Name a better comfort food than biscuits and gravy

Name a better comfort food than biscuits and gravy.

Non-Americans need not apply.


That is great comfort food, though heavy as fuck and it fills you up really quick and if you eat too much it starts to become disgusting.

isn't that any comfort food though?

Yeah it tends to be. Mash potatoes are the same way.


>Non-Americans need not apply

Popcorn for breakfast?!


popcorn chicken


>tomato slices

fucking disgusting

pancakes and real maple syrup

Fried potatoes, meat and gravy

French fries with lots of bacon, Parmesan cheese and chives.

my american ex showed me this, but we used english muffins instead.

way better

You filthy heretic.

Southerners aren't real Americans.


Fuck off yank
Yank is an insult reserved for anyone not from Texas

Posting because you said I couldn't.

I refuse to believe that British people are real.

>Yank is an insult reserved for anyone not from Texas
This guy gets it.

naw, pancakes just aren't the same as they were when I was a kid. Still like them but.......
French Toast kicks its ass.

That looks like a cat threw up on the plate.

Do not want.

Damn, wish my cat vomited delicious sausage gravy.

who else
>cold coffee & toast?

this was my comfort food all through growing up in foster care, and after high school finished I lay in bed and didn't leave the last place I was placed for almost 10 months straight only eating like 6 slices of toast & 2 coffees per day.
lost 35kg

You could lay on the floor with your mouth open when the cat starts arching it's back.

Amerifat bread roll with lard sauce.

>rice, cooked carrots, chicken

My comfort meal.

Mac n cheese
Homemade chili
Chocolate cookies, crispy on the edges and soft in the middle, with a tall glass of cold milk

holy fuck I'm hard right now
where do you get this?

Cheesy potatoes and ham.

That looks cold. All of those foods are disgusting cold other than the beans.

>cold beans are not disgusting but cold sausage is


Breakfast burrito

For me, it's McDonald's biscuits and Gravy
The best biscuits and gravy

Oh good more nationalistic shitposting. Just what this board needs.

You don't just eat beans out of the can?

National food pride is what holds states together. Go back to your antifa rally.

Op knows what's up

it says non-americans need not apply you limey bastard

how do americans eat this 'food'? with their hands?

They hold a fork

best comfort food coming through

Still have that "I'm with her" bumper sticker or did you remove it yet?

Wtf the beans are the only thing that's really disgusting cold you fucking troglodyte

>when your party controls the House and the Senate and is still unable to repeal Obamacare

Breakfast comfort food. Best in winter.

SOS, you fags. Even better if you mash up your own potatoes to throw in.

Damn i want to make that for dinner now..

worst. biscuit needs butter, not lumpy gray sausage gravy. real gravy is dark brown, meaty, lots of burnt proteins and pan drippings. southern gravy is a cross between vomit and diarhea, with all the flavor of those stripped out. it would be better if it tasted like shit. and who knows what the sausage is made from. probably lynched negro bucks that said hello to a piece of white trash with a tramp stamp and whale tail

>sausage made from black bucks

Nah, we've started using flayed coasties or northerners who wander into our territory. Much easier to subdue and flay than black bucks.

don't look like chipped beef to me you queer

That's really a piss poor sausage gravy. Way too thick. I'm busy making pizza dough and bread dough tomorrow or I'd grind some sausage, make some biscuits and post the real thing, faggot. May do it anyway in a few days as a sort of cookalong. Are you even from the south? Looks more like some midwest shithole version.

>the moslem cum is included at no extra charge

im not into comfort food desu.

a good steak or a protein shake over a lump in my belly anyday.