What do u think about vegans? Share your coolstories about switching to veganism
What do u think about vegans? Share your coolstories about switching to veganism
The ones who switch impulsively and will tell you all about it in late childhood or early adulthood seem to fail quickly and annoy everyone around them, but that's just because teenagers are annoying
I know some older vegans who switched for reasons I don't ask about, they seem pretty chill. One of them is a physician in his 60s who has been vegan for 15 years
It was an exotic fringe lifestyle in the midwest when i lived there but here on the enlightened coast nobody bats an eye. Black people and religious minorities seem more drawn to it, for some reason
Disclaimer, I'm not vegan
oh gee another vegan give-me-attention thread
fucking break your fragile legs and die in a ditch
I don't think about Vegans.
>violent edgelord shit
>I hate them cuz they want attention!
Generally speaking, I don't like vegans...they tend to be whiney, patronizing twits who just won't shut the fuck up...
I think ima get me a tazer, so when I meet the next veghead, and the start with the sanctimonious claptrap they like to bleat out like the rest of the vegheads...I'll just taze the shit out of them...
Oh oh oh this! SO MUCH THIS!
But you should get a gun so you can SHOOT THEM IN THE BRAIN LMAO
Vegans suck XD violence is funny :) :) so randum!
t. ritalin baby
Nobody likes vegans
Not even other vegans
The same thing I think about anyone elses food choices - nothing. What I do think about is the large percentage of them proselytizing and condemning others like evangelical missionaries. That's why people are antagonistic toward it. If not for that, people couldn't care less about your diet choices.
Vegans are morally superior.
I'm also the Virgin Mary.
oh look, a whiney twit who just won't shut the fuck up
now where have I seen this before
as a vegan, I can confirm this, I switched for ethical reasons and really wanted some vegan friends to eat together every once in a while but found out they are annoying as shit, one of them even told me I'm actually a vegetarian for the only fact that I'm dating a non vegan
>What do u think about vegans?
I would never be one. That's about all I think of vegans.
Overhyped meme diet that's possible, but exceedingly difficult, to do correctly. An excuse for sanctimonious privileged millennials to claim the moral high ground while eating nothing but oreos and french fries since "compassion" and "empathy" seem to be sacrosanct to them
Gonna kill every last one
I'm the minority, I guess. I'm vegetarian because I love vegetables, and I crave them more than meat. It's funny, because whatever the style, the popular context is the same--be it meat lover to vegan--DOUBLE BBQ stuffed RANCH PLATTER WITH AN OVERLOAD OF TRIPLE SMOKED FIRE ROASTED....
Like, guys...
Can't you just eat an avocado BY ITSELF and enjoy it?
Or cooked spinach, in a simple broth with a bit of ginger?
Why does everything have to e DOUBLE BLASTED AND INFUUUUUSEDDD
Vegans are especially guilty of this, actually...
>hanging out with friends drinking
>user we're hungry and too drunk to drive
>start making crepes because lots of fresh fruit I need to use
>does that recipe have butter in it?
fucking duh
>I'm a vegan user, but it's okay! you can make crepes using these substitutions!
>pulls out phone and pulls up some pintrest vegan crepe thing
>start cooking
>end up with a pile of garbage
>like a thick pancake with no real substance, falls apart quickly in the mouth, tastes of not very much
>tee hee user is too drunk to cook
>she eats garbage cake while I make actual crepes for the rest of the group
>turn out great
It's like when you aren't arbitrarily limited in your ingredients you can make food actually taste good and have substance. Wowowow who would have thought.
>I'm dating a non vegan
I wonder what the stats are like on this, whether a mixed diet relationship increases the vegan's risk of recidivism or the omni's risk of conversion. If the second is more likely, that's a reason to break the vegan social bubble by force.
For my part, I didn't convert, but I do eat a lot less meat and dairy than before I started dating a vegan.
When you want to focus less on meat and more on other foods because you believe it's better for you, it's a health commitment and I am fine with that.
When you refuse to touch ANY product from an animal because it's unjust, you're making a political statement, and I'm entitled as a free American citizen to call you the dumb motherfucker that you are.
Any mirror you extra chromosomed homo
>you're making a political statement
Why is this bad?
Your diet seems like a silly thing to sacrifice for a political statement.
It's also kind of silly because all you need to do to make such a statement is to eliminate factory farmed meats from your diet, rather than any and all animal products.
>Your diet seems like a silly thing to sacrifice for a political statement.
Why do you think this? What is it about food to you that automatically sets your 'give a shit about your principles' switch to 'off'?
>all you need to do to make such a statement is to eliminate factory farmed meats from your diet, rather than any and all animal products
That's true for people whose focus is environmental conservation, but not for people who who believe that it's wrong to kill animals.
It's one of those deals where I've probably met a few who weren't annoying but they didn't bring their diet up and there was never a situation where I needed to know that information. However I have met a multitude who were insufferable dickheads. Sanctimonious, preachy, and a few who were straight up drama queens/attention junkies. There's something about people who make a conscious decision to live an alternative lifestyle that makes them contrarian in other aspects of life so all of them are argumentative, which is ok in small doses but wears thin
I tend not to rag on them online because they're probably just looking for tips and recipes and when they do mention their diets it's almost always appropriate
Also I'm convinced a lot of vegans on Veeky Forums aren't actually vegans they just know how to troll the fuck out of Veeky Forums. It's like shooting tofu in a barrel
Vegans are virtue-signalling purity-spiraling faggots
Chickens and cows don't deserve ethical protection, fuckem
go back to r*ddit fagstein, this is how we talk here
Vegan bait would be tofu wrapped in an aborted fetus.
Wtf I hate Ritalin now
You're the Redditor.
>no u
I had a classmate whose wife was vegan, and insisted on it for their infant daughter and for him when he was at home.
At three years old, the daughter was about as large as a one-year old fed on a normal diet. I didn't realize it at the time, since I have no experience with small children, but she was also very badly developmentally delayed.
It's probably too late now. Thanks to veganism, his little girl will always be retarded and tiny.
Both of you get out. Before I call a certain mass murder.
>preparing food for your guests in what I assume is your kitchen
>no don't make it that way, make it THIS way
If you're preparing people food, and they can't eat it, tough shit
Annoying bitch, shoulda told her to leave.
We're top of the food chain, we can do and eat what we fucking want and nobody can fucking stop us to be quite honest with you, family
>vegans are whiney
>whines about it
>vegans are patronizing twits
>is being a patronizing twit
>vegans don't shut up
>doesn't shut up
As a vegan, I understand why they'd call you a vegetarian.
A vegan lifestyle is about not hurting animals - but how can you care about not hurting animals if your significant other hurts animals and you have no problem with it?
That's like a child rights activist dating a pedophile.
I mean, whatever, you do you. At least you're not personally harming the animals. But I'm just saying if you really cared it would be extremely stressful trying to be in a relationship with a meat eater. Pretty much impossible.
Extremely annoying. Like the furries of food culture.
>calling someone a whiney, patronizing twit is totally the same as being one yourself, r-right guys?
>b-because y-you're technically complaining aka whining, r-right guys?
>y-you can't say someone is rude because that's technically rude, you hypocrite
>Doesn't realize animals are severely abused in "humane" farms as well
>Doesn't realize how fucking gross it is to consume the flesh and secretions of animals no matter if they were abused or not
>Doesn't realize how fucking gross it is to consume the flesh and secretions of animals no matter if they were abused or not
How is eating the flesh and secretions of an animal different from eating the flesh and secretions of a plant
>thing A is objectively gross because I find it gross
>so what if most people don't find it gross, they must be wrong
and you still can't fathom why so many people hate vegans, huh?
Pretty much the same here my dude. I all together stopped eating red meat and pork aside from the occasional steak.
get a brain hemorrhage too, shitgobbler
I started dating a vegan, I converted her to a vegetarian but in return I stopped drinking milk, so I guess we both lost.
i understand, but she's been with me since way before I was vegan and I love her, we've talked about this before, and she's trying to stop eating meat, even if it's a slow process, she even resigned over the fact that she's gonna have to convert at some point if we make this a real long term thing, but I'm not pushing her
>She has to restrict her diet
>Not me though, nope
>I'm a respectable human being
You're an asshole, not because you're a vegan, but because you're failing to make a compromise with someone that you (supposedly) love.