Characters who are literally you lmao

Characters who are literally you lmao

Me from My Diary desu

Alonso Quijano

________, _______ ___ ____ _ ______ _____ __ _____.

No way, me too


Le edge.


when ur dick is trying to fly away from ur body



me in pic btw



U r seksy

The Protagonist from my diary. I write my diary in the third-person becaus it allows me to look at my life more objectively. In the third-person I can enjoy a certain distance from the events that I'm recalling and describe them honestly, as they happened, rather than as I wished they had. But to create even further distance and bolster the honesty of the account even more, the main character in my diary does not bear the name my parents gave me at birth but is instead called The Protagonist. This is also a security feature. If somebody were to discover my diary and read it - a not-impossible scenario owing to my composing it in a Moleskine notebook rather than on a laptop with a password - I could reasonably expect to convince that the notebook contains, in fact, a novel rather than a diary. "You write so beautifully," they would probably say as they handed it back to me. And in that moment, softened by the compliment, I might feel compelled to reveal my secret. I might look them in the eye and say, "I told you this was a novel." Yes, they would say. "Well, it's not a novel." What ever is it? At this point, sweat would inevitably bead my brow. I would be breathing heavily, ready to give birth to the confession, ready at last to unburden myself of my terrible secret. The stranger would eye me carefully as I straightened up, brushed my hair back, and said, "It's my diary, to be honest."

looking good




... Why did this turn me on?