Why do we accept that the minimum dose that you can buy of this drug will make the average man drunk?
This is clearly creating more addicts in society.
750 ml
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It's almost too convenient.
Why would you assume that you're supposed to imbibe the entire bottle at once?
For me it's a 1.5L magnum, the best wine serving size
I can buy 5 litre bags of wine for about 10 bucks in Australia.
100% retarded
Normal people will either share a bottle between 2 over dinner, or will have a glass at a time. In the UK you can buy wine in smaller 187ml bottles or 3L boxes too.
And if you do decide to drink the whole 750ml bottle to yourself, it is enough to get you nice and tipsy but not going totally overboard. Perfect size.
>Normal people
Do you know where you are mate?
I'll bite.
Besides the fact that you're not supposed to chug the whole bottle alone like a fucking alcoholic, 750 ml bottles are the smallest ones in which a wine can age correctly if you keep it in a cellar.
>Why do we accept that the minimum dose that you can buy of this drug will make the average man drunk?
Because that's the point.
Suspiciously cheap.
330 ml beer can's the nice an tipsy. A bottle of wine is drunk.
do britdrunks really drink half a bottle of wine each with their oven chips and findus crispy pancakes every night?
It takes three to put me down, I generally go Red, White, Red to avoid the taste. Fuck I hate wine but it's so damn cheap where I live you'd have to be mad to drink beer and I haven't got the money for any decent spirits.
Calling bullshit I live in New Zealand and my aunt wouldn't stop bitching about how expensive alcohol was over in Aus. Goons here are like 20$ for 3 litres, don't trust this lying Aussie.
once it's bottled it does not age, mane
This. Why else would one consume alcohol?
you can buy smaller bottles though
Reductive aging, my dear boy
Not lying.
Most alcohol here is heavily taxed but wine is subsidised by the government because it employs a shit load of people and exports bring in lots of money.
You can buy half bottles, or order a single glass in a bar or café.
Holy fuck :D And I hought we had it bad here with the cheap italian knockoffs!
330ml of beer is barely 2 units. That will do fuck all for most people let alone make them tipsy. Joking aside that is well within the drink drive limit
>not sharing a bottle of wine over a pot noodle
Wow you need to get out more.
Today I realized the only reason I've been getting long term withdrawal symptoms despite only heavy drinking ocassioanly for 3-4 years is because I was drinking garbage malt liquot that was cheap but had high abv
don't fall for the me friends, especially not steel reserve
it tempts you in with its 8% for 2 dollar valuea nd then fucks you for days
That's distilled spirits, not wine.
>the government is responsible for your decisions
worst b8 m8
Hijacking this shit thread.
What is Veeky Forums sipping on tonight?
Just got this little number delivered today, and I have to say, it's fantastic.
Dark, deep malbec, very smooth. It's 14.5% abv, but tastes more like 9% or something.
Very soft and and has legs for days.
>What is Veeky Forums sipping on tonight?
I'm in full pleb mode, but this stuff is really good for the price. Mellow and very full flavoured, not thin like the other cheap shit
>330 ml beer can's the nice an tipsy.
Are you for fucking real? I need to drink at least 3 to get tipsy!
Just how much do you weight? Are you one of those really short people or one of those asians who can't metabolize alcohol?
>and I haven't got the money for any decent spirits.
You could make your own, if you have the know-how.
It really is not that hard:
>I'm in full pleb mode
Same, I never really drank wine, but my boss introduced me to some malbecs at an airport wine spot on our way back from a conference, and I've been trying new stuff since then.
I like malbecs a lot, they're very deep and fruity, but not like bright sweet fruity. Pretty dry and dark, plum, blackberry, black cherry type notes.
You can find some pretty good ones for 10-12 bucks.
This one was a bit more expensive, I paid like 16 bucks for it, but it's fantastic.
maybe he's just a normal person who drinks a couple of times a month instead of living in piss bottles and hiding from the neighbors when it's time to take out the recycling
>maybe he's just a normal person who drinks a couple of times a month instead of living in piss bottles and hiding from the neighbors when it's time to take out the recycling
Im a normal person who drinks a couple times a month, but when I do I need at least 3 beers to get tipsy.
Are you implying that im an alcoholic over that?
My favorite is white wine, I like those slightly carbonated ones with a dry frutal taste the most!
It takes 1 bottle of wine for me to start getting drunk, and 2 entire bottles for me to be drunk.
Maybe im just taller and have more bodyweight than him? Maybe my body just process alcohol faster? Either way that is how it works for me.
I only drink in company, which is about twice a month. First time will be a pint after work after we finish a big project (literally one pint, then home to go back in at 6am the next day) and the other time will be when I take my gf out for dinner and we have a bottle of wine between us. After that, I would comfortably drive back but obviously we take a cab and I am up for work in the morning with no side effects. This is what normal people do, it is not normal to get tipsy after one beer unless you are a 5'2 woman