Does anyone here know how to make GOOD fried rice in a ricecooker?
It comes out pretty bland for me, and most recipes you see online are shit.
Does anyone here know how to make GOOD fried rice in a ricecooker?
>Good fried rice
>Rice cooker
Pick one
Dude. Cook the rice in your rice cooker, then fry the rice in a frypan, like the recipes online tell you to.
>fried rice
>in rice cooker
do you also fry shit in a steamer?
after cooking the rice, let it sit out for a day or two to evaporate the moisture. if there's too much moisture the rice won't absorb flavor. since the rice is going to be dryish, you want to add some chicken stock. you want the pan/wok to be hot enough, so that when the stock hits the surface it evaporates, then you cover it immediately so rice absorbs it.
Who told you to do that? Why would you do that? Stop doing that.
By sit out he means put it in the fridge
i hope so you gotta be careful with rice its the perfect fungus incubator
>fried rice in a ricecooker
It's called FRIED rice, you dip
Fried rice in a rice cooker...
It it tastes bland, keep throwing more MSG in until it's good
don't use a rice cooker like a fucking retard.
Use your fucking pan.
Now on the subject of good rice for stirfry you want to under cook your rice. If you're a complete retard put the rice in a zipbloc bag with a 1:1 ratio of water. Then get the air out of the bag. Then put the bag into your rice cooker. Cover in water. Make sure the back is submerged in the water and cook the rice for 95% of it's intended cooking time. Then fry that shit in a pan. You're fucking welcome.
Also if you manage to fuck up rice sous vide, I have bad news for you.
>cooking food in a plastic bag
that's the shittiest idea i've ever heard
Does anyone know how to make GOOD fried chicken in a slowcooker?
It comes out pretty bland for me, and most recipes you see online are shit.
>day old rice
>fry thick(THICK butcher shop) cut smoked bacon, cut into 1x1 cm cubes
>mix ginger, soy sauce and spring onion into bacon fat
>add chicken and beef
>Set all meats aside
>heat oil, the hotter, the better
Be quick on the following
>crack an egg into the hot oil and put the rice on top of the egg, then mix it all up
>let it brown nicely
If you have too much rice for your wok, make it on batches and at the end fry it all together if possible
>Once your rice is yellowish-golden add soy sauce and oyster sauce to taste
>Mix the rice and meats.
>Add fresh spring onion before serving, not quite as a garnish but as an ingredient
Wa-la. Goes great with shrimp, carrot and other stuff.
Key points:
>The color comes from frying, not entirely from soy sauce. Dont over do it. It is added after the rice is cooked because if you add it earlier into the process, it will evsporate
>Season to taste with salt and add a bit of MSG
>The spring onion is ESSENTIAL
>pic unrelated
Nothing wrong with setting it in front of a fan for a few hours and tossing it while breaking it up.
so, granted if I only have access to a stainless steel skillet, and an electric stove. How do you suggest going about frying rice
takikomi gohan it's what you use the rice cooker for.
I am guessing you will have to turn the heat all the way up and cook in smaller batches.
It is going to take gorever, though.
you dont.
that shit is gonna stick like crazy.
Cook things separately, like eggs, proteins, veggies. All with oil obviously. Then start cooking your day old rice. Add the other ingredients, seasons, and then soy sauce. Find yourself some dark soy sauce, it'll make it look and taste like you're used to.
Look up videos, do your research, don't be afraid to fail your first couple times. It's just friend rice. It's supposed to be easy, and made with leftovers. Asians just throw random shit in a wok and fry it.
Not if they use the right amount of oil