Catholic Veeky Forums

Welp, I finally left Islam and I'm moving towards the Catholic Church (not a final decision, but the probable outcome). What's some good literature to help me through the transition?
Current reading wishlist:
-Shadow of the Torturer, Gene Wolfe,
-Silence, Shusaku Endo
-Thee Great Heresies, Hilaire Belloc (to get the Mohammedan angst out of me)
-Everything That Rises Must Converge, Flannery O'Connor
-Whose Justice? Which Rationality?, Alasdair MacIntyre

Orthodoxy by Chesterton.
Imitation of Christ.

Also, how did your conversion happened?

Convert to Orthodoxy. Make the right choice.

Imitation of Christ by Thomas Kempis
The Cloud of Unknowing
The Unity of Christ by St. Cyril of Alexandria
Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
My Life In Christ by St. John of Kronstadt

I've already read both of those. I'll probably make a list of all the Catholic literature (and some other Christian lit I enjoy, like Dostoyevsky) I've read so I don't get a bunch of repeats.

It's not too dramatic, I'd say (and I won't get too into it because this isn't Veeky Forums, also sorry if this sounds a bit jumbled of an argument). I was an atheist, became a Muslim after going through some hard grief and having most Nietzschean arguments crumble apart, got into Sufism (so I could use the typical "pacifist maqasid" argument). After a while, all my arguments fell apart and it hit me heavy that Islam is just medieval Mohammedanism, and that fiqh derived off of cherry-picking Qur'an verses and Sahih Bukhari is just hollow apologia.

Jesus is really prevalent in the Qur'an, so I looked more into him because he always seemed like the better one in comparison to Muhammad (he even mentions that Jesus is more virtuous than him).

Again, not trying to make this a Veeky Forums post, but I think Jesus is an amalgam of all the virtues of mythological heroes, and that the Catholic Church seems to be the only rational way to uphold his values. I'd rather not be a Protestant because I don't want the most "virtuous" interpretation of the Holy Bible to be from the most "powerful" (I'm already leaving Sunni Islam so I'm not into warlords deciding the Truth for me).

Still wrong.

The Pyramid Texts
The Iliad and The Odyssey by Homer
Theogony, Works & Days, and Catalogue of Women by Hesiod
All plays by Æschylus
The Æneid by Virgil
The Comedy by Dante

Enjoy your slave morality, homo

Mere Christianity is awful, please don't recommend such garbage.


is sufism basically disguised satanism (or gnosticism)?

is your life in danger because you left?

I don't know much about Orthodoxy, but I'd be cool with looking into it.

Nah, sufism isn't Satanic. Sufis and Ahmadis are basically the only Muslims you'd ever really want to get into an intellectual debate with (so of course they're seen as the most heretical).

My life isn't in danger. We're a culturally Muslim family, and my father is an atheist. I'm expecting some weirdness in the beginning, but that's fine. I don't have some sort of vindication for Islam or something, my family is still my family.

>became a Muslim
>Jesus is an amalgam of all the virtues of mythological heroes

I think I speak for all Catholics when I say that we don't want you. If you want to LARP as a religious person Eastern Orthodox is probably your best bet tbqh.

Why are you seemingly purposefully going from one organized religion to another?
I can understand that with belief in God, you won't suddenly turn atheist; that'd make no sense, but would figuring out your own answers not be more appealing, in the sense that if you do not, by nature (in lack of a better word) find any one book to hold the whole truth, would you not be better off reading and making your own decision as for how to interpret?

Either way, I hope you find happiness on whichever path you choose.
..also, sorry if my post is incomprehensible. It's quite late and I've got a bit of a headache.

The Brothers Karamazov

This. Stick with Islam pls. The Catholic Church doesn't really need more disingenous "cultural Christians" hopping on board.

You seem closer to a Joseph Campbell Buddhist type then anything approaching a Christian.

Fucking stop

>I think Jesus is an amalgam of all the virtues of mythological heroes
Heresy! It seems like you are just jumping around from religion to religion like people do with genders these days. Please spend more time researching the beliefs Catholics actually hold before heedlessly jumping aboard, and then moving onto Hinduism or something.

If I wanted to know more about the Catholic Church beliefs/values where would I start? I went through some phases in teen years where I was an "atheist" because I thought it made me smart. Twenty-one now and growing up a bit more I know I've always believed in God but I don't know what he wants from me since growing up my family never went to church and the only Christian things we did were holidays and saying grace before dinner.

I am currently reading the Bible, but I want something to read to go along with it to help my understanding, any help is appreciated.

>I'd rather not be a Protestant because I don't want the most "virtuous" interpretation of the Holy Bible to be from the most "powerful"

>Catholic complains about LARPing
Deus Vult

I was roasting you before, but on a serious note:

If you want to become a Catholic you have to take classes for a year or so (sometimes more like two) before you can receive baptism or confirmation. You will learn EVERYTHING about "Catholic Church beliefs/values" at these classes and end up knowing more than most people who were born into the faith. It's very complex in theory (though simple in practice) and any web resource isn't going to help you much. Plus, by joining an RCIA group you will get to experience Christian fellowship firsthand and hopefully recognize how miraculously it differs from secular human relationships, and that's something you would never get from a book.

The end point of all of this is receiving the sacraments of baptism and communion. To get into my diary territory I had to hold my nose all through the RCIA sessions and never felt comfortable praying or attending Mass until I first took the sacraments -- I believed in my head but not in my heart, which is much harder and much more important. And now that I do have access to the sacraments it is very important to me not to lose access to them.*

Or, if you just want to dip your toe into the waters, call the rectory at the nearest parish and schedule a talk with a priest. Unlike Protestant ministers they're not just well-intentioned businessmen trying to earn a living; they have to go to school for 6-8 years studying philosophy and theology before being ordained. I'm sure he'd be more than happy to talk, and yes he does have all the answers. We all end up with God anyway and it's not doing you any good to wait.

*By point of contrast I would like to add that there are no physical sacraments of any importance in the cucked Protestant traditions. You're sort of just a Christian when you say you are, which can mean anything. #KillProtestants

You made the right choice, brother.

If he chooses to become a fellow Catholic, who are we to say that he can't?

After Virtue by Alasdair MacIntyre

Wow, you're really up your own ass, thinking about all this shit like you or it matters. Maybe just kill yourself before we get another radicalized tard shooting up some public gathering.

Did you miss your stop at /pol/?

Sorry I'm not OP but thanks for the information I had no idea about that there was classes you had to take to become one, I'll have to look into finding a RCIA group or talking with a priest like you suggest.

>thinking about all this shit like it matters
He genuinely believes this

Check out The Catholic Catechism: A Contemporary Catechism of the Teachings of the Catholic Church by John Hardon, S.J.

**Don't confuse this with the official "Catechism of the Catholic Church" which isn't really meant for laymen.

Can you elaborate?
I am interested in hearing your opinion why.
(Or anyone else who wants to give input)

This tbqh OP sounds like hes really up his own ass using religion deliberately as some tool to fill the empty hollowness inside of himself. Switching religions like a major at university. Smh. You're the problem OP.

>went to RCIA for a year until i was baptised
>they never really taught anything and i kept wanting them to touch on topics that i'd already researched on my own but they never did, despite them being important
also I know the push the RCIA meme a lot but I don't think it's actually even compulsory in a technical, canon law sense, is it?

if you don't know the answer to that your RCIA was shitty

I believe there's way more chance you are going to shoot random people than him tbqhwy famalam.