Does beer have a lot of sugar in it? I've noticed that over the years, my teeth have been rotting at a higher rate, even though I never go a day without brushing my teeth at least once, and the only things I drink daily are water and beer....I would understand if I drank tons of soda, but I really only ever have it when I go out to eat, so I figure it must be the beer doing it?
Does beer have a lot of sugar in it? I've noticed that over the years, my teeth have been rotting at a higher rate...
Sugar in food sticks to teeth and accelerates decay just like sugar in drinks.
Your teeth probably are spaced closer together making brushing and flossing less effective than average.
Both can fuck you over so better up it to two or three a day plus floss.
It might be the wheat chemicals they add to the rest of your food.
I have lost most of my tooth matter and I'm barely 26. It's some sort of globalist poison, and fluoride is known to do severe damage to your teeth.
I'm not sure what to tin foil about and blame it on, but something's still rotting my teeth even after the eradication of poison from my life.
One theory is that most perfumes, especially dryer sheets that people spray all over the neighborhood, contain poppies. Well, no, it's not a theory, it's a fact. And contact with poppies will rot your teeth faster than anything on earth.
So it's probably just the fact that people are too naive to remove perfume from their life and your daily contact with poppies is removing your teeth, which is one of the globalist priorities, right above liver and kidney damage.
Tooth health is mostly genetic.
As for beer, yeah, it does contain a lot of carbs. Plus the carbonation itself makes beer acidic. Remember chem 101? CO2 gas + water = carbonic acid.
Beer is generally quite acidic, and can weaken the enamel layer of you teeth. Worsening matters is that many compounds in beer can stain teeth, with the worst offenders being darker beers like stouts.
You might want to first determine whether or not your teeth are decaying or merely stained (is there a bad smell, do they feel painful/sensitive, are there cavities), then decide to change your diet to correct the problem. You may also want to consider if you're genetically prone to tooth-decay, in which case even more prevention is necessary.
Beer fucks your teeth up bad, some more than others. I've heard Budweiser rots them extra fast.
I agree with genetics playing the primary role here.
Rinse your mouth with water after drinking beer or eating any sugary food. Also, if you're only brushing your teeth once a day, make sure it's before bed. Morning is mostly to get rid of shit breath.
This too. I only brush in the morning and my teeth rot extra fast, though the decay has paused since I removed fluoride from my diet.
I gotta change that, but I'm usually drunk and passing out.
everything about beer is bad for your teeth. generally the response is to use a straw, but naturally thats more difficult to consider with beer. though it comes to mind now, egyptians drank beer with straws, albeit for different reasons
I know how that goes. I try my best to brush every night, but if I know I'll pass out I keep a jug of water near me to at least rinse the shit off my teeth
This is a nice thread and I am learning things here. Drinking beer with a straw is out of the picture, but I can imagine the bottom of the bottle or can tasting better than the top anyways.
youre a god damnned fool, thats for sure. hopefully you lose your typing fingers next.
Considering how sugary and carbonated it is, I'd think there's some truth to those rumours. Macro lagers aren't that far removed from soft drinks in that regard.
However, bear in mind that darker beers like stouts/porters can badly stain your teeth; it's not where your drinks come from rather than what's in them that matters. Thus, I'm still curious if OP is actually suffering from tooth-decay or teeth stains.
Good morning, FDA chemical shill, you're up early.
I dont think drinking with a straw is good because dentists say not to let kids drink juice with a straw because its worse for the front teeth.
Then you must have misheard, because drinking with a straw is meant to prevent exactly that by carrying the drink past the front teeth straight to the back of the mouth, limiting tooth exposure.
OP, it is certainly decay, I have many cavities as we speak
You need good fats and vitamin D to keep your teeth strong. Do you keto bro and are you pasty as a Scandinavians butt cheeks?
Personally I stick the straw against the front of my front teeth.
I only use a straw when I get sick and want C so I buy juice boxes that come with straws.
I am. Have a sunlight allergy though. This is how your forearm looks after 12 years of Veeky Forums.
beer is carbonated so if would be like drinking mountain dew and then not brushing.
bare minimum at least use mouth wash before bed
Oh boy. Do they smell particularly bad? How badly discoloured are they? Do you feel pain?
If I were you, I'd check into a dentist fast and have the worst of it filled. Dental abscesses are no joke, especially when you consider complications such as sepsis.
Thought i was on /c/, not annnoyingconspiracybullshit.whothefuckcares
I'd probably die if I got that perfumed bullshit in my mouth. No joke.
I'll just slowly switch to night and morning water brushing.
Did you know the ADA admitted using toothpaste removes only 1% more plaque than brushing with just a toothbrush and water?
I wish people would stop fluoridating themselves and brush with baking soda every once in a while and water the rest of the time, especially with this admission.
You already posted once to attack me, FDA shill.
Stop trying to fit in by refusing to use grammar and punctuation and launching personal attacks on factual information. You look dumb.
Youre acting like straws were invented to prevent tooth decay. It depends on how you aim it, but straws can bathe your teeth directly with whatever liquid youre drinking. The back ones too.
Let me clarify; straws HELP limit decay by limiting exposure to teeth. Yes, soda's still going in your mouth and it's going to be spread around by your tongue, but a little protection is better than none at all.
>The tiny bit on the bottom
Top kek
Is the ad real or satire? All I know is it works. I want to try one now.
go buy it
brush your teeth retard
steel reserve is ok for the first 2/3 of the can but the last bit actually tastes like metal, every time
I drink lots of vodka. That cleans out my system, and even cleans my teeth (I haven’t brushed in years, and haven’t had a cavity since).
Fluoride is good for your teeth you fucking crayon
I grew up in a place with no fluoride in the water and my teeth were fine. Had an apartment in a town with fluoridated water and had many cavities a year, two root canals. Problems ended when I went back to my hometown.
Fluiride is cancer.
lol you sound like a schizophrenic lol, Fluoride is an essential nutrient in water and many other things and CONTRIBUTES to tooth strength and promotes brain development. It's all natural you lunatic lmao.
I'm pretty sure that's calcium.