Al/ck/ thread
We are dying so take shot edition.
Al/ck/ thread
Technically everyone is dying.
Indeed, but not at the same pace m'lady
>changing the classic picture
I'm out
Op here. Sorry I'm drunk. i was just looking for something new. How do I delete thread so I can restart with regular picture?
Perhaps you should just go to bed and stop drinking rather that seeking validation in a thread on Veeky Forums.
perhaps the best advice i have ever gotten on here. but i'll stay up and see how the thread progresses. i honestly didn't know the picture had that graphic on the left, thought it was just the one on the left.
but there i go again, projecting my own failures.
as for discussion.. anyone here /dui/? just got my third, facing prison time. jail if lucky
ever since I started taking wellbutrin, drinking instantly makes me nauseous and gives me a headache
what do
I just wanna get drunk without feeling like shit while I'm drunk - that shit can wait for later
I've been drinking for 15 years, and have never gotten a DUI. It's why I own a bicycle, if I'm drunk I know it and I use my bike.
I honestly don't know how someone could be blasted and think to themselves "yeah I'm cool to drive". Most of the time when I see someone get drunk they know they're drunk. DUI's are not cool or anything to brag about...could you imagine nodding off and hitting a family?
Fuck you, I hope your liver and kidneys quit and you die...selfish asshole.
>Most of the time when I see someone get drunk they know they're drunk.
You have never met any alcoholics then
I recently started a very laborious heavy lifting-oriented job. After a few weeks I can already feel my knee joints grinding away. Booze is the only thing I've really got that soothes the soreness in my legs and shoulders and lower back.
Any other way to alleviate this shit? I'd like to stop drinking every day as soon as I can.
An alcoholic and a drunk are not the same thing. If you drink one beer a day, every day, you're an alcoholic.
If you get fucking smashed regularly you're a drunk. You can literally google this shit, numb nuts.
This may be just what I need to quit drinking
This is called the appeal to authority fallacy, children.
Tonight Better Call Saul is on; thats my excuse to drink for tonight
Remember that real men drink King Cobra and literally nothing else.
Shutup newfag
Well that's a convenient way to dismiss facts, as if I have anything to gain from posting them on an anonymous image board.
I literally just threw up. I have shakes, sweats, trouble breathing, and my heart is in pain. Sucks..
Kratom or poppy seed tea. Both are generally far less toxic for your body than alcohol, but you'd have to be careful with PST, since it has codeine and morphine it it, and the addiction and withdrawal could be nasty.
Kratom could be a great solution though if it works, since it's not harmful at all, unlike alcohol, and any "addiction" to it would be super mild, like less than or equal to pot "addiction" if anything. Read up on it--I think lots of its users use it for pain relief.
nope--1 beer/day is not alcoholic. Drinking enough alcohol frequently enough that it damages your life, and being unable to stop without help, is alcoholic.
Every doctor would say that you're wrong, assuming you live in a first world country.
I've just done an entire 3l bottle of frosty jacks, mother is an alcoholic too so i'm about to drink her bottle too.
High tolerance is the absolute worst.
hooray!. i'm looking forward to it, user. not many people on /tv/ can appreciate it, but i'm glad to find that you do
dui OP here. i will attempt to make you understand how alcoholics get DUIs.
first of all.. if you have been drinking for 15 years and have never gotten one, i am assuming that you haven't been drinking too heavily.
i suppose that may be a given.
but if you drink heavily, duis are imminent. of course, if you drink all day, then a normal person must drive during the day as well.
so basically, if you get pulled over for any reason it will be a dui. cops will smell it on you, give you field sobriety tests, etc...., but their main goal is to bust you with dui. they'll usually breatheylyze you if they have to.
but ya... i don't really know where i was going with this post besides the point that it is quite easy to get a dui and be a CRIMINAL
sorry if i'm projecting
I got a DUII on a bicycle. It happens.
Wow that cop must've been an asshole. How drunk were you and how'd it happen?
/4duis/ here
Last one i totaled my car when i went into oncoming traffic. Yolo.
go ride your bike. go for a walk in the park. play with dogs at the animal shelter. post on Veeky Forums.
>packaged in Sierra Leone
What the fuck user. It looks like a jug of death; it looks lit the fucking herbicide I use.
You stand to gain everything.
Lay off a bit man. I have the shakes and the sweats but that's it. Try to exercise. Its what I do and im cool for the most part
How does 4 duis affect your life?
either get some beer or wine to taper down with or go to the ER. withdrawals that bad can kill you (that is if you care)
Your new home with shifty roommate.
For some reason the state im currently in didnt see my record from other states so they think i only have 2.
The last dui was pretty bad though.
>drink at home
>black out
>wake up with car destroyed
>25 days in jail
>put on probation and basicly out patient rehab
>random drug testing including alcohol
>5 year loss of licence
>roughly $2800 in fines
I am also extremely lucky though could have been worse there was like 8 different charges and i had a .27 bac
>OP image isn't silhouette
One fucking job
>puke blood
Wew lads time for some withdrawal
SO I posted on /b/ last night about music coming from inside my pc, I thought it was a virus... I scanned with like a million things and reflashed my bios.... Turns out I'm having a looping song as an audio hallucination from withdrawal. I figured it out when I turned on my ac and the song got louder. I've heard Allison Road by Gin Blosssoms 7000 times now on barely audible volume, on top of the reg horrible withdrawal. fucking kill me
I unironically know a guy who got a DUI on a fucking horse.
But, regardless. Your line for what you think is a DUI is a LOT higher than what the law actually prescribes. If you get pulled for a broken tail light, beer can be smelled, and you get breathalyzed, and you've had an easy few-beers night, you're fucked. .08 shows up quicker than you think.
Try getting court ordered into rehab instead. You'll be better off with recovering junkies and christians that at least to pretend to give a shit about you, rather than assorted criminals and guards that see you as a threat.
Blast something better really loud.
Great song desu.
Boys. Texting her. On and off. Every time we text I get the butterflies. she's a photographer and is going out of town. Text her when I'm.drunk.
>>her"i should have"
>>why you hurt me.this way
Sorry sounds incomplete. I'm drunk..
today i went out with friends and had a couple beers and didn't come home and drink alone until i passed out
i think i'm starting to get a hang of this moderation thing
Is drinking every weekend considered unhealthy? I'm starting to limit myself to just drinking two nights in a row. I don't touch hard alcohol only beer.
Three weeks sober tomorrow, guys. My last drink was on the eleventh, on a bender that nearly fucked up my household and pissed off my roommates. I've been focusing on reading, trying a bit of writing, and just started exercising today. It took literal rock bottom to get here, but it is possible to stop if you want to. I like these threads as more often than not that remind me that I'm not missing out on anything.
Anyway, I hope y'all stay well, gentlemen. Good luck.
The superintendent of a school district near me got a dui at 8:00 am on a weekday. Driving through town with his mistress and no pants at a .32 BAC. Honestly kind of impressive that he wasnt dead. Got another superintendent position in another district soon after.
>Is drinking every weekend considered unhealthy?
Not at all
>It took literal rock bottom to get here
You were nowhere even near rock bottom
>rock bottom
Doubtful. How would you describe "rock bottom" for yourself? Were you peeing on your bed and shitting blood? Assaulting police officers or sucking dick for cheap vodka?
I think one of my toe nails is pretty loose
I can't go to the doc since I haven't washed my feet in months and they're dirty as all hell
>muh roommates got pissed
>rock bottom
But good for you user.
>Need some alcohol just so I could even being working on some school assignment
Isn't it supposed to be the other way round
drinking vodka cran and watching starwars. how lost is my life?
If they're not the prequels you're completely fine
fuck me its episode 3
I'm so very sorry.
>star wars still
You're pretty much done sorry
Nah just a fuck around, me and a dickhead firned are watching from 1-7 (I still hate my life tho)
>the classic picture
I remember when this wasn't a thing.
Cannabis, or just legal CBD.
Picture related.
>Not watching SW in machete order
4 5 (1) 2 3 6
Spotted the redditard
Just wash your feet.
It's unhealthy for sure but a lot of people do it. It'll really start to hurt you around your 40s.
>Just wash your feet.
I'm scared to remove the socks
How's letting what you fear just sit on you 24/7 any better than looking at it? You don't even necessarily have to look at them to wash them.
Oh damn user, In the u.k that's pretty much guaranteed prison time. I got my second last year and only narrowly escaped. I've decided not to get my license back after my second conviction, I just don't know wtf I'm doing once I'm blackout rekt. I'd rather walk than go to prison.
I am increadibly drunk and I have a deadline tomorrow, programming exercise in AI
I am competelyl4yly compofounded
Got one, never again.
>still drunk though.
Pic related doesn't stink nearly much as frosty jockstrap, plus it's cheaper. 89p for 500ml, same strength.
How can i buy this in the states?
I'm going to sip this shit neat. Maybe my taste buds will finally die.
Any good stealthy container ideas? It just needs to hold enough to stave off withdrawals at work, maybe 8/10 shots total.
Just put it in a cola or a juice bottle. If anyone sees you it will simply look like you're taking a sip of a soft drink.
Should I use a water bottle with vodka? It seems more efficient.
getting the hang of its easy. whats hard is not getting hammered one of these days
good job. man, when alcohol can get you kicked out of your living situation that is a real problem. keep it up.
Sure, that would work. Just make sure that whatever you're drinking matches the color of what's expected to be in the bottle.
If you're drinking vodka then put it in a water bottle, or maybe one that would have a clear soda like sprite or 7up.
Is there anything I should avoid for the obvious smell? I hardly notice anymore, but I remember cheap tequila filling the room when I was younger.
If it were me I'd mix the booze with something so that the smell of the mixer will help conceal that of the alcohol. I.e. instead of drinking straight-up liquor, make yourself a container of rum and coke or vodka and juice, etc.
Cheap booze is going to smell worse than better stuff
You can also keep some mints around to disguise your breath.
Ugh, I got so smashed this weekend that I couldn't even walk straight. All my girlfriends were laughing at me and telling me I was such an alcoholic.
I had a headache all morning yesterday too. Are they right? How do I know when it's time to seek help.
drink slower out in public, or switch to lower abv drinks. also drink some water before bed and take a b1 vitamin or b complex.
two main causes of hangovers are (1) dehydration and (2) your nervous system rebounding from the depressant effects of alcohol (this usually happens after 2 or more days of drinking and then stopping suddenly)
whether you have a problem is up to you. is it interfering with things in your life. do you enjoy it more than not. etc.
Just curious, what kind of job do you have? I used to work in a store back when I was really dependent so I would slam before work if I could and then slam on lunch. I didn't get fired but I did end up quitting because I was getting so bad.
3 months sober today
Congrats user!
Have any of you tried Advocaat? What's your opinion? After watching The Shining recently I want to try making some Advocaat to mix with bourbon. Or just buy some to drink as a special treat.
I find myself in the possession of a bottle of Baileys. I've had it before and it's basically a thick ass syrup from what I remember. How do I drink this? What do I mix it with to make it more drinkable?
Cut it with some good vodka if it's too sweet for you to drink it straight. Otherwise, put it on ice and just drink it.
Put it in your cereal milk for a classy yet still alchy breakfast. Kaluha + Baileys + Vodka + Coco Pops + Milk is the breakfast of fucking champions.
Have it in coffee.
You know, I haven't had cereal in forever. This might be a good excuse to get some.
What's the quickest way to increase my tolerance? I know you all wish you had a low tolerance, but I'd like to be able to drink with my friends without getting shitfaced.
>Mudslide cereal
>Classy breakfast
I fucking love al/ck/ sometimes.
When I was your age (presumably 21 or under) I wanted to increase my tolerance so I could keep up with my friends. Now I'm hopelessly dependent on alcohol and can't get out of bed without a couple of shots.
Drinking isn't a contest. If your friends call you a pussy for not drinking as much as them either grit your teeth and deal with it knowing you're better off, or tell them to go fuck themselves and find better friends.
Have you considered that getting drunk easier saves money? It will also make your friends think you're sensible and restrained. Or do you have the kind of friends who egg each other on to drink more and more when they hang out?
I don't know if anyone here has ever made a conscious effort to increase their alcohol tolerance.
If the peer pressure is really bad, just let them have fun, laugh at their antics, and then laugh at them all over again when they're both throwing up the next morning and you're fine because you switched to water at some point.
Best you can do is just make it clear that you're not judging your friends when you, personally, decide to lighten up on the drinking. "I'm already drunk" is a good phrase to throw around if you have to. Or "if I drink any more I'm gonna be sick tomorrow." People can't really argue with this, and it sounds non-judgmental enough.
Sorry for not answering your question.
It's not that my friends think I'm a pussy, it's that I like drinking and would like to be able to drink a little more without being unpleasantly drunk.
Gotcha. You're going to have to start pacing yourself then. Sip instead of gulping. It also makes you enjoy the taste of your drink more if you take measured sips.
If you start to feel a buzz, have a glass of water or something non-alcoholic. Then go to the bathroom. Let a little time go by. That'll dial back the doomsday timer quite a bit.
Also, keep your stomach full of things other than liquor. Are there salty snacks around? Munch on those while you're drinking. That will keep you from absorbing the alcohol too quickly.
You just want to alternate your drinks with water, so you get drunk slower and less drunk over all. You don't want to drink to make your tolerance higher, even with very high tolerance it's possible to get unpleasantly drunk.
Bring a bottle of vodka and a bottle of orange juice with you. Drink a screwdriver, then an OJ, then a screwdriver, then and OJ. That way you can be "drinking" all night, get drunk slower, stay coherent for longer and feel less like shit in the morning.
I know all that, and I do it, but eventually I get drunk anyway, or I stop before I am and end up unsatisfied. I don't want to get to the point of needing a full bottle to get a light buzz, I just want an average or higher tolerance. Mine is weirdly low.
Are you sure you're not drinking on an empty stomach? That really is what it sounds like.