I swear to Christ my friends are all retards

I swear to Christ my friends are all retards.

They're always complaining that they're broke and yet they refuse to learn how to use a fucking mason jar. Every year I go to the farmer's market when tomatoes are in season and snag a dead hooker's weight in tomatoes for $20-$40, then spend a day chopping and jarring them.

I'm currently trying to convince my friends that in mid-August, when my reserves run out, they should join me in prepping some jars and make a day of it.

These retards will spend $2/lb or more on "fresh" tomatoes for their homemade pasta sauces and chilis when they could be getting the same thing for cents on the dollar if they had more foresight than a fucking goldfish.

Tell me you've got mason jars full of ingredients, Veeky Forums.

Enjoy botulism

I see why we all keep coming back here now. It's only a place like this that such a petty cunt mouthed catty bitch would feel justified in posting what you just posted and feel they are entitled to some sort of validation

tomatoes are disgusting


Where in the world do you live where this is too much to pay for tomatoes

not op but i got 50lb bushels last year for $10 each in ontario canada

>every year grow around 100 tomato plants
>at the end of the season sell pecks/8 quarts for $6
>still end up letting hundreds of pounds of tomatos rot
Same thing happens with apples, and blueberries

i wouldn't pay $8 a peck

Then don't buy it?

i wont. and they'll rot


Wow that sounds more like stealing. Did you go to specific farmer's market of Ontario? Would be nice if it's accessible from North York.

The cows enjoy them, so I guess it does. Unless you want to buy substantially more than a peck. Then I'd be able to help you out.


We grow 6 -8 plants/ year and I can a minimum of 60 quarts/year. I haven't bought store canned tomatoes in 10 years. Feels good man.

>Sister has a store of mason jars in her house
>She uses them as drinking glasses
Is this some kind of new gen zed trend or is she just being weird? Also I only use mine for fruit preservatives, and that one time I marinated beef chunks using a mason jar just to see if it'd be different from using a bowl exposed to the insides of my fridge after finding that my ice cube trays inherited the smell of frozen blood.

I only came here to post something like this, and someone already beat me to it

i do sometimes if i can't find a glass

i only have a few proper drinking glasses and hundreds of jars so...

There's a farmer's market in downsview park, prices are fairly cheap and the produce is fresh

i canned a giant pumpkin

it's 300% better than anything you can get at the grocery store

its sort of a hippie/new age thing.
does your sister fit that description?

lol that seems to be a trend in restaurants too. Used to work at a hardware store and one local restaurant would order cases from us pretty regularly. Roughly 20 cases of varying sizes per month.

I use the quart jars to drink water at my desk. Ill use pints for parties with stuff like mint juleps or punch. Its cheap glass if you buy regular jars and not the drinking jars.

am i the only one who crunches the numbers on home canning?

$9.99 tomatoes
$1.40 electricity
$5.97 canning rings
$0.02 tap water

36 500ml jars


walmart house brand

unico “premium”

eden and muir glen organic

$1.75 pork
$1.75 beans
$1 mollasses
$0.75 brown sugar
$0.50 seasoning
$1.67 canning disks
$0.02 water
$1.42 electricity

8 500ml jars


shit tier walmart pork and beans that i can’t find the ingredients for

heinz pork and beans
Water, white beans, liquid sugar, tomato puree, blackstrap molasses, fancy molasses, brown sugar, pork, salt, modified cornstarch, calcium chloride, spices, onion powder, garlic powder

I like you American friend


That's a good deal, right there.

Real americans use metric when they cook so they can get accurate repeatable results. It's only the inbred fucknuts that think an innacurate measuring system is a source of national honor who still use imperial.

me and my hubby do this too

have an upvote :)

>Tell me you've got mason jars full of ingredients

Lol no because I'm not a massive poorfag buying and storing my food like it's the great depression

>he dedicates a whole day to a supply of one fruit
Oh wow

Good goy, very good goy. Thanks for supporting our multinational corporations! To show our appreciation, we'll send you a coupon for $.25 off on your next purchase of 4 16 oz cans of our fine chemical/sodium laden unripe canned tomato type products. Enjoy!

actually gonna start canning now thanks OP you're not a faggot (this time)

guess how i know you're poor

>$1.40 electricity
>$0.02 tap water

That's a fuckton of tomatoes though.

>Is this some kind of new gen zed trend or is she just being weird?
She's copying hipster bars.

A lot of cocktail bars like to have a specific glass for each cocktail, somehow certain kinds of muddled drinks, like Mohitos or Russian Mules ended up being fairly commonly served in mason jars. I think it's *supposed* to make big-city, IT-nerd hipsters nostalgic for share-house living, I could see it being an outgrowth of share-house culture where highly paid professionals like to emulate their impoverished university days.

Hell, lots of people emulate poverty culture that they never experienced first hand. Want a taco from the truck?

>16 oz cans of our fine chemical/sodium laden unripe canned tomato type products
There's a funny fact about supermarket no-name brand canned vegetables.

A consumer organisation did some surveys on store branded products and found that:
The cheapest no-name tomatoes are healthier because they don't have added salt. Only the deluxe one with the colour label have added salt.

Go figure.

>Tell me you've got mason jars full of ingredients, Veeky Forums.

no but you convinced me

a quick browse through walmart.com and amzaon tells me you're full of shit

also they're contaminated with weird extra ingredients like modified corn starch and sugar

Dude I'd rather just get store bought puree or canned. It is crazy cheap and tastes fine and I value my time. If I grew tomatoes or lived on a farm or some shit yea I would be doing that but I'm not going to go out of my way to can food, that's why I have a job.

>i have a job so i can spend more money on an inferior product

holy fuck
/r9k/ was right

>I'm too dumb to do something women who never graduated the 1st grade 100 years ago could do without fucking up

I actually laughed a bit at the idea that OP is probably a very nice girl who has just called her friends "retards" on the internet over tomatoes.

>Have mason jars full of tomato paste in the garage.
>20 lbs of persimmon currently frozen in vac bags in my freezer.
>Persimmon tree is about to pop, expecting another good harvest in the fall.
Feels good.

I've made my own before and don't think there is enough value in my time spent making it.

>posting on Veeky Forums
>valuing time

pick one

The thing about canning is you don't go out of your way to buy something fresh to can. You can what you have access to, or you plant crops to create that access. And you take advantage of opportunities that come up.

I don't into jarring, but i really should. It really is a great way to make your food purchases/harvests go further

>snag a dead hooker's weight
Before or after you chop her up?

I enjoy posting on Veeky Forums... I don't enjoy doing what is essentially factory work in my kitchen to bulk make food because it isn't the great depression anymore. If you are talking about doing small batch preservation style things that let you play around with different flavors like yogurt or jams or baked goods then I am interested but fuck canning bulk tomatoes.

They weigh the same.
Unless you are smart and debone her.
The teeth are critical.

what does this even mean?
is buying something fresh not an opportunity to take advantage of?

niche jarring specific autism

I commend your efforts but for me, $1CAD/jar store bought is good enough, and I can't possibly afford to pay myself by the hour the cost of labour to make all that sauce at home, calculated based on my annual income. I have better things to do with that time.

>without fucking up
pic related, they messed up a lot and usually only tried to extend the shelf life as much as they could. They usually didn't expect stuff to last more than a few weeks. It's a fairly complicated procedure that requires a bit of knowledge to not kill yourself or someone else, people still get botulism from improperly preserved foods. It'd be better to just freeze it.

>The teeth are critical.

>It's a fairly complicated procedure that requires a bit of knowledge to not kill yourself or someone else,

wow. do it wrong and you might die

you can say the same thing about driving cars, retard

it's pretty easy to not get botulism by following a few simple rules

Yeah? But nobody was telling someone with no driving experience to just get in a car and go, which is what was basically being said about preserving food in a mason jar. To get a license you have to study a bit, to start preserving food you should do the same to understand acidity and other factors that prevent botulism.

Don't call me a retard :'(

yet somehow 300% more people die on the road in a day than they do in a year from canning related botulism

fearmongering is what retards do

More people drive cars than can tomatoes.

so? that doesn't make driving any safer.. or canning any less safe

It means you'll have more car fatalities than botulism fatalities since you have more people driving, unless you're calculating the percentage of deaths as relative to each other.

The point is that you shouldn't just throw a bunch of people into preserving their own food without educating them first, like OP was suggesting.

not an american, but how the fuck is imperial inherently more inaccurate?

I don't see how it would be more inaccurate if you're using any kind of set measurement, but one thing I noticed when trying to figure out how many ounces were in a cup of flour I searched and came up with anything from 3 to 5 ounces. I looked on the side of the flour bag and saw 120 grams. Maybe he didn't mean inaccurate but more complicated to use. Seems a lot easier since I started using grams for everything.

I live in california so tomatows are cheap as fuck.

But i also have like 15 avocado trees in my backyard and i catch niggers trying to steal them all the time.

>friends are retarded for not wanting to do a time intensive task to save literally pennies
Let me tell you an actually retarded story that isn't a first world tier nonissue.

It's mango season on Liberia right now. You can buy 2 huge mangos for the equivalent of 5 cents usd. There are so many mangos available people will buy one, take a few bites, then throw the rest on the ground. This is in a country with one of the worst hunger and food security problems in the world.

Now you'd think someone would go 'hey, we got tons of these glass bottles we use to drink alcohol from when we aren't skipping work to beat our children, why don't we save some of this food so when it disappears in three months we don't have to go digging in the dirt for maggots to eat?'

Well thanks to USAID and UNICEF, people here would rather starve and hope an aid truck drives into their village rather than take any effort to preserve food during the good times. So every single rainy season you have masses of beggars swarming the roads any time a new truck shows up, and everyone you talk to says that this is just the way things are. Thanks, well meaning white people. You've infantalized an entire country.

Me too. I mean, reading this post tonight kind of pushed me over the edge. I've been making my own bread, kimchi, and pickles the last few months, and have been meaning to start canning.

I don't let cents ruin my mood.

This. Generations of my family canned, and we continue to can today. It's so simple.

>don't into


get pregnant?

user means that you don't go to the supermarket and pay full price for some gas-house, out-of-season, shitty, pallid tomatoes in order to can them.
You get them in season, locally, for cheap, or you grow them yourself.
Have you ever eaten a ripe summer heirloom tomato? They are NOTHING like your average slicing tomato. They have 100X the flavor. Hell, supermarket tomatoes don't really have flavor. Completely different experience.

Factory spaghetti sauce and home-canned tomatoes are two completely different things. Check the ingredients on the back of that jar.

Why is it up to OP to educate everyone on proper canning procedures? He's just encouraging people to look into it by sharing some of the benefits.

Any rational person knows there's more to canning than just filling the jars with food and putting them on a shelf. The jars I buy even have canning instructions right on the box.

I'm sorry you aren't very bright.

That's because ounces are measured by volume as well as weight. Don't search. Get in your kitchen with your scale and measuring cup.

>highly acidic tomatoes
>developing botulism

Stupid fucking idiot, red-shirted ass


I rather work a job that has good enough salary. So i can afford tomatoes without any regret about price. If my one day salary can cover my tomatoes expenses for a year it does not matter if i spend day chopping them or doing my usual work.

Id rather just buy tinned tomatoes.

>you don't go to the supermarket and pay full price for some gas-house, out-of-season, shitty, pallid tomatoes in order to can them

no one was talking about doing that, though

everyone in this thread who cans knows about what good tomatoes are

>farmers market cultivars bred for sweetness and/or improperly autoclaved container allowing mold to grow and raise pH
>highly acidic tomatoes

Learn me into canning OP.

Even commercially canned food kills people through botulism

you're more likely to be mauled to death by an animal than contract food borne botulism

stop being afraid of things that aren't going to happen

What do you can it with? Pumpkin is pretty bland, isn't it?

>not fucking up during conception
You're doing something wrong lad

He actively told people to basically just do it one day with him with no prior knowledge of how it works or how acidity, pressure, etc. have to be controlled to prevent botulism.

If you're telling people to do something that should kill them, you should educate people on how to not kill themselves first.

Not OP, but it's simple enough to go to the FDA website and search for instructions on the type of food you wish to can. I can all sorts of vegetables, stock and fish from their instructions. Of course don't go to Doodlebritches Bumfuck's blog and trust it. Use University or FDA guidelines.

*USDA, not FDA.

Fucking love canning OP - it's like opening a jar of summer.

I dont understand the people calling it a waste of time. It's cooking. It's what people on this board ostensibly do for enjoyment. Blanching and processing a lug of tomatoes is a couple of hour process - can you stop shitposting about Wendy/Nuggers/pink salt for that long?

Hey I enjoy this type of cooking - you should try it.


>too rich to enjoy good food

you're like all the dumb yuppies who flock to the overpriced garbage restaurants in my gentrifying neighborhood

Thanks mate. I am a dumb idiot who genuinely would have just thrown tomatoes in a jar. Appreciate the info

Not op but I add it or use base (baked or boiled, both ways are cool) in soups, stews, pies salads, side dishes and those cocktails made with blender I can't remember how it's called. It also makes any dairy shit taste awesome.
Give it a try, you won't regret it.

Yeah, I still wanna know what do you add to the can to release the flavor (sugar, I guess?).

you must be new, 'into' is standard Veeky Forums maymay talk

mfw i just ordered my first syringe psilocybe spores and i already have the majority of equipment i need to grow them in my canning cupboard