>have acid reflux
>at 23
>all GI doctors are booked till the end of may
>haven't eating anything in 3 days because pain is 2 stronk
im this close to killing myself lads. everything triggers me even water
Have acid reflux
Other urls found in this thread:
Is this what American health care is actually like?
>everything triggers me even water
You don't have acid reflux. Go to the emergency room you fucking mong.
already did lad. they told me to go see a GI and take some prilosec
still hurts badly
Did they even do any tests?
drink a solution of .5 tablespoons of Baking soda dissolved in however much water you want
it will neutralize your stomach acid temporarily making the pain bearable. Just don't do it too much or you'll poison yourself
said gastritis symptoms and sent me on my way.
fucking doctors in my area making me wait a whole of month of this shit.
might just say fuck it and eat some chicken and just deal with the pain.
At least you have free healthcare:^)
nah i have insurance :(
pretty useless atm
try cutting out eggs and see if that helps
i had a weird thing with eggs but i couldn't figure it out for a long time because i ate so many all the time
If you live in burger land and have to wait a month for a doctor you need to upgrade your insurance or get a better job
soon as i get better i'll git a better j0b m8
This may sound wierd, but take powdered cayenne in water, work up to a teaspoon each dose. Or take cayenne capsules but it doesnt work as well, the tongue triggers some chemical effect in the stomach which helps the process.
Cayenne is a super strong blood clotter. If you pour cayenne powder over a cut itll stop bleeding by the time you count to 10. So if you have an ulcer in the stomach itll basically "cauterize" it and reduce the pain immensely. Look up dr christopher and cayenne if you dont believe.
And then once you got the pain under control, id recommend getting some slippery elm bark powdered and make a "gruel" with it and eat it throuhout the day. Its mucilogenous so itll really sooth the stomach and coat it so that itll be able to heal faster. Can also google slippery elm gruel for more info
thx m8
will try it asap
Someone close to me has terrible gi problems. He takes Pantoprazole or generic protonix. 2times a day and if he forgets to take it can't eat. Good luck user
If it's a gastritis eating or drinking something might help to relief the symptoms.
Tell him to do a 5 day slippery elm gruel fast. You can google it.
This is what Urgent Care/E.R.s are for...they do the diagnostics with the GI people that work for them on call/24hrs per day. They triage you, give you immediate care, and make sure you don't have a bleeding ulcer, they also get you an appointment with a specialist, someone who has privileges with them, typically within 48 hours, if it isn't handled by someone on staff and they do determine you can't wait 1.5 months. They might scope down into your tummy, or run a scan where you swallow some radiation and they image you.
>already did lad. they told me to go see a GI and take some prilosec
>still hurts badly
Go back. Tell them you are exactly the same and still in uncontrollable pain cause yea, GI stuff hurts, and the prilosec didn't help whatsoever. You could have a viral gastritis, a bleeding ulcer, and you could guilt them out and say "what if it's cancer?" Did they even draw any blood to check your CBC, white cells. Did they check you for flu? How long ago did you take the prilosec?
Also, you can go to your primary doctor likely quicker than a specialist. It's not like they can't order the exams a GI doctor would be doing too. In the meantime, BRAT diet for GI stuff. Bananas, plain rice, applesauce and just tea. If it's viral though, you could feel better just eating only small amounts and not eating much at all.
according to the report they gave me
pc capillary blood glucose
complete blood count
comprehensive metabolic panel
ekg 12 lead
lipase level
i'll try eating some rice like you said.
was going 2 try egg whites also
thx m8
just ordered some amazon
I told my doctor I get a minor pain in my abdomen sometimes and the first thing she jumped on was ulcer even though she knew I'd had gallstones in the past. The test for that is some thing where they give you a drink to stir up the bacteria in your gut and make you blow into a bag. And while I didn't have an ulcer I did end up having a stomach infection as well as gallstones but it was the gallstones causing the pain.
You can't not eat until the end of may. Pain so intense you cant eat isnt something you or the doctors can ignore. Go back to the ER or a walk in clinic and try to get an appointment with your pcp. You don't need to wait for a specialist.
Incline your bed ya dumym
I believe Tagamet (cimetidine) is available over-the-counter in the U.S. now. You can only take it for about a week to two weeks at a time. Check the web for information, or ask at the pharmacy. Also check into interactions with any other medication you may be on; it STRONGLY interacts with Zoloft (sertraline) for but one example.
No, Yurapeon, it's still one of the best systems in the world. He can go to the ER or to a doc-in-the-box if he wants to. There are also lots of medications available over-the-counter that will help OP.
I drink to the point of my insides being on fire. Milk is sometimes the only thing that will help me sleep. Milk is a little bit acidic, but it's probably the fat content that forms some sort of coating that helps me.
Here ya go, OP:
> Over-the-counter H2 blockers include Ranitidine (brand name: Zantac), Famotidine (brand name: Pepcid) and Cimetidine (brand name: Tagamet).
You might want to go with the Pepcid (famotidine), because Tagamet builds up after a couple of days and makes everything taste fucking awful. I've never tried Pepcid, though.
As with any OTC medication, check for interactions with anything that you are already taking -- ASK THE PHARMACIST if you aren't very well versed in looking them up yourself. I unfortunately have had to learn that shit because I'm in shithole Asia and the lovely socialized medicine system here is staffed entirely with incompetent quacks. Even the few quacks at private cash clinics for foreigners and others with too much money are still incompetent quacks. Yay for socialized medicine, where the doctors don't ever have to worry about competence because they're almost all government employees!
Fellow GI bro here, gastrophersis to be exact
Here's some stuff to help you
>Fresh fruits and veggies, smoothies and juicing is a great option
>Basic supplements, like tums, pepto, etc
Cannot stress the weed part enough, it's the only thing that keeps me eating. You've reached a stage where eating is sickening, but you need to eat to end it. Weed will seriously get you over this hump and get you eating everything you need to stay healthy and energized.
Stop drinking soda and processed shit, it's a major factor of GI issues.
Also when's the last time you shit? You could be extremely backed up.
Stay upright more, if you're the type that lies down all day this can attiribute.
Pretty much drink only water, take tums or whatever when you get reflux, smoke to eat at night, and cut your diet down to bare minimum. Start with bland chicken, fruits, and veggies, and slowly try things and find what foods cause stress to you and what's okay.
>dude weed lmao
>i'm a GI
Fuck off retard.
thx m8
>Also when's the last time you shit? You could be extremely backed up.
3 days ago but granted i haven't ate much so w/e
>Hur sick people don't deserve a chance to eat and live a normal life because of my values
Dexillant & Gaviscon. Cured my reflux.
Also, eat less.
It's spook medicine, but if you've run out of your other options you could try hawthorne. It's just anecdotal, but my dad swears by ut for some reason, and he has had terrible reflux for years prior.
It's not that well empirically tested, though, so take it with a grain if salt, if you do try itm
tsp baking soda in 8fl oz water, or tums if you have it. go back and tell them you have >8 on the pain scale
If you do this your supposed to vomit out the mixture. Your body will let you
I know the feel, I've had bad acid reflux for years now. You can actually hear the acid making noise in your esophagus, it's a friggin nightmare. Couple family members have had esophageal cancer too and they both had reflux so I'm pretty worried
Oh look, they cherry-picked the comparison countries -- protip, kiddo, there are over 200 countries in the world. And I bet they kind of fucked around with using highly subjective criteria too, like "patient satisfaction", just to get it to come out that way. Even if they used objective criteria, #11 worldwide is still "one of the best".
I hear Britbongs lauding the healthcare system where I reside (shithole Asia), which tells me just how completely shitty the NHS is, because the system here in shithole Asia is laughable.
Go to the store and get maximum strength liquid antacid. Prilosec takes days to start working. If they still make it, get Maalox Advanced.
That sounds like a lot of work, couldn't you just drink elm glue?
He is 23 he doesn't have fucking cancer.
fucking hell, americans even have to model their healthcare after fast food
Doctor diagnosed me with reflux disease recently. Overnight I went from being able to eat anything to most foods making me feel sick. If you think this might be what you have, try doing this stuff:
This shit builds up, so it's going to take a few days of effort to start feeling not like garbage, even if you're doing everything right. I switched to a diet of just bananas, oats, rice, black beans, carrots, and celery for the last week to get back to feeling normal. Be diligent and eventually it should get better. No cheating. No coffee. No tea. Just those things and water. Then you can start slowly adding other shit in to see which ones cause pain once you're feeling better.
Zantac can take it down a notch or two for me, but it doesn't fix the pain. Only a consistently boring diet does.
Also try tilting your bed up when you sleep by like 8 inches. Lying flat lets acid get our of your stomach and into your throat. And don't eat within a few hours of bed time.
I'm still trying to figure out what the fuck to do with my life now. At this point I can't eat anything remotely fatty, vinegary, carbonated, caffeinated, acidic, or alcoholic without my stomach turning on me. Can't even exercise without stomach pain and nausea.
Good luck. I hope you get better. And I hope you don't have what I have.
I think he meant he suffers from GI problems, and if you did you would know weed is a really helps a lot.
>@cid reflux
Fucker you must chew your food till its a liquified consistency before swallowing .... failure to do so allows for acid issues, saliva neutralizes stomache acid aside from begining the digestive process
Reminder your stomache has never had teeth which should give you concern about your lack of proper chewing before swallowing
I had the same issue the meds had me slurping down my own spit the entire day through. I stopped the stupid pills and began chewing gum instead. Chewing my food fairly well tired my jaw for a very long time, not so much anore as i chew gum easily 6 hours nonstop any time i please
>all these shitty countries' healthcare systems
>those wait times
>be in Japan
>going to a doctor is just "walk into one and i'm being seen within 5min
>the appointment + medication never costs more than $6 or $8 worth
>my last trip to the dentist cost me $4
>friend from college has a shit diet for years
>only 2 staple foods he eats:
>plain rice with mayo on top
>plain pasta with butter stirred through
>no meat, no sauces, no veges, no effort, nothing
>eats like this for almost 10 years
>starts getting crazy reflux, sick as fuck
>doctor tells him he's basically got what this user has and is also now a celiac as a result
>guy is somehow fucking surprised by this
try some chewing gum first, before seeing any doctors. it helped me a lot.
Dude I know what you're going through. It sucks and makes one bitter. Baking soda is usually a temporary fix. Don't do it too much or you piss out your ass. Same with tums. I had no luck with OTC medications besides omeprazole. Also try bottled water if you haven't already. It has less additives than city or well water. Don't eat too late and keep it light. Lay off booze and try elevating the top part of your body when relaxing or trying to sleep. Shit sucks. Bad. Welcome to the #nosleep and #afraidoffood clubs :(
I fail to understand what you said. Your friend ate rice and pasta (only) for 10 years and is now sick as a result ? Strange.
I wish i was you.
I live in Switzerland were healthcare is considered very good, yet i still have to wait ages for an appointment and everyone is very vague about my shit.
>Well it must be psychosomatic sir ! Probably IBS !
>young people don't have cancer uurhhrhhhrh !
Drinking water makes my reflux worse.
Get some Gavsicon you retard. Honestly it literally stops it instantly.
I have LPR, and have to take Omeprazole twice a day and Gavsicon after every meal, and understand how shit it is, but seriously it's so easily treated.
Stop being a faggot, you faggot.
I used to have acid reflux, but I started taking probiotics. Now I don't have it and haven't worried about in a long while. Not really sure if the probiotics were what worked, but at least I don't suffer from acid reflux or that weird as fuck feeling when it feels like your right downward gut clenches.
what probiotics
Papaya enzyme and aloe vera juice help will help
>Cayenne is a super strong blood clotter.
Cayenne is a blood THINNER
Ah the joys of living in a society that actually cares about its health. It's not that other countries have shitty healthcare systems, it's that these systems are not compatible with a population that eats a western diet, smokes, and doesn't exercise.
Pepcid and Tagamet work as soon as they are absorbed. I don't know about Prilosec, haven't heard of it before.
>And don't eat within a few hours of bed time.
Maybe only certain foods trigger it, also. I eventually narrowed down my acid reflux problem to drinking milk. If I had any, even early in the day, I would have acid reflux at night.
Japan's doctors also operate on the principle of not making the patient worry too much, so if you have cancer, they just won't tell you about it.
That also means you won't know to get treated, and will die pretty soon, but at least you will have peace of mind thanks to grorious Nipponese hearthcarr shitstem.
The ones you buy at one of those over priced healthfood stores in the fridge. Can't remember the brand I bought, but I don't think it was placebo. Like the issues I used to have were bad acid reflux and a burning,cramped feeling in my gut after eating, which have actually disappeared since I started taking probiotics. I'm still at the same weight as I've always been for that matter, though I'm trying to lose weight again.
I had this. Take Mastic gum.
You need Prilosec and aloe juice, now. The Prilosec will take a day or two to really start working, but it will change your life. Aloe juice will offer a little bit of immediate relief, but will heal your stomach long term. Force yourself to drink at least a gallon- 4oz in the morning and 4oz at night even after the Prilosec begins working. Trust me user, I've been in your exact same situation before.
A tablespoon of apple cider vinegar a few times a day will also offer you some short term relief.
And yes, water absolutely is a trigger.
Good luck.
Can someone explain the ACV thing? If Prilosec's job is to decrease stomach acid, why would drinking more acid help?
how fat are you and how shit is your diet? honest question
It's thought that it helps to regulate the lower esophageal sphincter's function, which prevents gastric acid from entering the esophagus.
Just take some pepto bismol like a normal person