>I declare this the official Al/ck/ohol thread
Oh no you don't.
Here it is. The silhouette is essential.
>I declare this the official Al/ck/ohol thread
Oh no you don't.
Here it is. The silhouette is essential.
I'm embarrassed to even call myself an alcohol. It's obvious many people have it much worse than I do. But I just feel myself slipping, from one beer each day to two, from two to three, with benders increasing as well ...
How can I stop myself from becoming one of you, al/ck/?
>bin collected 5 days ago
>already this
I have to stop this. Halp.
As long as you stick to beer, you're doing better than most of us here,
Think of it as another bridge you don't want to cross. Like graduating to day drinking. As long as you avoid this and stick to beer you'll probably be fine.
I think cheap, 8.4% cider like 'K' will still fuck you pretty hard, but yeah, babbyjuice compared with spirits.
Daily reminder that if you even get out of bed to get drunk you've graduated to alpha normie mode.
That's 5 days worth? This isn't a dick swinging contest, but c'mon. Ultimately if you think you have issues you should take steps to seek help. There are free alternatives that are Anonymous.
I wouldn't expect many people to commiserate with your 5 day stash of empties though.
What are we all drinking today tonight?
Seconding this. I crawl out of bed solely to accept deliveries, occasionally shit out the few atoms of food I eat and to empty my piss/puke bucket.
I polished off a bottle of homemade blueberry wine at around 13% abv and am now into my second bottle of homemade sake at around 18% abv. Probably will skip dinner and crack another bottle of sake. Enough calories for an evening.
you gonna shitpost the night away?
Wine and beer. Been going on for a long time now, but if I were to start getting wasted on liquor again I'd be shaking in the morning and have to start drinking almost right away. So it could be worse obviously.
Usually I don't go for flavored whisky but I was feeling like some of this candy tonight.
Lul forgot the image
ughhh the hangover tho..
I only don't hate myself when I'm drunk. What is the cure aside from alcohol?
>your cans are already in the bin and not all over your bed and floor
Don't come here just to show off.
Fix yourself
>his empties aren't literally all over the floor, in the sink, in the bed, and in the cat box
fcukin lightweight
>being a messy slob makes you more of an alcoholic
unironicaly this.
Start listening to jordan peterson lectures and do his self authoring program, along with exercise..
pic pls
No I agree with them, and I posted the bin pic. I've done the hyperslob thing extensively, but being in a reasonably tidy environment for the last few weeks has boosted my mood a tiny bit.
I'll probably go back to sleeping on empties soon enough.
some off-brand, shitty local vodka
Why are you pretending to be me?
Post another pic. I can, you can't. Why are you pretending to be me?
the burden of proof lies on you, even if I did give a fuck
I answered his question, but yeah, I'll do some shitposting and then again, try to contribute in some of the cooking threads since I do cook.
So, why pretend to be me?
Do you consider food addiction a real thing? Can people really not stop eating like people can't stop drinking?
Have a nice life loser lmao way to waste youre time
You're not an alcoholic if you're drinking a beverage made for women.
Ha, you actually did all that to claim a post everyone told you was fucking gay?
Top fucking kek, kill yourself.
I think you're lost. This thread isn't for kids. Please al/ck/, less angst. These threads are a breath of fresh air after the shitposting we see on /b/ and the like.
>noooo you're not alcoholic! I'm alcoholic!!
>proud alcoholism
neck yourself lad
I found taking a mouthful of Mist Twist with a light sip of Gin triples my intake. I can get smashed in just under 30 minutes if I go for a whole can of Mist.
Christ, this is one of the worst /alc/ threads I've ever seen. Suggest you abort OP, and try another later.
Wahh my Mongolian wall demolition coalition board isn't as good as Reddit.
Yeah really. Did someone link the threads somewhere shit? Whiney anons need to leave, it ruins the mood.
Pretty sure it's some teenager samefagging.
It's actually just me shitposting. Then that one guy who took the bait
Nailed it.
Well could you stop? It's really lame, this isn't the place for it.
Uh, yeah I mean most of my posts are pretty low quality but it would just be dead otherwise.
its the same people shitting up Veeky Forums all day.. lookism /r/asianmasculinity /r9k/
They are feeling especially vulnerable today and are craving any kind of acknowledgment.
Uh, alcohol sucks
See this thread is literally 2 people besides me tonight.
Besides this, this is my only other post. Planning on grabbing some 4Lokos with my EspressoTequila. Gave up alcohol for Lent so I get wicked hangovers again.
14 posters apparently. I think maybe some left until the /b/ subsides.
3am here, I'll be asleep soon. About to slam my final 10 units and take some Diaz & quetiapine. Should knock me out nicely.
And yup, alcohol is balls. I may try tapering for the 1,000th time as of tomorrow.
yea why does it suck tonight?
Hey guys, it's me again.
Saturday at 10, I'm guessing all the real alcoholics are passed out. All the fake ones are out with friends.
Just got a raise.
I was starting to taper my alcohol because I felt like I wanted to use that money for a house down payment.
This raise is like double my salary, though, so fuck it.
>5 hours until alc sale starts
stupid laws need to be removed
Why are laws these days so incredibly fucked? Not like they're enforced, but God knows how they all get passed in the first place..
I hate the shakes and the night sweats. Im tired of it but can't stop drinking
>buy this a few months ago
>enjoy it
>drink almost 3 quarters of the bottle
>puke my guts out the entire day after
>try to drink some after this incident
>vomit after one shot
No thank you. Hell, the thought of it right now is making me ill
i thought drinking got rid of the shakes?
vodka + kool aid
been sober just over a month for the first time in 7 years. helped my sister move yesterday and what does she repay me with? a 24 pack of beer. couldn't really refuse it. now it's just staring at me... what do i do with it?
Pour the fucking stuff away. I bet it'll strengthen your ability to stay sober long-term.
Or drink it and join me here in hell. You know what's going to happen if you drink the shit.
pour it down the toilet
post pictures.
Depends on what the beer is.
But 3/4 of their biggest bottle is like .5 a liter of 33%...
Unless you used the very rare gallon bottle? And even then, you must have drank faster than you could pace yourself. Poor fool.
>all the post saying to delete it
Look. I'm 19 year old.i can't got drank (I'm fireball guy) unless my family or a homeless man buys it for me. 24 beers is a BASED gift. Idk wtf you did with it but I want it in a real way.
If you can't have it in your house without you drinking it, you're not strong enough to stay sober for a long time anyway, you'll crack eventually
put it in your ass, you get drunk faster that way
I usually just drink on weekends, but I decided to hold off this weekend because my birthday is coming up on tuesday and I was going to take wednesday off so I could drink after work.
I ended up just drinking again tonight.
Someone please help.
I'm so close to just starting to do it on work days too, and if I do I think i'll lose control of my life.
What the fuck did I eat
Super foul farts for the past 24 hours, and so much, my room is like a fucking gas chamber, how the hell is it possible to even contain this much gas
Same happened to me a few days ago, lol. I had to change my duvet because the stench was so pungent and persistent. I think it's some kind of alcohol induced intestinal malfunction, not because of something I ate.
Beef ramen, nissin version, and Buffalo pretzel crisps do this.
women can't be alcohols?
>See a character drinking beer and eating a burger
>Get really hard craving for both burg and beer
>Shops closed for 3 more hours
This is stupid why does it always happen when I see this shit on tv
>date an alcohol
>one night she gets hyper shitfaced, plays infuriatingly loud music for hours
>I turn it down, she goes ballistic
>punches me in face
>storms out
>~1hr later she's back, police brought her home, she was going crazy at random people
>they ask her if she wants to be left with me, they give me stern looks
>next day she receives a letter telling her who to call if I'm hitting her
>I've literally never even shouted at her
>home now listed with police as having a history of physical abuse
Get the fuck out of there
You're gonna get seriously fucked either by her or by the cops
>dating women
you got what you deserved
I posted a link in fit the other day. Im sorry user
>2 more hours
God damn I hate the fucking wait
I wish I could stop fucking drinking everything at once and leave some for this exact situation when it happens
you fucking sex offender
you're gonna get thrown in prison and raped by jamal if you stay there
Are alcohols in the u.s permitted to buy guns? I cannot fathom how much shit I'd be in if I owned one.
i would've already killed myself or some of my classmates desu
I've been waiting patiently for 6am. Ten minutes ago.
I didn't realise it was a Sunday. They're not allowed to sell until 10.
4 more hours.
FUCK licensing laws. This is bullshit.
you don't stock up?
1PM here. Good thing I don't have money so I won't be shitting myself today, but it will only be a week before I realize I forgot to stock up on Saturday night.
Yeah, but I'll inevitably run out at some point. It'd have been ok if I could have bought more at 6.
3hrs 43 mins. Sigh.
It has been one month since I quit drinking. I'm finally gaining some of my wit back. Still a long process, though. I'm certainly not as slow as I was the first couple of weeks.
We all stock up. Then we drink it all.
do you drink beers or spirits? im a spiritfag, i buy by the lot and don't usually run out
this happens sometimes too
Pretty much this
Vodka, but there's never enough.
Just got up. Starting round 2 and watching Rogue One. Maybe some vidya also.
also, beer and 90
proof Schnapps
same, there's this place nearby who sells it by dozen boxes, i have an endless supply of shitty vodka
what i run out of is mixers, so i end up drinking is straight. i'd do it more often if this ''''vodka''' didnt taste so awful
Crown russe was good enough to drink straight last time I had it a couple months ago. $11 For half a gallon.
But we all know how inconsistent alcohol manufacturers are.
Eurgh, cheap vodka is scary bad. Drinking it neat would give me nightmares.
heh, im not american but i get this local off brand ''''vodka''' for around 6 bucks the half gallon, if not less
the soda i use to down it costs more