I was supposed to read right now, but I started playing video games instead. This happens often

I was supposed to read right now, but I started playing video games instead. This happens often.

How do I keep a reading schedule? I have a hard time finishing books too.

Fucking kys, you causal.


That's it. There is no secret to this.

Turn off the machine and start reading

dude, of course you can't read... just look how comfortless are your bookshelves!

Read in bed before you sleep

I'd also have a hard time picking up a book to read if my shelf was a Jenga tower

sit somewhere else to read. i got a reading chair for this purpose. you won't get up and go to your pc to play video games but if you're sitting in front of your computer it might happen

World is dark place, buddy. Do you have gaming schedule?

I was supposed to read right now, but I started browsing Veeky Forums instead. This happens often.

How do I keep a reading schedule? I have a hard time finishing books too.

Play video games, it helps.

I'm trying to say that reading is like gaming in some sense, you read (literature) for entertainment not any other reason, so why you need schedule, read whatever time you like.

I personally don't like video games because they just make you happy, and don't force you to think. I have things going on in my life, so I like to think, reading improves my imagination and helps me be more creative, also relaxes me more than playing video games.

Quit video games.

Playing Civilization on my other monitor right now.

Git gud scrub

Do this OP. It's been 2 years and I don't regret it. Your brain will rewire from the lack of instant gratification and other activities become more enjoyable.


I quit video games years ago while doing my MA thesis (I almost missed my deadline and had to take drastic action), and haven't regretted it. Video games aren't relaxing, really: they wind you up from being on edge for hours shooting stuff or whatever your thumb-twitching is doing, and they're an insane time suck. Besides, they teach you nothing of relevance: totally insular bullshit. I think almost the worst novel has more to offer than most of those self-contained fantasies.

What's the problem with playing them for fun?

I have a problem in that I can't enjoy games anymore because most are unoriginal and boring. It seems silly to write them off completely unless you've absolutely no time to spare.

What an appalling stack and shelf.

Not him but after leaving video games behind for long enough you will realise how little they ever gave you outside of that moment you were playing them.

They are like masturbation. Poking the reward centres of your brain but ultimately time better spent doing anything else. They rewire you to expect instant gratification and it is natural to become burnt out on them, you are essentially searching for that high you got before, every time you get interested in a new game you are longing for that high that you haven't been able to replicate.

Massive projecting here by the way.

I have a hard time saying no to things. I used to play War Thunder for four hours a day and by the time the third hour rolled around it wasn't fun anymore but I still didn't stop. You have to play for hours to unlock the simplest upgrade, unless you're willing to pay the developers for some Gold. They want you to keep playing and keep being frustrated like a good little pleb.

I just quit playing altogether because it was ruining my free time.

same. I want cut TV out too

Yeah, I understand that. I myself got lost in nostalgia over games for a while, often forcing myself to play through things I thought I'd like way more than I did.

I'm genuinely content now to believe that maybe once or twice a good game will come out that's worth playing.

Games are a bit like ex's. You get hung up on the highs of the memories but deep down they aren't coming back. You just gotta move on and find something else.

Probably to do with that psychology thing you mentioned.

>that feel when you completely quit playing video games and watching TV and nearly stopped watching movies and you're about to go visit a friend you rarely see who plays video games constantly still and you know you won't have anything to talk about.

That was one of the hard parts.
I had to cut out some friends, mostly online ones. There would be nothing to talk about because all they did was game at every opportunity. Really great people to play vidya with but there was nothing else in common. Whenever I spoke to them they just tried to get me to come back and play again.

Makes me genuinely sad. They weren't happy people and I think me quitting put them on the defensive. They were scared of the world and I couldn't help them.