Are there any good places to import Japanese snacks from?
Are there any good places to import Japanese snacks from?
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Top kek
But if your serious I remember a sponsor by some company. Sort of like Loot crate. I think it is run by a guy called Misaki or something. Or its called Japan crate. Idk
there's some business in the US that is basically lootcrate but with foreign snacks. Might wanna look for that.
Japanese groceries have tons. Why import?
Amazon has this snack box. I liked it enough to buy another box, I say it has enough variety.
Don't live near one. My grocery store doesn't have an Asian section outside of maruchan ramen.
Gonna get one of these, thanks
I've had good experiences with
Most food worth eating have become available overseas from Japan. Anything where there is a difference in taste has had some MBA fuck come in and made a call that people like you can not tell a difference.
Theres a couple other packs being sold there but if anything I say check the reviews just in case. Takes a couple weeks and if you get a weird plum like fruit in yours, dont eat it. No idea what it is but that shit is drenced in vinegar and salt
This guy is my go to
You could try the same place you ordered your katana from.
Why would you want to? Japan are awful at making sweet foods. Even the most popular foods that get exported like pocky just tastes bland as fuck.
Seconding this
>He judges all pocky by the shit regular pocky.
>He doesn't like Hi-Chew
feels good living only minutes away from a Mitsuwa
Damnit I want a foreign grocer so I can buy unpoisoned wheat and rice.
Lucky fucker.
Samurai buyer, get the Misaki meme box.
Jlist, you can get your snacks and your onaholes from the same place
protip: japanese food is incredibly bland by design
most sweets arent very sweet, I brought some regional candies the first time I went and they were borderline inedible for the locals as they were so sweet.
I thought they didn't like being called orientals?
lemme guess, asians were never actually offended by it, it was white liberals offended on behalf of them?
Maybe I just chose the wrong sweets but everything I ate in Japan which was supposed to be sweet tasted like shit. That mocci stuff or whatever its called was the worst thing I've ever eaten. Its what I image a fetus would taste like
Crates of any kind is a meme. Overpriced and you will only get shit quality merchandise from them.
I work a few minutes from that location. I always swing by on my lunch break to grab stuff or get ramen.
Probably. Which sucks for them because now they're lumped in with the pakis (in the UK anyway) due to pc bullshit
Get out fucking normie newfag scum.
Seriously, don't post here anymore, you're a fucking embarrassment.