Is instant coffee degenerate?
Is instant coffee degenerate?
I'd say coffee in general is degenerate.
If you have to ask, you're already too far gone.
Fuck you, your mom is degenerate.
rood af (;_;)
Shut up retard.
rood af (T.T)
Does the pope shit in the woods?
Riddle solved OP.
what his holiness does with his wastes its his bussiness
Nope in mouths of children!!
>Is instant coffee degenerate?
OP state your relation\ship with instant coffee please.
How do we know who's site you are On, faggot.
i'm so fucking pissy-glad that somebody finally made a coffee thread.
I love drinking coffee, even instant c o f f e e
well this is a simple question. Life is just a series of mysteries, but luckily, most answers are simple to obtain.
I do have to ask you to tell me what degenerate means, and after that it's a simple task to see if instant coffee falls under that definition.
I really like that image.
when he does
does it smell of coffee
fuck i'm not posting here anymore
What is everyone's desired amount of salt/cream/etc to go with their instant coffee?
Does this smell like instant coffee or Starbucks new unicorn drink?
it's a breeze, user
I like to use tea spoon of 100%Arabica instant coffee and tea spoon of 100% pure Coca powder with cocoanut sugar.
Fuck the single origin super expensive bullshit coffees.
Instant coffee rules.
I add as much as it takes to taste good.
You buy a jar of Folgers crystals, you put it in the cupboard, you forget about it. And later on when you need it it's there. It lasts forever it's freeze dried. Freeze dried crystals.
Only if it is onto the bare chest of an eight year-old boy scout, user. You would know this if you ever bothered to read your bible.
Are you a mormon
If you are drinking instant coffee, you are probably not drinking it to enjoy the taste but just a quick boost....I'd just assume take a caffeine tablet
Stop shaming people for drinking instant coffee, you snob
actually every so often I don't mind instant
it's sweeter and absolutely not as good as my $23 fermented indian roast, but it's almost a different drink
same thing with diner coffee, canned cold coffee, etc.
Why is coffee not more often discussed on this board?
Explain this lame buzzword.
>want to make coffee
>french press has been sitting on its ass for 2 months now
>go take it out to clean it
>the mold is like 4cm thick
literally 4cm
>contemplate just throwing it away and buying a new one
>stores closed
>just clean it as best as i could
>coffee i made still has a hint of mold in it's taste
This is the only good insta-coffee. Mix two or three in with a glass of hot milk.
reminds me of working of mcdonalds.
team only cleans the OJ machine every thanksgiving.
Decided to check on it one night mid summer.
The entire fucking bauble or whatever was solid full of mold. I honestly don't think they clean it out on thanksgiving.
Wow fucking what
Is that real? I was gonna go get a free coffee with a coupon from a fast food joint in a few hours
I honestly only use instant coffee to top ice cream and other desserts.
Maybe, but this stuff is crack
Not even sure it has real coffee in it but it will raise you from the dead, $3-4 for like 25 cups too
damn didn't even see your post user
vinacafe bro!
any coffee can ruin your stomach,
or give you cancer in case of dark roast coffee,
or if you are drinking coffee on an empty stomach
>or give you cancer in case of dark roast coffee,
good for baking, cooking, some beverages
awful to drink on its own
throw it out and buy a new one tomorrow lad its not safe anymore
>awful to drink on its own
taste great with cream and sugar tho
>throw it out and buy a new one tomorrow lad its not safe anymore
no need to panic and no need to buy new.
just pour bleach in it, let it sit for 3-5 minutes rinse it very well and you good to go, all the mold will be killed for e v e r
better yet google how to kill mold in coffee maker, nothing to be afraid
Bleach alone won't suffice, you need to add some ammonia to fully kill all the mold
Your Coffee Maker Is Full Of Mold. Here’s How To Clean It.
Coffee Maker Mold Is Making You Sick!
Are mold and bacteria growing inside my coffee maker?
When I use milk instead of water and I sweeten it, it tastes like an alternate version of hot chocolate. It's a totally different drink than brewed coffee with milk/cream and sugar. It's totally drinkable black, too. I like fancy coffee brewed in a French press too, but I'm not picky.
wew lad. Glad I use a french press
My french press had 4cm of mold in it
And after I cleaned it thoroughly, the coffee still had a taste of mold
How? Mine is literally a plastic container with a plunger/lid that inserts into it. I just rinse it with hot water and maybe use soap once every few days, letting it air dry between uses. Am I underthinking this?
Fuck off Carl faggot
HE IS BEING MOLDY STUPID ASSHOLE don't pay attention to him
It gets a bad rap because it's also a normie drink, and is the subject of a lot of faux-self-deprecating normie jokes, e.g. "Don't talk to me until I've had my coffee! Coffee is life! LOL!"
Same kind of thing with bacon. Both are pretty good but their popularity causes people here to recoil.
what about dark roasted coffee giving you cancer?
scientific medical fact.
Italian roast is probably pure carcinogens but goddamn is it tasty.
Everything gives you cancer.
that's a very stupid statement, and you know it.
if you don't then you are stupid double
medium roasted coffee is OK, because it was not heated to such hight temperatures as the dark roasted coffee beans are.
For example about cancer causing effects when drinking dark roasted coffee.
Most people do know why some green coffee beans are roasted to the DARK level. Reason is that those green coffee beans are of so low shitty quality that if they were roasted to medium roast level they would taste like saw-dust from the wood shop,
they don't have any flavor in them because they are of so low quality, but roasting actually by burning charring them to the DARK roast level dishonest but cleaver marketing slimy businessmen created this false perception
that DARK ROAST COFFEE is cool thing to consume but they omitted to inform you that DARK ROASTED COFFEE
is very cancer causing, because everything that was alive inside of that green coffee bean was killed with excessive high heat and now same as all other food that is charred bunt
is cancer causing, like meat, bread, potatoes and so on.
But for some reason coffee industry managed to hide this scientific medical fact from it's consumers and is marketing DARK ROAST COFFEE as a very 'hip' thing to drink,
hiding the fact that this is a very inferior coffee that should be sold at 1/2 or even at 1/3 of it's regular full price, yet they are charging you full price for it not only selling you very inferior product
but product that is carcinogenic because it was charred burnt in DARK ROASTING process.
I know the feeling, but at least coffee is traditionally part of a regular routine, and thus something you may include as a subject of small talk. Bacon should never be part of a regular routine. Also, a lot of the "OMG BACON" folks eat really shitty bacon.
Any tips for grinding your own coffee and storing it? Want to get into french press but coarse gound coffee is rare here.
Grind coffee only when you need it.
Gives the richest taste.
>get into french press
It's not as if it's difficult or requires skill.
You just buy a french press and use it.
I thought French was supposed to be the darkest
>Drinking anything roasted past City
Why not just grind up some charcoal and drink that
Only if it isn't old town instant 3-1 white coffee.
What does degenerate mean to you?
BOOKMAN: You got any coffee?
JERRY: Coffee?
BOOKMAN: Yeah. Coffee.
JERRY: No, I don't drink coffee.
BOOKMAN: Yeah, you don't drink coffee? How about instant coffee?
JERRY: No, I don't have--
BOOKMAN: You don't have any instant coffee?
JERRY: Well, I don't normally--
BOOKMAN: Who doesn't have instant coffee?
JERRY: I don't.
BOOKMAN: You buy a jar of Folger's Crystals, you put it in the cupboard, you forget about it. Then later on when you need it, it's there. It lasts forever. It's freeze-dried. Freeze-dried Crystals.
>tfw philip baker hall got me to buy some coffee crystals
>they rotted less than 6 months after I bought them (even though i'd actually made quite a few cups of coffee, which weren't even half bad)
I was disappointed to say the least. Damn it bookman.