any mountain dew pros here that can explain the taste
Any mountain dew pros here that can explain the taste
Tastes like voter fraud and minority suppression.
I first saw this on Friday, I'm curious too.
Pic related
Can't really seem to describe the taste very clearly, but sorta gives me a little bit of a mixed berry vibe, with a bit of a diet soda finish to it (on account of one of the sweeteners being sucralose/Splenda). It's pretty meh-tier at best. I've had better Dews than this one t-b-h.
I hear it tastes like a bomb pop.
Does it taste like pic related? I'll bet it tastes like pic related.
>any mountain dew pros here that can explain the taste
Tastes like the Code Red alone. It's not a mysterious 3 flavor blend as it states. It's Code Red....and like Code Red, it is a little lacking on the fizz.
Taste pic related
If you're europoors and don't know this taste sorry
Pretty much what said.
Tastes like Voltage with a bit of Code Red aftertaste.
I thought it was [spoiler]alright[/spoiler], but the aftertaste kinda reminds me of cough syrup IMO.
1. what the fuck
2. that is that laziest flavor they've done to-date.
3. why are they doing this before 4th of july
I only tried it once. I remember it mostly just tasted like 7up. Wasn't blown away.
Its multistaged
First you get hit with Voltage, then Whiteout, with a Code Red aftertaste
I've had it. It tastes like the sugar impact of voltage but with a hint of the cherry from code red. White out is just a hint of the taste. It's bretty gud.
it tastes just like a firecracker/bomb pop style popsicle like pic related
i most tasted the white out maybe voltage near end
tastes like a smell of a generic perfume
where do i get this?
Taste like muh freedum
Got mine at Wal*Mart
I saw a case at Walmart and snagged it out of curiosity.
Tastes like if you mix a bunch of drinks at a fast food drink dispenser, like liquid gummy bears/worms or something like that.
Not bad.
europoors can't even see the taste lmao
the caliphate of europe in flames!
Stupid imageless clownposter.
Are there any in Safeway or QFC(Kroger for the PNW)?
This is exactly what it tastes like
>we's cants uhFODE none uh'dem FANCY ass IDS yall be CARRYIN
>GUESSES we jus' gon go HOME den!
>made in Mexico
I dont pay for fake patriotism
the only thing wrong with minority suppression is that it's not minority execution
I saw this at a Dollar General, and thought making a self brand suicide drink was lazy as fuck, but kitsche enough that I might get it. Then I saw the name and decided to drink an 1893 instead.
That shit is honestly fucking disgusting. Not in the general Veeky Forums contrarian sense like "ew Coke is nasty I can't believe you drink things that aren't water". It's gross, my man.
I don't drink it because I enjoy it, I drink it because it reminds me of Red Bull Cola. Which I also didn't drink because I enjoyed it, but because it confused my taste buds.
I roam the Earth looking for people like you to kill.