What are the actual chances of getting sick from raw sprouts? Is it like a medium rare steak where if you don't eat it raw you're a pussy who lets big daddy gubm't tell them what to do?
What are the actual chances of getting sick from raw sprouts...
what sprouts?
Alfalfa mainly, but I've seen the warning on most kinds
Aren't beansprouts grown in water?
I actually didn't know this was a thing until I started working at a vegetarian restaurant. We serve a lot of our dishes with sprouts. Apparently pregnant women aren't supposed to fucking touch them.
Bump for interest. I've heard about this and always wondered how true it was.
Don't be a pussy and eat the sprouts.
I ate them all the time and I turned out fine.
Carls Jr. Used to include sprouts on their Chicken Club but them and a lot of places stopped serving them because of salmonella snd E. coli outbreaks in the early 00's. They're a liability.
It's true that you can get some nasty stuff from them, but I have no idea about the odds.
The chances of getting sick from a medium rare steak are thin because the exterior is thoroughly cooked.
Raw sprouts, on the other hand, are basically grown in petri-dish like conditions so any bacteria present on the seeds or growing medium multiply like crazy.
Steak is a shitty meme food that isn't even good
sprouts and cilantro are probably the 2 most dangerous foods in a grocery store. i would not eat it without washing it in an acidic solution and then rinsing it 2 or 3 times in water.
i eat both of these things all the time.. usually i just rinse them under the tap for a second but sometimes i just eat sprouts right out of the bag
The problem with washing sprouts is the high water content in the stems can harbor bacteria too. Especially bean sprouts. It's probably safest to grow them yourself in as sterile conditions as possible.
I ate raw sprouts every day for two months because they were on the salad bar where I ate at work. I never got sick
>sprouts and cilantro are probably the 2 most dangerous foods in a grocery store
It's true. My best friend from high school got stabbed to death by a sprig of cilantro. And I knew this head of lettuce that tried blooding into a bag of bean sprouts, didn't end well.
>blooding into a bag of bean sprouts
what did he mean by this?
Disregard everything else you read in this thread. Foodborne illness from raw sprouts is almost always caused by lectin poisoning, not a pathogen. Lectins are proteins found in beans, grains, and a few other foods that can cause you to have very uncomfortable shits a few hours after eating raw. They are deactivated by cooking.
>steak is meme food
It is
There's nothing to be afraid because you're already fucking dead Menma
Menma still lives inside my heart.
Pretty low.
Back in the 80's and early 90's every grocery store carried alfalfa sprouts... then like 2 people got sick and everyone just said, "fuck it".
Sprouts are awesome, and if you have an Asian market near you they likely sell shit for you to grow your own sprouts at home.
Bean sprouts are one of the leading causes of massive E. Coli outbreaks. They are also anti-nutrients, as the seed coats interfere with mineral absorption in your body. Cooking them lessens this effect, but not entirely.
Eating them is fine until it suddenly isn't and you could die. Small chance, but it's there. I sure as shit wouldn't eat them every day, especially uncooked.
There was a case of several EHEC (Ecoli strand) infections a few years ago. Got tracked down to a shady organic produce farm.
Would not risk it. Too expensive anyway.
>They are deactivated by cooking
My almonds...!