Well Veeky Forums, I think this may be the best homemade pizza yet. A sourdough starter dough with pepperoni, jalapeno and mushroom. This beauty is going in the oven right now. Will post pics when done no matter the result.
Homemade pizza
I grated some fresh parmegiano over it but this is how it looks from the oven. The devil will be in the details, though, after it rests and I get a crumb shot.
Crumb shot. Texture's pretty good, chewy and crispy.
I like more sauce in a pizza. Also a bit thinner crust. How was it OP?
5/10 by homemade standards
2/10 overall standards
Bumping for op
I thought it was pretty good. Flavors blended well and as I said it was a good combination of chewy and crunchy. I think I can improve it by increasing the hydration of the dough, though. I've been trying these once a month. I made one apparently far too thin a couple months ago because people really ragged. So I changed to try to make it a bit thicker, but I agree, I need to reduce the thickness a bit.
Well, thanks for the reasons you ranked it that way.
I second this more sauce.
Otherwise looks great.
I can't tell if you need to clean your camera lens or if everything in your very-slightly-out-of-focus-but-still-enough-to-induce-nausea pictures actually is coated with a good amount of grease.
Either way your pizza a shit.
Kek. It's a cheap phone. Probably do need to give the lens a good ass wipe though, as I haven't cleaned it in a year.
Just out of curiosity, why did you think the pizza was "nausea inducing" and "a shit?"
The "being very slightly out of focus" was the most nauseating part. I only barely moused over the images before the urge to vomit kicked in.
Other than that, canned mushrooms, discolored jalapeno, and what looks like summer sausage.
Presentation is horrible. Even the shittiest brand of frozen pizza looks better than this.
Probably tastes pretty good though
Explain your logic for using canned mushrooms in a way that doesn't contradict your reasoning for feeling the need to show it off to Veeky Forums
Wow! Thanks for the comments. But the mushrooms were fresh that I sauteed briefly in olive oil and the pepperonni was homemade (pic related). The jalepenos I admit were some we froze from the garden last summer.
Please see
C'mon guy, come up with something better than that.
There isn't really anything else to complain about. It probably tastes bomb, it's just ugly. It's like Susan Boyle.
Why do you know what Susan Boyle tastes like, user?...
I meant that she is pleasing to one sense and displeasing to another.
>It's like Susan Boyle
kek, I like that. That's good and pretty accurate too.
looks good