What's up, Veeky Forums? Here's my first ever attempt at making bread.
What's up, Veeky Forums? Here's my first ever attempt at making bread
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I'm using this recipe with 1.5 cups whole wheat flour and 1.5 cups regular all purpose unbleached flour. jennycancook.com
Here's after mixing the ingredients and letting it sit on top of the stove for about 5 hours.
No-knead is a good place to start in your breadmaking adventure. Keep at it, and you'll be nurturing your very own sourdough cultures and baking rustic boules in no time :]
Thanks! I'm really intimidated by it for some reason, but my results are (so far) really good. Pic related, it's after I scooped it out of the bowl, shaped it, and let it rest while I heated my oven and Dutch oven.
And finally, here's how it was after 30 minutes in the oven (covered) at 450 degrees
The recipe calls for you to put it back in for another 15 minutes, uncovered, but the bottom was already pretty dark so I put it back in for 7 minutes only. It's cooling now.
God that looks like if you pulled it apart it'd be like so soft and nice inside while the outside is all crispy 10/10
Turned out really fucking well. I'm honestly shocked — total active prep time was 5 minutes.
I want to make challah but I'm not a Jewish housewife.
i really like your bread OP, what are you gonna do with it?
Thank you! I had some leftover white bean chili in the freezer that I thawed and had with the bread for dinner tonight. I'm not sure what I'll do with the rest of the loaf — I'll take half of it to my S.O.'s tomorrow so we'll have it for sandwiches or whatever, and maybe give some out at work? Do you have any recommendations?
sorry to say OP, i have nothing. Maybe a good ol pb&j? good eats to you haha!
Not a bad idea, although I'm rather more fond of pb&honey
true, when i was younger i thought syrup could constitute honey, i guess i was wrong :{
substitute not constitute
way too friendly in this thread.
since ramen sundae, that beyondwelldone steak, and nyquil chicken i was expecting you to fuck me at any moment, but i was pleasantly surprised. Good job op
Then don't braid it and call it brioche.
it's just sweetbread, brah. It's trashy bread. stick with savory, grainy breads.
OP here. Sleepytime Chicken was one of my favorite threads in recent months! I'm glad my thread (like my first time attempt at baking bread) didn't disappoint.
Toasting in an epic bread
Yeah, where's the shitpost bashfest?
It's almost like when someone makes OC related to the board and it turns out well, people can be nice and supportive!
kys trip cuck faggot
God you're right I should totally commit suicide because I forgot to remove the name field in a thread I started about baking bread on an anime-founded food and cooking message board
how do I get better with sourdough? Every time I tried making it, it didn't rise well and the crumb wasn't as airy as I was hoping for.
this bread is with red star yeast. had decent proof and good rise in oven
and this one was with my starter. similar hydration dough, similar kneading, but noticeably denser bread. seemed like it barely proofed in comparison beforehand.
Oh hey, I see you from the other D.O. thread. Your bread looks delicious but what do I know? This is the first time I've attempted to make bread, but from what I've read, maybe your sourdough starter has gone off and you should make a fresh batch of starter? Or add some sugar or let it proof longer?
But people who know more should weigh in.
Next time you need to say "here's the crumbshot". That was the only reason I came here, for the word "crumbshot".
noted, thank you
thanks. It tastes fine, I'm just looking to improve the texture my sourdough. I'm hesitant to add sugar because I don't want to make sweet bread
btw if you want to keep baking, find "Flour Water Salt Yeast" It's a real good book if you want to learn how to make good bread
Thanks for the tip — I'll find it!
wow OP, baking bread isn't easy and you might have beatin' it a bit too much but it still has good crumb
for a first time, 10/10. great job
either FWSY or "the bread baker's apprentice"
both are great
Wow. Beautiful, so moist.
When you say I beat it too much, what do you mean? In the first round, where I was mixing all the stuff together, or the second time when I scooped it out of the bowl and shaped it?
the second round. Part of it is that you might have over-proofed but thats minor.
See how dense it is at the bottom of the loaf? It is really hard to tackle that and will take much more practice.
You did great for your first loaf, seriously congrats.
The denseness at the bottom was the only thing about this that I wasn't thrilled about. Thank you so much for the feedback — next time, I'll be more gentle and try to work the dough less when I'm shaping it after its risen or whatever the first time.
It looks good and I hope you join us in the bread threads!
I am sure youll kill it considering the quality of your first loaf
For a first time recipe attempt, I'm so fucking pleased at how this turned out. I hope to learn more from and contribute to the bread threads soon!
>calling a name a trip
What did he mean by this?
>muh crumb
eat shit,crumbfags. my bread was delicious.
I'm going camping this weekend with a couple of friends I haven't seen in a long time. Found an ancient waffle iron in a thrift store some time ago. Was planning on using it over a campfire to make some delicious waffles for my buds.
Got no idea how what a good recipe is to make waffle dough but might try something out the coming days. Looking forward to it.
Your bread looks very good OP.
Thats whats up I guess
looks great
a little too dense for my taste but amazing for a first time