What does Veeky Forums think of Gordon Ramsey?

What does Veeky Forums think of Gordon Ramsey?

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>if risotto isn't al dente bin it
I like him but some of his opinions are awful and he doesn't really help people on kitchen nightmares, he just kinda takes any form of soul away from the place.

He's alright

Those pants are a really poor fit. Pretty embarrassing

Wonder who his sponsor is

Who is that broad?


I know I watch him too much. I just read that caption in his voice with the emphasis on ''LOS ANGELES''

He's a big guy

He's good but I really wish he could pull a leash on his TV crews, they ruin his shows.


sometimes he seems overly energetic like he just wants to jump right out of his skin

He's a big guy.

>What does Veeky Forums think of Gordon Ramsey?
Low education and low IQ people are just too annoying to be around. Doesn't matter how successful someone gets, there's still the low class guy within who can't discuss anything with intelligence, not even restaurants, because he doesn't have a comfortable or working SAT word vocabulary, and all verbs and adjectives are profanity instead. With his miscommunication possibilities, he'd just get tired to be around.

Why is Ramsey posing outside planes...did he work on a pilot's license? Or is he working really hard to appear more classy than he is?

>this post

That's a big chef


he teaches people how to cook a lot of fatty food that he'd never eat himself.

Yeah I saw his chip butty video I was surprised he even bit into it.


Guy who got famous because he's an asshole rather than because he's good at something. He's the Simon Cowell of cooking shows.

Yeah, those little bounces/shuffle at the beginning of each of his cookalong videos where he makes some dish are seriously annoying.


No he got famous for his work ethic. Him being an asshole is completely overdone in the USA for muh ratings. Watch his U.K. series, he's still a dick but what top chef isn't?

mirin his physique and power stance


its a fucking television show you fucking troglodyte he's acting for low IQ niggers like you to gawk at the show

>Him being an asshole is completely overdone in the USA for muh ratings.
No, he can't help it. He's a dummy. When he went to India, he offended people left and right and expressed his ignorance, both.
The only reason there is ever a "toned down" version of Ramsey is that he's had handlers, stylists and acting training as he's aged. People have influenced him somewhat. It's a business to become and stay famous, so you work at it.

>When he went to India, he offended people left and right and expressed his ignorance, both

Lol? They've got 330 million gods. Indians are world champions at getting offended over literally anything

>When he went to India, he offended people left and right
Did he ask for a loo?

love him. read his biography. in the middle there's some pictures of him looking like a twat in his first chef uniform

>The only reason there is ever a "toned down" version of Ramsey is that he's had handlers, stylists and acting training as he's aged.
But his uk series, in which he's much more amicable and empathetic, came out first.

I can see you didn't see it, and you're just spouting crap.
>Did he ask for a loo?
No, he went for the source of butter chicken, and you know that thing travelers do where they condescend and talk in English in front of people like they wouldn't comprehend, so it's free to speak freely. He asked people if they were trying to kill him with their terrible tasting food. His profanity was left and right, and people were startled by it. His observations of the third world are just insulting, not that India is lovely everywhere, but he's just a prick. He puts his elbows on the table, and talks with food in his mouth. He makes comments like "your father has hands like shovels" or "for a second I thought your wife looked dead" and things like that. He's just an ass.
Watch it.

He doesn't change who he is for a country comprised of betas. I see nothing wrong. He acts the same all the time because he's a man. You might want to tip toe and worry about offending people, but that's because you're wrong.
He's complimenting them, treating them as equal human beings as he would treat anybody else he's ever met in his life.

He's a pretty cool guy.


LMAO!!! Two clocks!


>Ramsay acts like an ass in Britain and America
"Lol they suck at cooking!"
>Does the same thing in a non white country
"hey man, that's racist."

>His observations of the third world are just insulting, not that India is lovely everywhere

India is lovely absolutely nowhere, you fucking pansy.

I'd love to see your reaction to Marco Pierre White

>I'd love to see your reaction to Marco Pierre White
Did you wash your hands, you bloke

the people in ramsays shows ask him his opinion. I'm pretty sure nobody in India asked him. Hell I'm pretty sure nobody invited him to india.

>Hell I'm pretty sure nobody invited him to india.
Now they know what it feels like.

You're obviously not a US corporation. Corporations invite them by the boatload if the government didn't slow them down.



That's actually pretty funny.


He bikes a lot. His quads are massive.

You're a fucking pussy. I watched that whole video and he did nothing out of what seems like his normal personality.
Grow a pair, so what if some fucking scottish asshole says fuck a lot.

How many slots does he fuck a week?

I think he's CIA

Apparently Indians cast off their ability to handle the bantz along with British rule.

American KN is dogshit designed for the LCD and filled with "epic" soundtracks and "awesome" "family situations" where people "lay each other's souls bare".

Pretty much none of it has to do with running a restaurant well. You want UK kitchen nighmares for that.

I pity americans who will have to experience the shitty Fox F-Word ""revival""

indians are disgusting, good for him

I'm glad I got to watch the real F Word when it was on BBC America. Such a comfy Sunday morning show.

>Acts pretty much exactly as always
>If not more polite
>Genuine in interest in culture and food

Your liberal mollycoddling offends me far more than this programme, which I quite enjoyed...

I enjoy him

this meme is going too far dude

What chef on KN did you liked the most?


4 U?

4 8s.

Hes funny






that's a big get


This. Normies don't realize that his tier of banter is actually about on par or even pretty tame compared to how most chefs and kitchens are actually run. Use to work in a hotel and when the kitchen hire new staff the hardest part is finding someone who can handle the bantz.

This, only behind Americans.


My favourite.


whoo lordy


>This xD


nice digits



Fuck off and kill yourself, pajeet


Where are his armed bodyguards


You don't get to bring friends.

obvious ESOL-let complaining about Ramsay's communication skills. don't project your insecurities fampai, your English is alright, a bit cringy if anything, but you'll get there

also, Ramsay's shit. still watch him occasionally and apologetically


this meme still make me laugh my ass off without fail



That picture is so true. Something about the purity of baneposting makes my day better.


>t. british east india company


RIP thread.


dam ,he's a big guy

I watched about 2 seasons of him. Then got bored with the formulaic format.
>Gordon says food is shit
>Discovers some kitchen drama
>Cleans place up, changes look
>makes a couple speeches
>everything's all better.