just heard about it happening to someone else.

Now and then I think that because I obsess over specific moments in my past that hold special (usually negative) significance for me, there's no room for everything else and it falls by the wayside.

You sound absolutely pathetic. I pity you, and I'm a 36-year-old NEET living in his mommy's spare bedroom.

That was a mean thing to say, but I won't remember this.


*grips you by the throat*

Yeah, but you'll probably remember THIS, kiddo. I'll be sure to leave a mark just in case. Hehe.

I mentioned in your other thread that I was interested in your work, is there any chance you'll share it with anyone before you further attempt publishing?

Apologies for the late reply. I see no benefit in releasing any portion of my work before I find a suitable publisher or decide to publish it in whole. If I post the entire work then for the sake of aesthetic appeal I will have have to carefully prepare a special event or occasion to release it, rather than simply sacrificing years of study and careful articulation of thoughts by dumping it in a thread. And if I post an excerpt then it will really do the work itself no justice and may be interpreted as a roll-playing exercise for the sake of fleeting attention. If I continue to fail to find a worthy publisher and my attempts to convince Wikipedia's rather narrow-minded and pedantic editorial volunteers to allow me to publish it as an article on their website, I may have to simply print out the work in whole and / or spend some money on self-publishing it as a single hardback book and then choose a day on which I will release my work online, perhaps email it to certain individuals (I possess an excel sheet with the email addresses of at least 40,000 journalists) and then end my life in some public setting (harming nobody but myself) as the ultimate and it could be argued most fitting conclusion to my work.

You may have mentioned before, but what is your timeline on this?

I greatly underestimated just how much "material" I was capable of producing. My initial plan, partly for commercial reasons, was to write a debut six-part memoir, which would be released in individually, though my intention now is to write a single documents, which is probably truer to the actual narrative style and perspective also and is perhaps more ontologically sound if we consider the structure slash format of my work to be reflective of my actual existence. I have 28k USD left in my savings from working full-time since graduation and it is decreasing gradually as I pay rent and live a rather spartan existence in terms of what I otherwise purchase and consume. I imagine this money will allow me to continue living without employment for around another two years, perhaps less, so I am intending to write the rest of my work and properly edit and proofread it by the time my money completely runs out and I am made homeless and bankrupt.

Thank you for your responses. How will I hear about the release of this work?

Thank your for your sustained interest and curiosity. Once the work near completion I will have to make a decision as to how I will go about publishing it and whether there is sufficient reason that I publish it at all, and if so to what extent I go about promoting it so that potential readers may hear about it and be persuaded that it would be worthwhile to read it. I have no intention, zero, on using the work to garner any kind of celebrity and I believe my indifference towards such a goal actually benefits my writing in that I can be as frank, honest, self-mortifying and so on as I am able without needing to censor myself for the sake of developing any kind of image which could manipulate others into perceiving me in the way I desire rather than in the way that is a natural consequence of reading the truth as closely as I am able to articulate it. My favorite autobiographical novels, roman a clefs and so on are ones that seem to be written mainly because the author needed to express themselves and found writing to be the most accommodating form through which to do just that. If I can continue to respect their example and debase any self-perception I am occasionally tempted to adopt for the sake of bolstering my self-esteem or viewing myself favorable in comparison with others then I believe I will ultimately produce something that is worthwhile, even if it does end up being no more (or less) than an experiment conducted in private for my own curiosity and wellbeing. But should I decide to publish it and offer it in some form to a potential audience then you will likely end up seeing a thread on Veeky Forums wherein I post a link to either the Wikipedia article and / or to a free online PDF copy, or failing that you may briefly see my name or at least hear second-hand of the vague details concerning an individual who shot themselves in the temple or heart while clutching a stack of papers to their side and / or throwing them into a dense urban crowd.