Rate my burger
wheres the ketchup?
Where's the onion? Mustard? Da fucc
is that a slice of unmelted cheese
Burger itself looks pretty good but the toppings are pleb
soggy bun + cold cheese out of 10.
>undercooked ground beef
I hope you ground that shit yourself this morning, in a sterilized meat grinder
and what the fuck is going on with your bottom bun
and why is everything so wet
Well, how does it taste?
he died of salmon nilla
4/10 and that is generous
if this was offered to me at a BBQ I would undoubtedly be disappointed
e. coli/10
Kinda funny seeing all the brainwashed liberal responses in this thread. Typical sheep that aren't capable of thinking for themselves and just regurgitating the liberal lies they've been fed (no pun intended) their entire lives. Fucking pathetic
>go ahead and eat uncooked ground beef
>nevermind that it is a combination of being a perfect breeding ground for bacteria as well as having been run through a filthy(because they are virtually impossible to clean) industrial grinder and exposed to air for extended periods
Please settle down.
Is it liberal to avoid easily preventable diseases now?
hi jack
You seem like a pleb who eats steaks well.
It was fresh ground, and if you can't clean your meat grinder properly maybe you should rethink your cleaning practices.
Was melted slightly didn't have the patience to wait.
Did you also not have the patience to not make the bottom part of the bun a soggy fucking mess?
>You seem like a pleb who eats steaks well.
don't you fucking talk to me like that
there's a big difference between rare steak and undercooked ground beef.
2/10. Raw, no tomato, no pickle, cheese looks weird, soggy bun. Just an all-around poor performance. Better luck next time.
cheddar is sharper when unmelted
Looks like you forgot to cook that shit, son.
Ah, the patrician "medium rare"
Absolutely disgusting. Rare hamburger meat is just bloody tasting mush. Medium well is about perfect. Well done is fine also, but most people overcook well-done, and burn it dry it out. It doesn't have to be that way.
Soggy bun, bun not toasted, burger raw and probably unseasoned, cold unmelted cheese, no mustard, no tomato, no onion, no pickles. It's a pretty shit burger, OP.
You're a puss, thats fine for a burger. I've made them rarer by accident and everyone wolfed em down.
You're immune system must suck.
I've made rarer burgers from day old grocery meat and was fine. And I have a weak stomach and constitution.