food and cooking
Webm thread
watching this made me repeatedly mutter "no" to myself
i cant imagine this being good at all.
It's about to get beautiful in here
Why did she start waving her head around like a retard?
Business idea: let's post the same tired old shit and pretend like somebody gives a fuck
I give a fuck :(
Jesus christ just kill it before you take it apart, gooks should be nuked
Turkish BBQ, not even once.
Did you see a head on that fish? How much more dead do you want something than decapitated?
It's just the nerves. It's dead.
They should do that with pineapple
>meat comes from the store
>I don't eat stuff that's alive when you kill it
He's pretty good despite his parkinson's.
Kramer didn't retired i see.
>Wiggling around, bruising and tearing the flesh while filleting.
>Cut so fresh from death, spending no time to bleed out the fish. Going to taste fishy and have a huge bloodline
It's going to taste like shit garunteed.
Totally this!
Do you think the brain inside the decapitated head is receiving telepathic pain signals?
From everything I've been reading about fish lately, absolutely.
Why's he moving like a spastic
Fucking retarded idiot
Literally what the fuck is that supposed to be
italian spider man
That'll be $22.95
>Watching the skinned and disemboweled frog writhing on the plate
Switched to a plant-based diet for health reasons, but webms like this make me realize there are also fringe benfits as well.
How do people as dumb as you exist, its fucking dead, the nerves are just being triggered by the salt
>salting your knife
why does it always end with grated cheese?
I see nothing wrong with this
because she is wearing a mic and people act retarded infront of cameras
listening to some hip hop with some scratchin turntables got me giggling pretty hard.
1. why not kill it
2. why eat it raw
3. why why why why why
2 nukes wasn't enuf
>it's actually dead, it's just exhibiting biological activity
Are you saying it gave up the ghost or something?
>automatic chicken herder designed to be as gentle as possible before the slaughter
Bleeding hearts unite.
are chickens actually dead when you cut the heads off and they still run around?
dead is definied by no brain activity, so id say yes.
That is so mesmerizing to watch. Love this kind of stuff
At first it is great then it just gets worse and worse
Could have fit way more in there
those look like the cakes Lex Luthor stole
This has been posted before, newfag.
Today on How It's Made...
No shit sherlock homo. All of them have been.
Oh I see.
Seems kind of pointless then, what's the purpose of posting the same things over and over?
It's just what we do.
Each to their own.
>Michelin starred from selling raw fish and rice
Should he even be considered a chef?
>yea ill have a large pie with extra shrimp, and black olives and cabbage please
>hehe I've decided not to eat wheat products even though its done just fine for literally billions of other humans for 11 thousand years, but I still want pizza >:( >:( >:( I'll just put low grade cheese, sauce and pepperoni on a watermelon instead
>Take that, white people
are you implying that it isnt these vegan vagina mother fucking faggots arent the ones who are white?
fucking kill yourself you retarded faggot /pol/ poster
the webm is very obviously a joke
Have you ever met a vegan? They are all always white people who complain about other white people.
Go back to plebbit.
this is actually awesome. feral hogs are a huge, huge, huge pest problem in the US. they cause a lot of property damage and carry just about every parasite you can think of.
>They are all always white people who complain about other white people.
well i guess you could say that
but the idea of a non-white vegan or vegetarian in the new world offends me
veganism and vegetarianism is for people with privilege.... white privilege
yes it is. to specify most of the feral hogs are in the southern states
You've got to go back.
>everything i don like is reddit
>hur dur dot jaypeg dot pee en gee lol i belong
>white privilege
fuck you. go back to plebbit
I ate there while I was in Japan and I can easily say that I've had better sushi in American gas stations.
The Jiro documentary is just a sales piece done by an investor that has financially backed Jiro and kept him in business.
Jiro's business partner is so far up his ass. They don't interview a single unbiased person in the entire documentary. It's just weeboo wet dream cinematography.
Who needs to learn how to make rice for 10 years? Retards. That's who.
I give the place 6/10 if price isn't factored in. After you factor in price it's literally 2/10 - would never eat again.
He picks his nose at 8 seconds.
I'm pretty sure he's actually a spastic
Seems like a decent way of exterminating the vermin. Probably a bit expensive though.
>muh fish
>only redditors hate white faggots and white faggotry
you seem upset, little guy
Onions, garlic, apples, sauerkraut?
Why does that pretty girl keep slicing my steak for me? Does she think I am one of her 4 year olds?
>that egg texture
That's not even impressive, he just looks like he's got the shakes because he went on a week long crack binge and then quit cold turkey.
>that one little baby piggie that gets its head stuck under the fence