What's your favorite cannabutter recipe
What's your favorite cannabutter recipe
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Inb4 some sperg who was bullied in highschool by a Chad who smoked pot goes
>dude lmao weed
I don't smoke but it's funny how pot triggers those losers
Start with butter, warm it in a pot on low, add weed, turn heat down and "cook" 30 minutes.
Strain, place in fridge.
Mate pot rofl
Guess I didn't word it right I need something good to make with cannabutter the butter is ready to go
Kill yourself you druggy losers
>the butter is ready to go
Just put it on some toast with honey
Just said I didn't smoke autist.
Damn your reading comprehension is worse than a pot smokers lmao
fry some shrooms in it
come on faggot do it
Replace half the butter with weed butter. This works best, in my opinion, with anything that has a lot of chocolate and/or peanut butter.
you make any recipe that includes butter dumbass
>go to store
>find favorite boxed dessert
>take to cashier, but avoid eye contact because you are baking drugs. Try your best to not set off any red flags.
>go back to moms house
>wait until she has left to her boyfriends house for the week/month
>Add twice as much cannabutter as the instructions on the box says
I had a roommate once who made cannabutter. I told him to use a bowl and a pot, then set them up as a double boiler. I came back into the kitchen later and this nigger had water boiling in my mixing bowl with a pot on top of it. I was so pissed.
The brownies he made were lackluster too.
more like
>Have a jolly good time high af
then cry because depression is still killing you, so get high again
my life is spiraling out of control
Chap canabis chortle
The one where I smoke the weed instead of eat it
At least you haven't been introduced to traditional Eastern/Western European baked goods...
I'm western european so i might've
Chocolate truffles.
that is
a lot
and I mean
of projecting
Except is isn't. The people doing the projecting are the ones getting mad about people mentioning weed. Brings back all those bad memories. You know I'm right bud
can a butter?
DUDE WEED butter.
since you clearly don't know what projecting is, and assume projecting is "chad was mean to me and chad smoked weed so I hate weed fags now"
fucking brainlets are everywhere
Lmao give me your lunch money nerds
>smoking pot
never gonna make it
Do you guys let it boil while your cooking? I've read the 2 schools of thought here and made a batch myself, boiled the shit out of it, turned out great. Just wondering what everyone else thinks,,,
Weed is wack Wesley, Smoke it like a man you fag
fuck off, degenerate. smoke your shitskin plant elsewhere.
I do a slow cooker method. Make butter and then some coconut butter for smoothies.
I like making puff pastry dough out of it cause it uses a fuck ton of butter, I measure and separate shit out by the oz and freeze for later. When I want some it's just thaw out a bit and fill with whatever I want and bake in 20 min. Or sometimes just form into donuts and fry cronots. Or I can do a breakfast egg tart out of it. It's versatile shit.
For the coconut weed butter I'll use a tablespoon of it in a post workout smoothie to motivate my ass. That with some coconut water, frozen pineapples, and some whey iso is pretty great.
they all taste bad.
just turn your trim into BHO
dude lmao weed
>man ganja XD
sources on the hotty mctotty?
Ehhhh pas mal pas mal...
I usually just make cake following that old Betty crocker recipe
NEETs always get so gigatriggered by weed
Potheads are all neets, the fuck are you talking about loser. Go smoke another bowl, little worthless druggie. Fun fact: your brain stops maturing the moment you start smoking weed. DUDE WEED LMAO!
>your brain stops maturing the moment you start smoking weed
Bro, grass haha
>already triggered before anyone says anything
>being so mad you need to pull fake facts out of your ass
I have a Ph.D. and regularly smoke.
Rip my sides
This. Anyone who smokes reefer and believes it to be beneficial to their lives is retarded.
wachin jskajskajskaj faso
There really wasn't a whole lot of "Dude Weed LMAO XDD" in this thread, nor from the OP.
It was a legitimate topic concerning a recipe that isn't well documented and probably a better thread than the alcoholic degenerates make on a daily basis.
Even if you don't smoke weed, logically you guys are being some butthurt faglords.
(you) know who you are.
I'm a manager at a city utility and smoke everyday.
>i-I'm not triggered y-you are!
weed has been proven to cure autism
thats a nice way to kill all your shrooms
Worst idea.
Pretty interesting. Will try making pastry next time.
Are you me?
I make melting moments cookies usually.
>1.5 cups plain flour
>0.5 cups corn flour
>0.25 cups icing sugar
>250g butter
>1 teaspoon vanilla essence
>pinch of salt
Also, making cannabutter, I simmer the butter & cannabis with a good amount of water. The chlorophyll & water-soluble crap stays out of the butter. Tricks are to chop super fine, stir regularly while cooking, then put the whole lot in the fridge after cooking (when cooled obviously). The butter solidifies & lifts clean off the remaining watery waste.
>stops maturing
Dubs has found secret of eternal youth!
Time to get your Snoop on errybuddy!
Wala? Tell me this is a meme and I'm just newfagging this board. You realize it's viola right
why are you tripfagging not as OP in Veeky Forums?
On topic.. What is the most original food you people have seen made with cannabutter?
Same as mayonnaise, just replace vegetable oil with even parts cannabutter & rendered bacon fat.
That would work really well, hadn't thought of that.
I want to try croissants, those things need a ton of butter.
I'm not going to lie, that sounds pretty bad.. I would need to be already high to even try that.
everyones first idea is to make sweets with it
but i think actually has a pretty interesting flavor if you use it in savory stuff, like to dress a pasta or sautee some vegetables
Bad for health, sure, no argument!
The bacon flavour is pretty good though, being 100% from actual bacon.
One part we added extra lemon to, then dressed some white fish with it in sandwiches with salad.
Probably obvious, but yes, we were high to even try this. Still, no regrets.
This, about the savory applications.
When I make chilli con carne, bolognese, or something like that, I always make a ton, then freeze it. Reheating a portion & throwing some cannabutter in there is pretty great.
Ok you're selling it better now, that would be a pretty good combo with fish.
Cannabutter has that weird flavor that is great on savory foods but I struggled to find things that pair well with it.
I haven't made cannabutter in years though, I used to make it when i grew my own to reduce wastage.
Going by memory because its been a few years since I've done it. Most efficient way of extracting all canabinoids:
1: cook weed in oven to carboxylise it and make the chemics more bioavailable, google to find the correct temperature and time.
2: add to slow cooker on very low with ghee, google to find out how long for
3: strain plant matter out from ghee- reserve ghee. You could use the plant matter for something else if you want.
4: take liquid and pour into a jug
5: place jug in fridge and chill until solid fat forms ontop
6: discard liquid
7: take cannafat disc and very gently melt
8: mix cannafat with cream (as creamy as possible) until you reach the desired buttery consistency.
9: chill and let set.
10: you now have cannabutter.
>>most efficient way
>>has a bunch of useless steps
>>only does a single extraction
Do you actually think about what you post or do you just write down random shit?
>preemptively triggered
>projecting this much
You didn't answer my question, user. Why don't you try again?
>be such a worthless pothead that you can't even eat butter without pot being infused into it.
So I'm guessing you were bullied huh. It's ok pal. High schools years behind you now
That was a little too specific...
Didn't happen to me pal, there were a lot of nerds picked on in my school by jocks so I'm guessing it's the same at every other school
Best t-shirt ever.
You can't cure a persons brain being physically different. If anyone tells you they have a cure for autism, you know they are lying.It isn't possible.
this lmao
>I have a Ph.D.
I can imagine no bigger manchildren than those in academia
i fucking hate this Jimmy Nu-tron guy
The most efficient way is either liquid co2 or butane extraction.
I meant the most efficient extraction I've tried, was typing in a rush. Im sure you could give it another go with the leaf matter left over, but I havent tried it.
Useless steps? What steps are useless? Works fine for me.
What is this creature
holy shit, make bechamel with cannabutter. genius
I smoke but the faggots ITT who get defensive over people not liking it really kills it for me. Not to mention dude weed culture. Fucking annoying bastards. As for recipes, just make some rice Krispy treats. Fast and simple.
Who's getting defensive. It's just funny seeing people sperg out at someone mentioning pot
Decarb your weed first you tard.