I had one for the first time today. They're great, why aren't they more common in North America?
Other urls found in this thread:
They are, they're called english muffins
They have sold them at trader plebs for like 20 years. They go bad really fast.
But they are good with some butter or jam. More often than not they go bad in my pantry before i eat them all though.
Nice damage control you loser. Everyone still remembers the thread from a fucking minute ago when you called these English muffins.
No youre a retard. Im surprised you didnt call them pop tarts
No, everyone else was calling them English muffins so I thought it would be easier to start over and clarify.
They're still english muffins
I heard recently that they invented a new machine that makes food cold and can improve the shelf life of perishable products.
Who /pikelets/ here?
I wish you had more details. That sounds fucking amazing?
Wow people call something by a different name in a different country. These conversations are always stupid as fuck. Awful thread.
Crumpets and English muffins are not the same thing, they have different ingredients and are cooked in different ways
not this
no this
So I search on Google for Crumpets:
> "Crumpets are made only using baking soda"
Fucking gross
>he doesn't know what a levain is
because British "cuisine" is horrible
Oh, you mean English muffins? Theyre shit.
So they're basically yeast-leavened pancakes?
Does it? You seem unsure.
There is no way you could ever conflate english muffins and crumpets if you had ever eaten them.
You guys are tards.
These are donuts over here.
They're called English Muffins here, they're gross.
I've always thought of crumpets as a sort of cross between injera and brioche. It's not easy being more cultured than you, Veeky Forums
No they're not, retard.
>they're called English Muffins
If this is true I hope America is wiped out with nuclear fire.
youd better fucking be buttering your crumpets lads, otherwise youre a disgrace to britain
But we won't we will wipe out others.
Sorry, should we start calling them "nook and cranny butter saucers" or whatever the fuck you limey bastards refer to them as?
Go eat another toast sandwich (that is if the imam still considers them halal), Nigel. Your country is shit.
I can confirm that they are called English Muffins here.
>mfw half the thread is dumbass Americans who don't know what crumpets are and the other half are just repeating the "they're English muffins" meme.
>mfw you can crumpets these nuts in your mouth
>mfw you can English muffins these nuts in your mouth
>mfw you can pancake muffins these nuts in your mouth
>mfw brits being this mad about getting their food name wrong
>mfw no good dental care in UK
>mfw british "cuisine" is so repellant to every nation that even food obsessed Americans don't bother learning the names of your 13,000th variety of bread
>mfw I actually have a face
seems a little bit extreme
do you know what johnnycakes are? no. why should we be expected to know the particulars of another culture's bread-like goods?
We don't go around calling corn-based pancakes "biscuits" though
>be Aussie
>yanks don't realise that more than one country eats crumpets
fuck mate, maybe you should stop saving pictures of frogs and try eating more than your Wife's son's father's cum once in a while
>more than one kind of bread is difficult because counting is hard
Britain is literally WE WUZ KANG N SHIT: the country
>why aren't they more common in North America
Because those stupid yanks wouldn't just drink the fucking tea.
That's exactly the kind of picture a British person with bad teeth would post.
Another day, another obsession thread.
Not everyone is on the dole here.
We earn out living and as such, you have to make some sacrifices
English muffins are not crumpets. We do not call crumpets english muffins in the US. Only sheltered children in their parents basement who have only ever known english muffins and never had a crumpet before would think that they are the same, especially based solely off OPs photo which is the first time they have probably ever heard the word crumpet in their life. Crumpets are crumpets in the US and english muffins are english muffins.
You really come across as a cunt, you know that?
Triggered as fuck
What point are you trying to make with this awful ten minute video that you can't seriously expect anyone to watch?
Nothing, it just a nice little video on possibly the earliest crumpet recipe with a few mentions of a North American equivalent called buckwheat pancakes.
My Dad ate buckwheat pancakes every Saturday for breakfast.
Crumpets, scones, clotted cream, bangers and mash, etc. Do you britbongs have even one name for food that doesn't sound like the first words babbled by an infant?
Fuck you karl you have a head like a fucking orange
The captcha was "saucers" which is even funnier
English has evolved a lot throughout the years. Don't forget spotted dick
As a fellow amerifat can confirm this is true and everyone calls them this. Why is this user getting so much shit? America does retarded things don't blame him.
All the autism is because English muffins are actually different from crumpets.
• Crumpets are always made with milk, but English muffins never do. (Though there are a few recipes that beg to differ.)
• Crumpet batter is just that: a loose batter. English muffins are made from a more firm dough. (Sometimes.)
• Crumpets are made only using baking soda, where as English muffins are made with yeast or sourdough (and occasionally a little baking soda to help things along).
• Crumpets are cooked only on one side, so the bottom is flat and toasted while the top is speckled with holes (delicious, butter-absorbing holes...). English muffins are more bread-like and are toasted on both sides. (This one is actually a definite!)
• Crumpets are served whole with the jam and butter are spread right on top. English muffins are split before serving. (Unless you happen to like your crumpets split.)
English muffins are split and toasted, then typically buttered and filled with scrambled egg and smoked salmon, or a slice of black pudding and a poached egg.
Crumpets are toasted on a long fork over an open fire, then buttered until all the butter wells are full and served with preserves or a slice of cheese.
>john townsend
>awful video
IDK, I've wondered the same thing. I used to make crumpets at home all the time, but I kind of forgot about it...I need to make some now. They're delicious.
All you people calling them english muffins are fucking MORONS. I've lived in the US my whole life, and I know the difference between crumpets and english muffins. Also, crumpets are delicious and very easy to make at home.
Who cares, they're both shit. This is how carbs ruin your brain
I like my English muffins with smoked salmon
Is British "food" literally the worst thing ever created? It all tastes like pig slop. No wonder (((their))) teeth are disgustingly yellow and crooked.
Lies! in America English muffins are served with jelly or on a breakfast sandwich with cheese
Nordic food is worse.
african food is by far the worse, bad testure and smell, and i'm talking about authentic afrian shit, not hipster soups.
>America is literally nigger culture: the country
>nook and cranny butter saucers
Absolutely craving this right now. Such the ideal crumpet and tea image.
>teaboo shit
I'se had me sum nooks and crannys. Sometimes dey was mo' buttery den uder's. Mostly do', dey was american!
Just because it's not your cup of tea doesn't mean others cannot enjoy it.
Nice English Muffin :)
You're right, it's not my cup of tea. My cup is plain in style, as are my plates. I would also have jam.
Putting milk in their tea, no syrup on their English muffins and keeping a damn sock on the table. Fucking savages
The standard-sized North American toaster is too large to safely and effectively toast a crumpet.
>Syrup for breakfast
It's being knitted you tard
>comfiest channel on all of youtube
wow kill yourself any time!
ᗡ Ǝ Ƨ Ƨ Ǝ Ƨ ᙠ O
Isn't the US 'English Muffin' pretty much a crumpet?
>nook and cranny butter saucers
nah, crumpets are soft and spongy
english muffins are more wheaty
This thread is a perfect example of why brits should be range banned from Veeky Forums because they have nothing to offer from a culinary standpoint.
in b4 a fog-dwelling cousinfucker has a temper-tantrum over this post
What's your fucking problem, cunt?
point in case
Marsala is a drink retard-user.
Get a load of this fucking triggered martsharter.
Go take your Ritalin, sperglord.
(And brush your fucking teeth while you're at it)
point in case
Piklette Vs crumpet
Really activates my trypophobia
I've stopped coming to this board because of the endless boring nationalistic shitposting. int and pol have ruined every board on Veeky Forums.
you say this in every thread. if you want to leave, do it already. boards were nationalist hellscapes long before pol and int, people can now just tell if you're memeing or not.
This is literally the first time I've posted that. I live in hope that the edgy teenagers and trumptards will fuck off but I guess I've given up hope now. I hope North Korea nukes you, you stupid fat cunts.