He opened my eyes

He opened my eyes.

Other urls found in this thread:

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He closed mine, because he put me to sleep

Go talk to other Marxists to close them again

And then what did he do?

mine too XD pic related its me


>this ugly /pol/tard cosplaying disproves your political thinker xD checkmade gommies

he's a well know lolcow commie have some more leftists used to be respectable and nationalistic but now they are worthless human beans

He wrote about a lot of things and his ideas on alienation in capitalism are very interesting and they inspire a lot of literature.

Marx was very good at describing culture and the ways we form ideas. I think Orwell and Deborg did a good job at expanding on this idea of alienation from fellow humans in a capitalist or fascist society.

>american liberals are leftists
if you want to meme it right at least post some cringeworthy syndicalists, leninists, etc

Yeah, I remember being 14 too

i have plenty more communism produces many lolcows

Funny how no one in that picture has any communist imagery, or anything to indicate they actually are besides your caption...

>cuffed jeans
Slavoj, more like Sloboj.

What's slobbish about cuffed jeans? It takes more effort than not cuffing them.

because its for people who cant be bothered to find jeans that fit

I cuff my jeans at home because I don't want them to touch my slippers. It's a convenience thing like tucking you shirt in so it doesn't flap around.

from an antifa rally m8
have another while i search my lolcow commie folder

op here, stop posting pictures of me

newsflash: your jeans dont fit

They do fit. If I would buy shorter ones, they wouldn't reach down to my shoes when I'm outside. Fitting jeans cover the shoes a little, like this. I just don't like this when I'm in my slippers.

Better close em again because your head is firmly embedded in bullshit

>Fitting jeans cover the shoes a little
oh right so youre one of those clueless guys

Yeah he's so clueless right

Those are too baggy. They should break at the top of the shoe or ankle.

did you google "poorly fitting jeans" to get that picture?

>thinking "fit" is something objectively defined

he opened my eyes.

No, I searched for "fitting jeans". Would you show me what you consider fitting jeans?

>being a fit relativist

Open borders is a capitalist-liberal position, not a Marxist one you doofus. And literally everyone except fascists hates fascists.

>implying commies use open borders to smash current the paradigm you seem to think you can't also do these things other libtards do

Fascism isn't even well defined and is different in different places it is tried. the only reason it is hated so much is because fascism is general openly anti semitic

Of course they're reds. Look how they're fucking dressed. You think normal people dress like that? You think right wingers do?

Fun fact: the only reason Dal Kapital made it past the Russian censors is because they legitimately thought it was so boring that no one would ever read it.

>wearing jeans

Uncomfortable and lead to swamp crotch if you're in a humid environment.

Fascism is hated only by neo-liberal capitalists who've flooded the white countries where white fascisti reside with non-white cheap labour for muh GDP

And commies who play the reactionary, useful idiot role for porkie by organizing antifa crackdens, basically the two worst ideologies known to man share the same premises and agree fascism is a threat to both

Everyone else doesn't care and mouths the empty words of piety of the incumbent ideology in power

>lead to swamp crotch if you're in a humid environment.

Well its a good think I'm not a third worlder then

I'm in NC. Literally not third world.

whats the use if it was just to find out youre blind

>antifa rally

Even Veeky Forums has its own propaganda
It was on a protest against closing the borders for illegal immigrants. And btw this pic is like 1,5 years old now

>North Carolina
>Not third world
Have the elites decided which puppet is going to run your state yet?

Rise up, third-worlder

got this for christmas today actually

Is there a picture of an equally ridiculous right-wing person? Mixing up nazi stuff with furry and trump and so on? I know there must be, I would like to put them side by side.

Also, why does that guy have an Israel flag in his room? How can that be anyway left?

this desu

So much false consciousness on the right hand side. When will liberals learn that social struggle without class struggle is doing more harm than good?

there will be retards in any ideology subculture if it popular and accesible enough.
thats why I am stirnerian-hegelian.

>Live in mostly white Appalachian town
>High standard of living, lots of culture, beautiful land

Why would anyone rise up in a situation so desirable?

He is not leftist. He is a petty burgher fulfilling his selfish need for identity. He properly couldn't afford nazi memorabilia as a teen, but already had a t-shirt with Che's face on it. So he just went with the least effort edge he could find to prop up his frivolous ego.

Yeah, of course, I was just saying it without meaning it.

>not a Marxist one you doofus
You literally want to achieve international communism and have open borders, don't lie faggot

Then why is anti-globalism mostly pushed by lefties?

lmao youre retarded

open borders and cultural homogenisation are the preserve of the bourgeouise - capitalism is a system which forces all others to take upon its image

read literally the first proper chapter of the communist manifesto man, its really short and easy and it will stop you making these bizarre mistakes

Cooper is but the republishits are being giant cunts.

>liberals are leftist

Open Borders isn't left vs. right. It's Authoritarian vs. Libertarian. Libertarians want open borders but Authoritarians do not.

>Fascism is hated only by neo-liberal capitalists who've flooded the white countries where white fascisti reside with non-white cheap labour for muh GDP
Fascism is hated by those who believe in democracy as an important principle in life and society.

its not just democracy but the general idea of individual freedom

[Left] libertarians are fine with "open borders" or no borders at all, but guess what human nature would be inclined to do.

They'd stay put in their locations. No wars of economic hardships pushing them around in large numbers. They normally like family and familiar culture and language.
Erasing the borderlines would have this seemingly counter intuitive effect.

Democratic institutions maximize individual freedom. Fascism is the abandonment of individual freedom in favor of an ideal.

>individual freedom

>anti-globalism mostly pushed by lefties?
are you retarded?

If you don't have anything to contribute other than snide distancing then that's pretty sad. It would be a real waste of your time to post on a literature board if you don't read any literature.

Lefties want Globalism on account of their wet dream - that is, a multiracial/multicultural world (which weirdly doesn't include whites or only includes mongrelized whites) which they believe will necessarily lead to peace. In this respect it is basically a faith.

Righties want Globalism on account of their wet dream - that is, a capitalist world of completely interchangeable consumers/producers with none of the differences they currently experience (race/culture/etc). In the absence of these differences, a 'one world market' becomes ever more inevitable, in which the entire planet essentially has the same tastes/skills/etc.

There are people on the right and the left who oppose Globalism - namely, those who know better.


Not liberals. How thick skulled are you?

google.com/search?q=cato the elder&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjUybvqkJDRAhWHhFQKHT9jBYYQ_AUICSgC&biw=1312&bih=772#tbm=isch&q=anti NAFTA protests 1990s

When you make posts that imply democracy/individual freedom/etc are essentially "good" - and moreover, that their "goodness" is simply a given, then don't expect anything more than snide distancing.

Are you?
So riots are held by assorted black bloc types every time the worldbank holds a meeting, or when there are wide union resistance to free trade agreements or against the international movement of labour, it is not lefties fighting against globalism and internationalism?

1.liberals are leftists put your muh no true scotsman up your ass
2.excluding liberals leftists are even more globalist
fighting capitalism!=fighting globalism
they have overlap but are not the same
see youtube.com/watch?v=UXKr4HSPHT8
>There are people on the right and the left who oppose Globalism - namely, those who know better
leftists are explicitly globalists

im not a globalist though

Fuck you, cunt, I'm not a leftist.

Goodness is a spook. All that exists is the ego. Democracy relies on individuals expressing the desires of their egos to form consensus on group decisions, as groups are often the easiest way to achieve our goals. Fascism is the suppression of the ego in service of some abstract idea, a spook.

when did i call you a leftist faggot?

i literally have a copy of the manifesto in front of me and it repeatedly and explicitly explains that capitalism is driven by open borders and the conquest of new markets, and that national identities and local cultures are destroyed by class identities and class cultures under capitalism

they want the workers of all countries to simultaneously rebel to completely exterminate capitalism becausw capitalism grows back like cancer, they dont necessarily want the to all unite permanently as a societal and social bloc

but youre just a shitposter, i know you wont bother actually reading the counterarguments to your "muh fee-fees" position

Globalism is achieved through world-wide MARKET INTEGRATION. That is its mechanism.

>easiest way

Pretty spooky in here desu

I find this quite funny. As in my politically active teens and twenties liberals where our slur of choice to call our right wing opponents. You Americans live in a weird bizarro world from my point of view.

>liberals are leftists

Shoot guns, do drugs, buy your toothpaste from whomever you want, and distrust the government.

I meant:


A consensus can be formed by a union of egoists. Each person relies on their senses to inform their decisions, sometimes our senses mislead us. In democracy there are checks on our senses as hearing other interpretations of events can change our ego.

or through a socialist revolution
just because capitalism is globalist doesnt mean that leftism isnt is this such a hard concept to grasp?
not an ameriblob
>do drugs
you are a leftist

fantastic argument, well done

if only intellectual titans like you were around a century ago - Marx would never have been taken seriously in the face of your withering verbal firepower

I'm leftist. Not a liberal. True there are plenty of people who think being a liberal capitalist can be considered leftist, but they are soooo middle ground. "progressive liberals" are simply social democrats who like tiny bits of socialism. Are full socialists or Trotskyists also liberals in your pea-brain?
Well, I'm not even that. I'm anarchist. That a liberal to you too? Fuck your diseased malfunctioning brain.

Workers of the world unite to tear down the capitalists, so that we can go about our lives ruling ourselves. No gods, no masters.
"Globalism" is about markets and the cash flow the wealthy will get off our labour.

>The worldwide movement toward economic, financial, trade, and communications integration.
Globalization implies the opening of local and nationalistic perspectives to a broader outlook of an interconnected and interdependent world with free transfer of capital, goods, and services across national frontiers. However, it does not include unhindered movement of labor and, as suggested by some economists, may hurt smaller or fragile economies if applied indiscriminately.

all liberals are leftists
not all leftists are liberals
basic logic mate
>"Globalism" is about markets
nope its about One World government wether its capitalist or marxist is irrelevant



>not all leftists are liberals

That's his point.


>marxist government

Marxists are internationalist not globalist

This has got to be a troll.

Yeah, no. 2/10 Had me going.

Ignore the scrote, guys. He's full of shit.

This thread might be better suited for you

your idiosyncratic definition of common terms=!their actual meaning

>Marxists are internationalist not globalist
>muh shills
go back to /pol/
globalisation is a process,globalism is an ideological stance


Maybe learn to be more accurate? Who knows what crazy shit you believe because you got terms mixed up.

>The concept of globalism now is most commonly used to refer to different ideologies advocating globalization.

what an empty-headed idealistic view

>muh mob rule

leftists just want a different kind of globalisation
theyre fine with dissolving the nation state just not fine with capitalism
internationalism and globalism are the same
changing the name doesnt change the substance

Go away debate kid

>an idiotic /pol/tard
>telling others to get back to /pol/

>internationalism and globalism are the same

Only to you. Globalism is interconnectedness, internationalism is co-operation.

>everyone who disagrees with me is a /pol/tard