How do you defend yourself?
How do you defend yourself?
It tastes good.
>8 billion calories
>38 spiders
>a fart
>half a dick
There are no such thing as pus cells, dipshit. Stop posting fake news because you're a lactose-intolerant shit-skin.
>What's in a glass of milk?
I don't buy CAFO milk
You might as well claim corn is bad because of monsanto
Milk provides an excellent defence against anti-milk faggotry.
>135 million pus cells
That's written out as 135000000, right?
To put that into perspective, 1ml of blood contains 6 billion red blood cells. That's written out as 6000000000.
Quite a difference, eh? This shows that in 500ml of milk (because 16g of fat is found in a half litre of whole fat milk, not in a single serving), there is supposedly 0,025 ml of pus.
By contrast, soy "milk" has around 3.5mg of mouse excreta and 2.5mg of insect parts per 500g.
>american education
i love you guys but come on
Why do I need to defend myself?
Only time i drink milk is in cereal and thats not very often. It pretty much disgusts me. I mean why not also suck a bulls dick and swallow the load
No nononononobobibibinoboobooobobobobobobooobobooboboononononoonononoonoo
Why does it have to be a dick and not some sexy feminine cow nipples?
i love you too desu ne
>By contrast, soy "milk" has around 3.5mg of mouse excreta and 2.5mg of insect parts per 500g.
yeah but well that's vegan mice poo and vegan bug pieces so the yoke is on you.
Acidic protein lmao
>Unironically living in a country that allows the use of BST in dairy cattle
I'd be upset if I lived in a third world shithole, too.
When did milk being bad become the latest normie meme?
If you had to choose the healthiest things to drink Milk would probably be number 2 after water.
>a shitpost on Veeky Forums
pick one, unless you think normies hate limes because they are for hipsters and get angry at beer because it's for cucked nu-males
I'm assuming it means dead white blood cells which is what pus is mostly made of, not that it matters because it isn't harmful beyond the yuck icky factor
Also there is shit all over everything always, and given the fact that the propaganda infographic just says "feces" without giving an amount probably means you ingest more shit when you brush your teeth than you do when you drink a glass of milk
uhhhh b-but muh veganism, muh bodily excretions, muh making anything sound gross with enough deconstruction, muh conclusion first research later, muh everyone has to conform to my worldview, muh need to appear ultramoral in everything, muh trendy lifestyle, muh...
>How do you defend yourself?
Don't feed defensive in the first place.
People who omit whole food groups from their diets and lack critical thinking skills to ignore pseudoscience, and poor scare tactics marketing, let alone on the internet, are the crazy ones, not you. The goal of a successful campaign is to gross you out. Pus works, so does e.coli, but the lies are simply not true.
Vegans should be hanged.
>the yuck icky factor is harmful
Other than that little nit that I chose to pick, I agree with you
>People who omit whole food groups from their diets and lack critical thinking skills to ignore pseudoscience, and poor scare tactics marketing, let alone on the internet, are the crazy ones, not you.
>he says while falling for diary industry propaganda
i already have all those things inside my body
>all these harmful things in milk
>people not dying in droves from dairy consumption
Hmmmmm really nogs the joggin
>having weak stomachs
>>he says while falling for diary industry propaganda
take your crazy meds, dude
>Acidic protein which leeches Calcium from Bones is written across two separate bullet points
This is making me mad
Not wanting to sound like a complete nut, but the dairy industry invented and propagated the myth that we need calcium from milk, and continue to propagate this myth in their subsidies of nutritional "research" and money to public schools. While I agree the OP pic is an overt shock tactic, it is true that drinking milk limits a bone's ability to gain calcium from other sources, other sources that are more effective and prominent than the dairy council leads you to believe.
If we needed milk to survive, animals wouldn't stop producing it after pregnancy.
Pretty much everybody knows you don't need milk
Plenty of people are lactose intollerant and many more have meme'd themselves into it. Doesn't make milk or dairy any less of a good ingredient though.
>the dairy council
those FIENDS
I understand, just making people aware. I still use it albeit only in baking, and even then I often get almond or cashew milk, but that's a taste preference to me.
Do you not know the dairy council, or just having a giggle?
>Milk would probably be number 2 after water.
Coconut water.
Such a fucking dumb post, but oh I'm laughing.
Holy shit why am I laughing so hard
Cashew milk ftw
I enjoy drinking it and haven't suffered a single adverse effect from it
>tfw you can't get raw milk easily in the UK
>an undeveloped chicken fetus
>SHIT, so much shit you can see it
>so much shit you would think it's been in someones ass
>wait it actually has been in an ass
>and a vagina
I bet you don't eat bread either because it's "rotten"
Jokes on you OP. I drink milk all the time and Im swimming in puss. Maybe try talking to girls instead of shit posting you virgin.
This. Never had a broken bone in my life and am physically active. Also have only ever had 1 cavity.
I drink almond milk.
Learn how to use fucking bullet points before making a pseudo intelligent argument
I doubt there are leeches and calcium from bones
it's delicious and versetile as an ingredient.
It's also way cheaper than any other "substitute"
Protip : acne and milk are directly linked.
>How do you defend yourself?
Everything we eat is bad for us these days.
Think that eating vegetables is healthy? Those things are covered in dozens of different poisons!
Think eating meat is better? It is full of growth hormones, antibiotics and possibly diseases!
Think you can survive withoun't eating food? Guess again!
So basically it does not matter what you do, you are fucked either way. At this point you might as well just drink your delicious chocolate milk and enjoy the ride.
Completely agree. We're already so fucked up by satanists you may as well enjoy your food and your couch. Everything is dangerous to eat.
This infographic is proof that there is an agenda out there to stop us drinking milk.
Well I am half one kind of European and half another kind and both consumed milk since before recorded history so I'm not worried.
They're satanists in the sense that the root of all evil is Greed and they are greedy pricks trying to cheat us to make money
My milk is BGH free.
Good for your immune system. I pity the nu-males afraid to get a little dirt in them, you're ripe for the newest antibiotic resistant pandemic to slam down on your pasty not exercising asses. You'll probably blame your personal boogeyman for it too.
Ah, the dietary cholesterol is bad meme.
>300 calories
Energy is bad now?
>16g fat
Milk fat is good for you and increases satiation so you don't have to eat as much.
>leeches calcium from bones
Blogspot ((factoid))
If you have to measure your statistics in "cells", they might be misleading
vegans and lactose intolerant faggots should be deported
Fst is not bad also only milk from shit farms has this and that's rare
Can confirm; I drank a glass of milk once and I just had my helium delivered
I'm not a squeamish faggot.
Sugar free vanilla almond milk is GOAT tier.
It tastes like rice krispies treats somehow still. I only like milk in cereal so it works out. Otherwise I cook with half and half or full-fat milk because guess what people, lowfat milk has powdered milk added to it on top of all that shit.
I'm not exactly a vegan or even a responsible shopper but still kys.
So Moloch worshippers. Satan is actually pretty cool.
Nobody here's defending or supporting lowfat milk, Don Quixote.
More like Mammon worshippers. Afterall, he is everyone's true god.
>acidic protein which leeches calcium from bones
>single sentence but two separate bullet points
>amounts for most points, then just "feces"
The fucking air in your bathroom has "feces" in it. Care to elaborate?
I'm dead
>lecoco-water meme.
>trying to gross people out to get them to stop doing something
Your body is full of shit. Your argument is invalid.
Downvoted, dropped, disliked.
Drinking half a gallon of milk in the morning when hungover is one my joys in life.
I don't want you vegan shit "milk", let me enjoy things.
>you're a lactose-intolerant shit-skin.
KEK, shitskin here, literally no one I've ever known was lactose intolerant. I always thought that shit was reserved for white trash living in trailer parks and shit.
More weak ass vegan propaganda.
I don't cause I hate milk
>milk is great
>milk has benefits!
>but no you can't drink it its raw form goys
>its bad for you unfiltered, filled with a bunch of nasty shit
>oy vey shut it down
>drink our overpriced diluted fat water thats loaded with vitamins we added because we pasteurized and destroyed all the natural nutrition from
.025 mL per 500 mL is .00005
6 mg per 500g is .000012, which is about 4 times less. I'm not saying either are good, just wanted to put it in perspective. Also the "milk is bad because pus" is scaremongering using something that sounds gross, as opposed to using facts that actually affect one's health like the hormones (yes, even free range organic giga-nigger milk still has hormones that the cow naturally produces for her calf), saturated fat, etc.
Coconut milk
I tried.
checkmate atheists
I'm currently cycling steroids so milk and various other dairy products provide me with the macros I need with minimal prep time.
Pus or not, I'm not arguing against 40g of protein in a box of milk that cost me $1.
Underrated as fuck.
>uses two lines for one point
>uses two bullet points for one point
really activates my acidic witch leeches
You thought wrong.
>Developing country
>Lactose intolerance
Yep, the jews did it. Because white extinction or muh bankers or race mixing right?
what's with all that milk hate from peta and vegans? milk is healthy, especially since it's highly controlled. western civilization is somewhat founded on dairy. instead of spreading false informations in such an hateful manner, they should focus on convincing milk producer to establish species-appropriate husbandry everywhere.
>taking a joke
Do you also get this offended when you hear people say "gypped"?
For someone whose food is literally growing out of SHIT, vegfags sure act uppity
Peanut Butter has bug parts and is legally allowed to. In fact, all food is allowed to have a certain number of bug parts and a certain amount of safe-to-eat products like pus.
Who gives a shit? Drink whole fat if you're so scared, it has less pus and less acid the higher the fat content.
>he can't instantly recognise truthful misinformation
Lemme explain it for you: 1ml = 1g.
My post purposefully used ml when discussing dairy milk but g when discussing soy "milk." While being truthful and scary, the use of two measurement standards when comparing two different things is misleading because while 3.5 and 2.5 are larger numbers than 0.025, 3.5g and 2.5g are not larger quantities than 0.025ml.
Meant in reply to , obviously. The other bracket was deleted somehow.
>Good for your immune system. I pity the nu-males afraid to get a little dirt in them, you're ripe for the newest antibiotic resistant pandemic to slam down on your pasty not exercising asses. You'll probably blame your personal boogeyman for it too.
when you are so insecure about your masculinity that you justify drinking literal shit in order to not seem like a nu male
I mean I drink milk but I don't pretend that drinking shit is a good thing.
>responding a day later knowing he won't respond so you look like some big guy
Shame 4U
You know they do fecal transplants now right? Just because you didn't learn about it in the one science/health class you took in high school doesn't mean it's not a thing.
Yep, just like crystal healing, chakra alignment, astral tweaking.....
Conclusions.In our initial feasibility study, FMT using a frozen inoculum from unrelated donors is effective in treating relapsing CDI. NGT administration appears to be as effective as colonoscopic administration.
Get educated you fucking waste of life.
Your post sounds just as bullshit laden as the crystal healing bullshit my batshit insane neighbor peddles.