Hey cu/ck/s
Have a buddy with T1 Diabetes with a birthday coming up. I want to make a cake.
I know I need to sub sweetener for the sugar, but the flour is what's killing me. I could use whole wheat, but that fucks a recipe. Anyone here know a way to deal with this?
Diabetic Cake
Almond flour is what i use with swerve it taste like sugar and measures like sugar
Yep. Choose something to make other than a cake.
yea this, almond flour and by nut flour cake is actually superior to wheat cake, if youd asked me. im most used to eating one called a hungarian hazelnut cake with a FUCKing delicious mousse layering
I brought that up. I honestly don't remember why but he said he can't do almond flour. Something about nuts in general.
Also it's less about taste, more about the actual recipe. If I try to make a princesstårta with wheat flour it'll be a fucking brick
While I'm unsure whether this solves my problem, it does sound great
Almond or coconut flour, you'll get a much denser cake though. Try a cheesecake if you want something that looks and tastes like the real thing, just sub sweetener for the sugar and use a mixture of almond flour, butter and a pinch of salt for the crust. There's another recipe for a flourless/sugarfree chocolate cake, look up headbanger's kitchen on youtube.
The management strategy for diabetes is using insulin adequately and fostering insulin sensitivity, not having a shitty diet devoid of carbohydrates.
I really don't think that's relevant here.
Also, you're fucking stupid.
>>Using insulin adequately
Yeah insulin's fucking expensive guy. Having to dose just because you were to greedy to resist a stick of butter fucks your wallet faster than your life.
>Yeah insulin's fucking expensive guy.
Uh...doesn't insurance usually cover this?
Not really
Still ends up being 2-300/month
What shitty country do you live in?
I'll give you 3 fucking guesses
This is probably coming from someone with out t1, so to that I say, fuck the fuck off you dumb cunt.
To the OP, if you cant do almond flour use coconut, as another person said, you'll get a denser cake from it, so maybe do a practice cake first.
Baking and diabetes don't go together, but maybe you can make a tart with some kind of egg pastry?
>making a cake for a type 1 diabetic
just make him a regular cake and tell him to stop being a little bitch on his birthday, or do like a banana bread or something. you can at least go without the frosting. tell him to give himself extra insulin, thats what i do and look at me im not dead yet. i eat whatever the fuck i want as long as insulin goes with it, a1c of 5.8 too
>pay 300 bucks on insulin a month, dont give a fuck because i have a 75k/year a job
its his fault really, you know how much this shit costs, get a job that pays for it.
So it is necessary to have type 1 diabetes to understand, research and treat it? I guess then we can just throw 99% of our knowledge in the trash and ban 99% of doctors from treating t1 because this fucking guy on Veeky Forums has type 1 so therefore he is automatically qualified and infinitely more knowledgeable than """scientists""" and """doctors""" who don't have it.
Diabetics can eat cake, they just need to account for the extra sugar in the amount of insulin they use.
t. I have a brother and a friend with t1 diabetes.
Your friend should consider moving to a non-american country if he can't afford medicine.
I made a crustless cheesecake for a coworker with diabetes.
Seemed to be fine.
try using king arthurs white whole wheat flour and let the batter sit for about ten minutes after mixing before putting in the oven
maybe add a bit of extra baking powder/soda to help it all rise but that white whole wheat + sitting batter generally does the trick. It'll look and taste near identical to regular flour.
Also try not to make just a regular vanilla cake. Chocolate zucchini or maybe a strawberry banana cake would be better especially with fake sugars. Or maybe a carrot cake since it has so many spices. Stevia has a brown sugar substitute that's pretty decent.
You'll have to make a blend of flours to create the same texture as all purpose flour. This is what I use. Just combine all the flours and store in a well sealed glass jar in your pantry.
1 1/2 cups (240 g) brown rice flour
1/2 cup (96 g) potato starch
1/4 cup (40 g) white rice flour
1/4 cup (30 g) tapioca flour
1/2 cup oat flour or almond flour
Substitute it 1:1 for all purpose flour.
It may seem like a pain to buy all those, but once you have them, it lasts awhile.
this, my mother has D1 and she just needs to shoot up like a heroin addict but only with insuline before eating then she can eat anything she wants. Fun fact she doesn't even like sugary foods and has been underweight for all here life and the doctors actually told her to eat more sugar and carbs.
Another type 1 here. I just let people make or buy me a regular cake for my birthday, but only eat a small slice. Fake cakes are kinda gay. The flour is a carb bomb anyway. Might as well really enjoy that small piece.
Note to broke-ass/underinsured type 1's: I keep a vial of the cheap-ass $25 Novolin R from walmart in the fridge for birthdays and holiday fatty fatfat food occasions. It lasts for a couple years, at which point you can just toss it and get a fresh one.
Hang on, let me google that for you!
Endocrinologists, have been educated for years, in understanding and teaching their patience such. You have no fucking clue.
Yes, someone who has t1, for years, is going to more than some fucking cunt spewing shit out his hole on the internet.
No, just no, this isnt fucking true. What are your moms A1C levels? This is not how it fucking works. Yes, theoretically, you count carbs and take insulin as to such.
Ex. An item of food has 60carbohydrates. For myself I would take say 5units of insulin on a scale of 1 unit per 11carbs. 5 units is equal to 55carbohydates ; sounds good right?
Now lets add insulin sensitivity as a factor, say I ran a couple miles before that meal ; well now my body is more sensitive to the same scale of insulin but I end up going low in blood sugar because of that fact. Where as if I was completely sedentary that day, maybe my numbers will run a little bit higher because of the missing .5 of a unit of insulin.
There are so many more factors to a proper insulin regimen. Do NOT fucking spread this type of shit just because you know/are aware of someone with t1, you are not the one with the disease, and you are not going to know as much with someone who has the disease.
I encourage you to really have an in depth conversation with your mother about her regimen, and if her a1c levels are healthy.
I should also add, that all carbohydrates are not equal, there is complex carbs and simple carbs, and they effect the rise and fall of blood sugars differently, as well as how much fats and protiens you have in your day.
if he's a type 1 just tell him to use enough insulin to cover it and bake an actual cake
real simple stuff
As a type 1 myself would he even want cake?
I'd be insulted desu, bring me some fucking hot wings
Diabetic desserts are rough...
Here's what I would do. Minimal cake, maximum rest of it all. Think a poke cake or multi-layers trifle. And, for the gelatin component, it's sugar free. And, for the pudding component, it's sugar free. Make your cake normally, though yea, you can use splenda, you're better off just using a nice sponge cake with a lot of air in it. Whipped cream for icing (or sugar free cool whip). Fresh fruit like strawberries.
why even post this?
should OP tell his friend to work out beforehand?
it doesn't change the topic being discussed at all, and nobody that uses insulin is not already going to be aware of that and get misled. Get off your soap box, puffing yourself up because you know the intricacies of your own disease is retarded. Jesus Christ, you sound like such a faggot.
Posted because of ignorance, and its part of the topic, a branch off of it, but still part of the topic. And fuck you cunt. Have a nice day.
Guy said his mom has to shoot up
and then you said she had to account for activity presuming that he was unaware of it for some reason. it added nothing you just wanted people to think you're an authority.
And you are, on butt sex.
Ask him if you can just use stevia for the sugar.
Does the flour actually make a difference or is it just the (simple) sugar?
Because subbing in Stevia is generally fine for baked goods.
It's still cake. Somewhat fewer carbs, but you'd still need a bunch of insulin to cover it. Before going to all this trouble, I'd ask if they wouldn't mind having a cake. Surprising type 1's with carby food that's socially difficult to decline can be a real drag if they're on a low carb or keto type diet. This kind of situation can be hard for us.
whole wheat has a fuckhuge glycemic index you retard
as everyone else has said use a nut flour
>Something about nuts in general
Sounds like he may be allergic to nuts, and by nuts I mean "nuts that grow on trees, as opposed to so-called peanuts, which are actually legumes."
OP, the only thing to do is don't bake a cake. Make him something else interesting, like a birthday steak.
>Your friend should consider moving to a non-american country if he can't afford medicine.
Yeah, all those countries with "free healthcare" are just droolingly eager to accept people with expensive major health problems.
Australia won't even allow you to immigrate if you're fat. Doesn't matter if you've got any other health problems yet, just be overweight and they'll tell you to fuck right off.
yeah, this is a fair point. op you could make something like an ice cream, or ice cream cake with stevia instead. less carbs but higher fat i guess
carbquick. it's a low carb flour. it won't taste like the real thing, but your diabetic friend will be pretty happy with it.
T1 'beetus here. Jut bake him a normal cake that will not taste like horseshit. In case you live in a third world shithole where he can't afford ~20 extra IU for his birthday, you might have bigger problems than a birthday cake.
yeah if the nigga is so strapped he can't cover the medicine maybe slip him a ten spot
just cook him a kick ass steak and some veggies.
Diabetes and sweets is a bad combo
MASH potato 'cake'
Serve hot
Your choice of meat-Fried chicken would be number one choice but it isn't the healthiest.
decorate it with gravy
Peas, corn etc.
Just totally skip the sugar problem