

You're a fucking gigantic faggot who started a thread with no input whatsoever. Go back to whatever board or shit site you came from fucktard

I'm guessing you don't like A1?

>taking the Internet this seriously

>being such a gigantic faggot you can't offer any context or opinion

I get it. You're bored, depressed, probably overweight and diabetic. Put like 2 grams of effort into a thread asshole


>being this new

I like the one with Tabasco

It's that shit

Literal shit on everything except a burger where the only choice was ketchup or A1

I never liked it very much, but it was ok. Then they came out with the "bold and spicy" version which I really like. If you havent tried it yet, do so.

Good on burgers

I only like the Thick and Hearty

Pretty good on a well done steak.


You cannot be serious. Make a simple pan sauce.



I only use it on fries and hashbrowns. Don't want it anywhere near beef.

You need to look up 'literal'.

Great product to with some fries

great on hamburgers, not on steak

Funny you replied with that... Used to work at whataburger and that's where I developed the taste for A1 on burgers.

I'm not big on a1 usually but that's a great burger.

>oxford dictionary
how did we let this happen

stupidly overpriced but can fix a steak if the person cooking only does steak medium well or well done

goat fastfood burger