Does steak have any estrogen in it?
Does steak have any estrogen in it?
Are you working on your transition?
Only if you eat it rare.
No, I've just finally swallowed the red pill so I'm avoiding things like fluoridated water, soy products, hops, etc... and want to know if steak is included in this list
You are a massive faggot already hermano
This, it's too late for you now op.
But you're still on Veeky Forums
shit thread but it has a steak in it so I'll ask.
What is the thinnest steak you can reverse sear? 1inch? 1.5?
The fuck is reverse sear? Do you cook it and immediately throw it in a deep freeze?
Cooking the steak through then searing the surface.
It's just the same steps as normal, but in reverse order.
All meat has estrogen in it.
What's so bad about estrogen?
Only if it comes from a female cow. You have to specifically request the bull meat.
>reverse sear
>he fell for the phytoestrogen meme
Feels good having all these aut-right hippy retards avoid steak and beer so there's less demand overall and the price drops for me.
Continue depriving yourself for the sake of your repressed masculinity issues
yes but the tren evens it out
Meat has MAMMALIAN estrogen. That shit fucks you up good. Vegans have much higher test than meat eaters.
I completely agree. I pay $6 a gallon for beer now and $3.33 a pound for good sirloin steak.
And these are my two favorite things in life.
All other food is extremely expensive, but these two things have gone down so far that I can still love life.
People worrying about estrogen are dumb, but beneficial, so I can get down with them making two of my staples dirt cheap.
The average vegan is extremely low test.
My cum has plenty of test if you need some, nu-male
typical meat cucks going full denial mode
>implying that wasn't a serious offer
On your hands and knees, big boy.
>everyone has estrogen-induced faggotry like me
brain clogged with animal fats again meathead?
>sucking dick
>not the manliest and most testosterone building activity known to mankind
Take a look at this fucking pleb lmfao
why is /pol/ so afraid of a little estrogen in foods or beer? It's not like it turns you into a woman, what's the big deal?
very good goyim, now eat your meat and dairy products
/pol/ walks what they see as a thin line between balls-to-the-walls masculinity and dress-wearing sissyboy pansyhood. they're retarded and don't understand the kinsey scale, they think the slightest push turns you gay.
>thinks it's not in the water supply
birth control turns the frogs gay
>kinsey scale
ah yes, im sure a system developed by a man who shoved q-tips up his urethra/ was a
pedophilic homosexual is applicable to everyone
>muh ad-hominem
>muh unfounded attacks
where's your argument brah?
>pretending you aren't gay as fuck
On your knees. Just close your eyes and think of Hitler...
I'm 100% you've never actually read about Alfred Kinsley, a google search will note his practice of inserting objects into his penis, and the homosexual relations he had with students.
Also read a little about his studies in (scientific) record of “multiple orgasm in pre-adolescent males."
I would take any word from a man so obviously biased with a grain of salt
Stupid question OP, of course not. I ate steak 4 time a week through my mid 20s and I'm manly as hell. I don't get to eat it too much anymore though because my wife and her son don't like it.
meant for
>people who study sex are really into sex
woah... really gets my neurons firing...
From what I've seen from the /pol/tards on this board, they don't need a push, they're already there.
If I were a guy I don't think I'd be a literal gorilla so I'd probably want to minimalize my chances of getting titties or becoming a shitty feminized man.
projecting meatards are the worst kind of stupid
Lol how much is soros paying you cucks? Jesus Christ. Open your eyes
Veganism is for liberal cucks and antifa numales, why do you think so many of them look skinny and disheveled?
>Vegans have much higher test than meat eaters.
As an aut-right, I eat lots of steak. Also bacon. Keto FTMFW.
Unfortunately for you the red pill contains estrogen. You'll start growing vaginas all over your body within a few months.
>claims to have higher testosterone
>gets exhausted from walking up a flight of stairs
>"Why do I have all these mood swings, it must be the government!"