How many people visit Veeky Forums? Let's get a count of total users. Try to only post once and increment the counter when you make your post.
How many people visit Veeky Forums? Let's get a count of total users. Try to only post once and increment the counter when you make your post.
How new are you?
it can still work if people just increment the count and reply to the previous increment. any posts not incrementing the count can just be ignored
Nice trips
I'm really hoping this shit thread gets deleted it's not about fucking food in any way. Also, if this thread gets many posts I'll personally skew your results
dedicated autism
No, autism is making a thread to count users on an anonymous cooking board and getting triggered when people call you out on being s faggot.
420 xD
69 Xd
Ha good one that wasn't even me
What number are we on?
What do you mean what number are we on?
>posters: 13
Really makes you think...
The fuck? Just noticed this in the recently 404'd al/ck/ thread
69 xD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Shit thread.
For me its the McChicken.
>There are only 2 alcoholics, constantly mid black-out and forgetting they posted what they're answering to.
I'd say it's a bug. I have "Archived / 366 / 44" on that thread now, try refreshing the page.
20th poster ITT, 25th post.
What's a good way to cure hangovers?
Listen here you dumb nigger, there is a poster count on the side of the thread so you can count yourself. Try not being such a god damn idiot all the time and maybe someone will give you a job at McDonalds so you can afford to go back to school
Ronald McDonald loves to be fondled with his big mac he'll fuck it like a chicken mcnugget
>five fucking cats
why do people enjoy these pests so damn much
This could be a big thread.
these dubs are the total number of Veeky Forums users who aren't women
OP how are you this retarded?
what happens if there is more than 500
for who?
I'm a girl and my pussy smells like sardines :(
34 ^o^
Then eat some piƱapple and less sugar ya silly tart :)))