ITT: foods only whites appreciate
ITT: foods only whites appreciate
>what are the japanese
unless you are talking about hellmans
>TFW Europeans eat fries with Mayo instead of Ketchup
>TFW no face
Im Black, had steak last night. Medium
I can't eat a deli sandwich without mayo. I use mayo in canned tuna.
Ya got me there
I always mix this with pesto on a sandwich.
people are just missing out.
Don't trust the chicken one.
No one eats that.
how do you have a sandwich without it unless youre a mustard fiend
now that you mention it... I work with three black people and one likes steak well done and the other two don't like beef at all
and yes I only know 3 black people
that's the joke darkie
Why people on Veeky Forums sperg about the things with the most lighter tastes? Boiled Chicken needs the right seasoning
and nothing more
the prospect of boiled chicken is rightfully nasty, but when you boil it with a ton of bitters and tannins the product becomes very palatable. i still broil or quickly fry it afterward for texture
Don't mix up Japanese mayo with bullshit like Whitepeoplemans. The only similarity is that white weebs claim they are the same.
all my asian friends think cheese is disgusting. oh well more for me
That's because cheese is fucking nasty. Tastes like rotten milk and gives everyone gas. Also nice generalization you fucking white nationalist racist fuck.
>inb4 t. Asian
Yeah I'm ethnically Vietnamese so what
>my genes are inferior, therefore, everyone else is wrong
Also you have to be a fucking retard to pay more than $20 per lb of cheese at your faggoty hipster cheese stores. You white people pretend to be "authentic" and "cultured" but then you're too intimidated by our Asian culture to enter one of our markets. Kys
>so what
so you can't enjoy cheese like most asians because you're all practically lactose intolerant.
>how do you have a sandwich without it
Deliciously. Why would I ruin a perfectly good sandwich with the devil's spunk?
>ITT: foods only whites appreciate
Im brazilian and rare steak is the national preference,even the favela niggers agree.
If it is not bleeding it is not worth eating.
Mexicans love mayonnaise. Ginger ale is a whites only beverage.
lmao stay mad chink
*eats cheese*
>gives everyone gas.
Not everyone, just non-whites such as yourself.
wow he must have a lot of friends if thats all the asians
ginger ale is like the national drink of jamaica
>but then you're too intimidated by our Asian culture to enter one of our markets.
The fuck you talking about? white people go to those asian stores all the time, specially the weeaboos that visit this site.
Nah, that's ginger beer I think.
I'm mexican and I hate mayo but love ginger ale. I also see a lot of blacks drinking it.
' '
it's true, i hate it
Nope. Mexicans drink Coke and blacks drink Strawberry, Graps or Orange soda. Sure, there are exceptions to the rule, but those are just outliers.
Nice try you fucking racists, but no matter how much you pretend that cheese isn't revolting we will never buy into your bluff. That's why people with ACTUAL TASTE like Anthony Bourdain are interested in MY culture not your faggoty European rotten milk
>Nice try you fucking racists
Do you deny that you have lactose intolerance due to your asian descendancy?
>That's why people with ACTUAL TASTE like Anthony Bourdain are interested in MY culture not your faggoty European rotten milk
Where is your god now?
Mexicans drink pepsi and RC actually
>MY culture
here is your god Anthony Bourdain
Anthony Bourdain said the best restaurant in LA is a fucking In N Out, he's a literal corporate shill.
>He's never heard of Jarritos
Quick question, what the fuck? Just a quick, just one quick question, if you don't mind, please, What the FUCK?!
Oh man this stuff is the bomb. I haven't had it in years, though.
Only white hipsters and little kids drink Jarritos.
The entire concept of gene "alleles" and frequencies is a white invention used to validate race (which is just a social construct)
Try again, racist
Hes probably right though.
But they don't?
>The entire concept of gene "alleles" and frequencies is a white invention used to validate race (which is just a social construct)
>Try again, racist
>one of the biggest culinary centers of America
>the best restaurants is some hobo tier fast food
Exactly what it looks like.
That's Asian """""culture""""" for ya.
He's clearly eating a boiled baby. Must be part Jewish.
Jesus Christ nigger are you new on the internet? The first time I saw those picture was on in like 1998.
>Remember, it's okay to use this photo set to demonize all Asians, but the majority of whites still don't believe that blacks have low IQs
Really makes you think.
Who boils fucking chicken, that would be tasteless as fuck
i thought whites hate mayo
also mayo and boiled eggs in a sammich is pretty gud
no one boils chicken lol
>i thought whites hate mayo
Europeans dip their fries on mayo instead of ketchup.
boiling chicken under the correct pretense is a perfectly acceptable method of preparation. straight up cooking chicken in boiling water is not though
Joo stoopit.
In N Out isn't a corporate company, they're privately owned.
Is it just me or does "performance artist" just mean edgy troll?
>First pic: waste bucket from backalley abortion clinic (the damaged skull is from forceps)
>Last two pics: performance artist with a rabbit and an old doll
>Middle three pics: ???
It's the same fetus/materials/white shirt in each one. I want to say fucked up photography project. Halp?
> So salty because LongDucDong's grandmother was Baguetted and mother was Burgered.
Chinese love boiled chicken
What does
>t. _____
As someone who actually grew up in Mexico, that's patently false. Coke is the de facto beverage in Mexico; it's cheaper and more abundant than drinking water. The standard size in grocery stores is 3L bottles.
When I was a kid, we would have to drink it out of a plastic bag with a straw to save a peso on the deposit.
Sangria Senorial is also an acceptable choice.
People who make chicken soup you dipshit.
Isn't root beer something that pretty much only whites drink?
t. = signed
Most Asians are lactose intolerant anyways. Even so I think the people saying cheese is "racist" should jump off a fucking cliff.
Nigger missed the point
I remember when Bourdain went to Austria and didn't find one thing to eat he didn't like.
And he literally ate some goat's asshole.
>gooks put it on pizza
What today's kids think:
>Asians and blacks in league with the ((Jews)) are calling cheese racist to get it banned
What actually happened:
>A shitpost on Veeky Forums was re-worked and reposted thousands of times until no one knew if it was a joke or not. Easily triggered alt-right retards decided it was obviously not a joke, since they themselves believe many preposterous things, and now sheltered teenagers genuinely believe that eating cheese is an act of defiance against the campaign to exterminate whitey
Asian here, we'll know who to gas when we see who eats the cheese. The only way you can preserve your life now is to apologetically drink a glass of soy milk while facing mecca and repeating after me: Zheng He invented the iPhone 7
I remember when I did a semester in Japan.
I was cooking a nice stir fry when this french guy came in with a pasta pack and what must have been a pound of minced pork meat.
This guy boiled the pasta, then turned up the heat on a pan and """""""cooked"""""" the meat for no longer than a minute. He plated the boiled pasta and put huge scoops of half raw meat over it. You could see huge red spots on the still firm from the fridge minced meat along some light brown ones. I didn't see him seasoning neither the pasta nor the meat once.
What the fuck.
Actually I live in the U.K. where 90%+ of native Britons are lactose tolerant so it doesn't give everyone gas.
lol viet is triggered that he can't enjoy milk products.
i'm asian but i love cheese
that's mainland asians, Japanese put cheese on (and in) everything.
I know a black dude who likes Ginger ale.
>complains about rotten milk
>makes food out of other rotten ingredients instead
>eats insects because they don't seem to understand livestock
japanese gf doesn't like cheese, but she likes butter instead.
Japs, Indians, and Koreans drink a fuckload of milk.
and thats why she has d cups :D