Forbidden food images
Forbidden food images
let me guess
I would fuck with that.
What the fuck am I looking at exactly?
Further research reveals that it's кypицa фapшиpoвaннaя блинaми, chicken stuffed with crepes that are themselves filled with chicken, spices, and apparently also egg.
male chef, it's an anti-foodporn blog that used to post low quality pictures of bad food
Is that a screenshot from Saya no Uta?
Da fuq?
I see no problem here
Yeah it's a perfectly normal pie
>Asparagus water
>whole foods
the fuck?
you must be new here
welcome to the board!
Italian nuke testing, colorized
Neither forbidden nor out of the ordinary.
Average aussie brekky
what am i looking at?
Samus, it is the only name you will hear
When /cock/ came around for April Fag's Day some cuck boiled chicken in pure nyquil and ate it and all the /co/tards lost their minds.
After Kramer's single-handedly destroyed his comedy career by uttering racial slurs towards an African American in the audience. His life began to spiral out of control as his mothers failing health and wife leaving put further strain on his sanity. 1 year after the aforementioned episode Kramer was documented by a neighbour staring at a group of watermelons he had been collecting for months. Its said he could by heard muttering "niggers love watermelons, I have watermelons, therefore that must mean niggers will love me now." Ad infinite.
To this day not much is known what's happened to Kramer as he faded into insanity and obscurity
And this is why Chicago pizza is the best pizza
now that's a 'go 'za
And only $6!
IIRC they pulled it off the shelves soon after its introduction and a spin doctor tried to play it off as part of the same fad that has people buying cups of broth for $5.
what in the absolute fuck am I looking at right here
what the FUCK
you fucker
I'll be nice and give you a 2/10
That pink shit looks like pork skin i dunno about the other
You give it to a dog, it isn't human food.
I read your post as:
>Give into the dog, it isn't human.
That looks like a fucking teratoma
Eat it, post results!
Love me some turkey neck on Thanksgiving
why is the rock bleeding
bleeding rock is an attraction in Bleeding Rock, South Dakota.
it's an animal
it's clearly a bloodstone
Huh, reverse image search seems to corroborate this. Pyura Chilenisis, found in Chile and it's local delicacy.
Honestly, I've had worse food on an airplane
What IS that thing (the food not hte spidey)
Hawaii pizza is the best kind of pizza though
This looks like it could be good
you get the fuck out wasting trips like that
That looks pretty good actually, just needs some mustard
What you got against mustard?
It's godly on almost everything