How does Veeky Forums pop its corn?
Protip: If you don't do it on the stove, you're a pleb
How does Veeky Forums pop its corn?
Protip: If you don't do it on the stove, you're a pleb
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>not burying it in sand super heated from a bon fire and letting it pop out of the ground
Reddit is that way friend
There's nothing I love more than a regular serving of sand coated popcorn to grind down the enamel on my teeth
Agree. I've never understood the microwave popcorn, air poppers or god forbid, prepopped bagged shit. It takes no time at all to put some oil in a pan, dump in the kernels and let it pop. Healthy snack, too.
Anyone have any good ideas for adding flavoring to popcorn kernels?
This stuff is good tho
Fuck off with your science food
Homestyle is the GOAT.
Lel, they proudly shout out on the package they use artificial flavorings. Post the ingredients of that monstrosity.
Shockingly light for American food, but our laws say that manufacturers can add thousands of ingredients, chemicals and allergens and label them as "perfume" or "flavoring."
This stuff has thousands of ingredients in other words. But it's a "trade secret" to tell you if you are going to die from eating it.
Hot air popping is best popping.
No need to worry about burning it, every popped kernel comes out perfect. You can then flavor it any way you want.
>color added, propyl gallate, citric acid, milk
Why, just why?
After trying basically every brand I found that this is the closest you can get to the theater stuff in a microwave brand
Microwave popcorn is the best flavor. If you add butter to homemade it gets wet and soggy.
Am I suppose to use butter instead of oil when I pop the corn? Would that even work?
theaters use butter flavored oil so it doesn't make the popcorn soggy
t. google search user
Step 1.) Get a big pot with a lid
Step 2.) Put butter flavored coconut oil in the pot. You need enough oil for the kernels to be 75% submerged in oil. (or regular canola/peanut/vegetable oil)
Step 3.) Put on med-high heat
Step 4.) Let the oil get hot (don't let the oil smoke, where there's smoke, there's soon fire)
Step 5.) Put the kernels in the oil
Step 6.) Wait about 60-90 seconds, shaking the pot occasionally
Step 7.) Turn off heat 1/2 - 3/4 way through popping
Step 8.) When it stops popping, you're done
Kettle, peanut oil, clarified butter and salt. All you need. Maybe I will try white kernels at some point.
Like, while they're popping or before that?
I don't think it's possible to flavor the kernel itself, since it requires the hull to "pop". You can use flavored oils and seasonings to flavor them while popping, but that's not really an idea so much as how it's always been done.
natural and artificial butter flavoring.
have a hot air popper but keep going back to this old as hell microwave tupperware thing
sesoned with kernel seasons spray and salts
>microwave tupperware thing
I'm intrigued.
Explain, tripfag.
Here's one way I do mine.
heating plastic is supposed to be bad for you
t. I guess everything is bad for you tho
Here's another. This one takes JUST A BIT LONGER.
I tried to find a new one online because of concerns over bpa but couldn't find any
basically it has a star shaped reservoir on the bottom that you fill with plain popcorn kernels and then put a lid on with all these slots
you then put container in the microwave for about 3 - 4 minutes till the popping slows down or you will burn the popcorn
I usually end up with like 10 - 15 unpoped kernels and don't ever have burned popcorn
I think that the whole plastic thing is only really that bad when you use liquid or other things like that where the plactic is really getting up close and touching lots of the molecules
I should mention I've gone exclusively to using a sprayer to "wet" the popped kernels, a method I found out while doing Really helps my peppers, paprika, and salt stick. You really do have to bake it though to get rid of that wet chewy texture and return it back to regular popped corn.
>maybe some more salt if needed
But what do you mean "more salt?" You never added any?
BPA is a meme, all plastics release measurable levels of endocrine disruptors when heated. I pity those who drink BPA-free and think they aren't getting swindled.
probably tastes nice but the reason i pop normal popcorn is because is takes 2 minutes
this one looks much better than this one Either way, these are pretty cool user, do you eat flavored popcorn regularly? I've been eating popcorn a couple nights a week for most of my adult life, and I just like popping it in butter flavored coconut oil with salt. I wouldn't bother with all this extra stuff, though it looks good.
wrong thread, nevermind...
you could use the kerneal seasons spray thing but they cost like 4 bucks per mister
I use that with the seasoning and put my popcorn in a bag and eat it over the course of 3 or so days and never had a provlem with moisture
yea I know all my bpa free stuff is just leeching some other kind of plastic they haven't found to be the new boogy man yet
checked and also, post more about this "sprayer" you use to coat the corn
Yeah I totally messed up on that, whoops. I always add a large amount of salt with the other powders but my family eats way too much salt. Maybe a good handful of kosher would work.
I work a seasonal gig and claim on the off-season, so I have way too much time on my hands to do dumb stuff like this.
I do! I started off trying to make spicy popcorn by adding hot sauces, tossing, and baking (works okay, but you really have to use the extract sauces to get potent enough to matter) and just went from there.
I'll look into the kernel sprayer, it might be better than the thing I've got.
Went to CVS and got a couple different kinds of little shitty plastic spray bottles originally for hot saucing pop corn. I'd try clarifying butter and mixing with a ghost pepper sauce and see if I could just spray that onto the kernels. Tossing with straight liquid sauce always soaked a few kernels and missed others, so this method worked well--except you also create pepper spray, so watch out while you apply it. I'd pretty much toss these after I used them this way, they're impossible to clean well.
Now I just use the little bottles for regular oil to wet the corn. Took a pic for you. Get one with the handle, not this damn thumb thing.
America's Test Kitchen has a good how-to for this
1) Heat up oil & a few kernels
2) When pop, take off heat and add the rest of kernels
3) Let them get to uniform temp
4) Put on heat again and they all pop around the same time!
>How does Veeky Forums pop its corn?
1) Orville kernels only. I don't need to be making any dental work with the other brands. Orville pops like nearly 100%.
2) Stovetop is nice, I agree. Pop your corn there in a big dutch oven. I don't take off the heat, but I do turn it down a bit. I might move a heavy pot off for a moment if I think it got too hot though. Just keep the lid on til the popping stops.
3) in a 8in nonstick or cast iron, heat up olive oil, about 3-6 TBsp. Slice about 3-4 ancho (or california or pasilla) chilies with scissors into cold oil. Warm up, turning chilies often til puffy crisp. Remove to bowl to cool. Pour oil out into a measuring cup with spout.
4) Zest a lime.
5) Get your salt mill handy, set it to fine.
Go ahead and melt some butter. I use about half chili oil, half butter. I pour out half the popcorn into a large serving bowl, sprinkle and stir on some oil, butter, salt, lime, and some of the chili rings. Then, the rest on top, and more toppings.
Would dried peppers work? I dunno if they'd cut into rings very well or if they'd just shatter. Maybe re-hydrate them in hot water first?
I like your layering approach to the toppings. Have you considered tossing the corn in your toppings/sauces and baking it to get the crunch back? I think you'd want to save the zest for after the bake, but the chili rings might get dried out a bit (and imo be better for a popcorn topping, I can't stand chewy popcorn).
Don't forget to shake the pot every 15-20 seconds or so to make the unpopped kernels sink to the bottom so the popped ones don't touch the hot pot and burn
Also, how about incorporating chili powder and cumin into the toppings? Do you use the juice of the lime or just the zest?
The juice sounds fun.
Thanks for the video. I never knew it was that simple!
I remember my granddad had this cast iron pot about the size in the video. It was in the same design as the pot that are in the machines at movie theaters, and you would hand-crank the spinner that was inside. Feeling some good vibes thinking about that popcorn he'd make.
Pop corn on the stove
in a pan melt together peanutbutter, butter, and sugar
pour this over the popcorn
if you dont eat them charred you are a pleb
Oy vey this is too spicy for my glahoyven I'm gonna get indigestion and the runs
Plebs. This plus coconut oil.
Alton Brown style or fuck off m8.
Then your bowl is too hot to eat out of
the bowl is fine and keeps the corn and your lap warm
Go put your coconut oil on your pussy hair you fucking woman.
>olive oil
I want to karate chop the bridge of this whore's nose
>owning an appliance that only cooks one thing
You know you can do the same thing with a pot and a lid, right?
>popping your own corn
Sup losers.
Publix has some great popcorns
I love popcorn, even the next day when it's a little chewy so good