Animals looking at food
>cat makes chinese eyes when looking at curry
that's racist
I am waiting for someone to post a pic of a hamplanet looking at food.
>tfw my cat really fucking loves yogurt and ice cream and harasses me for some if he catches me with it
Looks like the cat is having a stroke.
>no blini kot
Next time there's a board merge, they should merge /c/ and Veeky Forums
Can you image Cute Food & Cooking?
user, blini would fill up the entire thread
sounds great
That's terrible user! OP said animals looking at food, not eating food!
revenge is sweet. and tasty.
Did the hippie eat the tiger's family?
You guys do realise that the man in the photo is an experienced trainer playing with a tiger he raised from birth, right?
that taco looks amazing
>All these cats
>No Kots
>tehe racism and poor people are so funny guys, amirite
There's always that one /pol/ try-hard edgelord...
Haha you're triggered faggot.
Drink bleach and melt your insides you pathetic scab.
sad but true
Can someone tell me why people buy these food flowers?
Doesn't that make the fruit expose to air faster which is bad?
people like pretty things you can eat
what kind of meat is this?
it kind of just looks like fat
It's lamb
Humans are animals though. We're all one kingdom: the Animalia kingdom.
If you didn't laugh then you're a faggot
The fruit is actually pretty terrible, for reasons unrelated to air exposure. They use under-ripe fruit so it's firm and lasts longer. They also coat it in lemon juice so it doesn't spoil as quickly.
The fruit is never sweet. It all ends up tasting like unripe cantelope. Huge waste of money.
personally I didn't laugh because it was too predictable, I knew someone would post pics like that
Stop talking about me ffs. Yes I posted biggest as animals.
Wasn't funny but stfu already
I'm not even the same user as before, I didn't talk about you
Two times is two too many now fuck off.
nice one
do cats really eat pizza lol
Lol @ liberals trying to make memes
>do cats really eat pizza?
My friend, in America all things are possible.
>hurr durr America
My family has a dog that's twice its expected age limit and she eats pretty much everything, including shit that's toxic to dogs. Pets raised in social environment will often want whatever their masters are eating.
I hope you die very soon
I demand pictured of small white horses looking at food!
They will most of the time. Not willingly, since they know our wheat is poisoned, but after a couple hours of deliberation they will take a couple bites.
Underrated post
Keep it up, i know that if you keep posting go back to /pol/ that they'll leave.
Eye on owner, eye on meal
Got a grape that was underripe.
Wow your're so cool. Calling people faggots for not laughing at african children. Do you skip class to drink monster and smoke your moms ciggarets?
Kill yourself famq tbhq
Nice monkeys.
They look Indian rather than nignog. I'll give you fifty bucks for the girl, as long as she's not diseased.
That one is trying to chew the pepperoni off the top. It will probably chew on enough cheese to give it the shits, though.
fuck that
sweetie belle fan?
yes hello
Did he died?
Good thrad
This doesn't count. It's not looking at the food
nice thread
Kitty wan the pizz
>that tub of mayo
It's only for aesthetic purpose and photo shooting.
I'm cool with feeding the squirrel, but not eating from the same bread the rodent touched.
fucking hell i lol'd
Beautiful. This is trully "art."
>Oh, the crawdadity!
Now where is my pipe?
decoration mostly. people dont go out and buy this for themselves, but rather for parties and such
this mkaes me miss my squirrel behind our building. i used to feed him nuts but he disappeared.