i want to open up a meme pizzaria. I guess i will call it "Meme-Za!".
i need some ideas for some epic pies tho.
i want to open up a meme pizzaria. I guess i will call it "Meme-Za!".
i need some ideas for some epic pies tho.
Don't sell pizza. Just sell canned pineapple.
Have 10 pages but all of them with the same 'go 'zA
We already have one called the Anime Pizzeria
Jack's Pizza - Mushy thick crust that's half way cooked with ketchup, half cooked mozzarella, lunchable pepperonis, and a few cold olives scattered about.
I was just about to ask someone to post pics of this. Did any of our San Antonio bros go there?
Already done.
Gluten free goat cheese stuffed crust, locally grown organic heirloom tomato sauce sourced from the local indian reservation, pastured lamb sausage, ozark shitake mushroom and non-GMO basil Za' with wine rack aged mozzarella cooked in a cob-clay kiln built every morning and fired with black walnut.
nice one
Epic bacon 'za
With real bacon!
Genius man!!
>Gluten free
Stopped here. Bravo sir
>warming hearts & feeding friends
degenerate meme faggots
>ping pong special
>silk screen print loli onto an extra cheese pizza
Donald Drumpf cheeto and gold flake Za'
I don't think you can screen print onto pizza my dude
It's a southern thing. People call their grandma me me. Kys you uncultured swine
fuck off racist redneck
Actually it's a Mexican thing, I just buried a guy and his headstone reads "beloved Meme".
Check out Anime Pizza in San Antonio
I live a few miles away if this place even still exists
Kill yourself you fucking moron i live in Minnesota, I'm just not retarded like you.
Probably where it started yeah.
dumb weeb has never seen a screenprinted cake before. same concept.
Put a pineapple pizza on the menu and when someone orders it you ring a bell and call them a faggot and yell at them to get the fuck out of your pizzeria.
I had an idea for a joint that serves healthy pizza about a month ago. By googling different recipes and doing some math on it, I managed to get the caloric value down to about 40 per slice.
Don't you mean congratulate them on having excellent taste?
Pineapple on pizza isn't the meme.
Stating that pineapple doesn't belong on a pizza is the meme
>wanting sweet fruit on pizza
Dude seriously?
revolutionize the za industry with the pineapple crust
Pink Himalayan salt pizza. Only topping is salt and theres tons of it.
Sushi Za
take two memes foods and put them together
"the works"
Black olives, anchovies and fresh tomato slices.
Served with mug vodka.
Use "based" a lot but not in the white way
Didn't someone go there and take pics a while ago?
I remember the guy in the back actually making the pizzas looked like he wanted to die.
pulled pizza
it's like pulled pork, but pulled pizza
serve nothing but 'go 'za
>built every day
>Gluten free goat cheese stuffed crust, locally grown organic heirloom tomato sauce sourced from the local indian reservation, pastured lamb sausage, ozark shitake mushroom and non-GMO basil Za' with wine rack aged mozzarella cooked in a cob-clay kiln built every morning and fired with black walnut.
Make the lamb optional to provide a vegetarian option and this is gold. You should sell this on Hollywood Boulevard or something. Seattle and San Fran too.
user needs a pure vegan pizza too, there are a handful of decent vegan cheese that work.
>I once dated a vegan allergic to tomato and still managed to make a pizza using smoked red pepper puree
>the For Me
Nothing will comfort your taste buds like the mouthfeel of our classic bun-crust 'za! Layered with succulent breaded chicken patties, crisp shredded lettuce, and drizzled with our signature mayo sauce, you'll certainly be lovin' this all-time favorite.
>anime pizzeria
Absolutely disgusting. Did the owner's 14 yo weeb daughter draw this shit?
>Tender Moments
Let our most popular personal pizza whisk you away to a simpler time before Mom's new boyfriend moved in. The Tender Moments 'za, piled high with our delicious chicken tendies, served with your choice of ketchup, honey mustard, or ranch dipping sauce is worth every good boy point you've earned this week. Go on–you deserve it!
>The Joe Rogaine
Unlock the beast with our crispy wild buffalo mozzarella and shredded cauliflower crust 'za with MCT sauce, topped with a whopping 43 fried eggs and sliced avocado fresh from the yard. You'll never feel so energetic and manly. Rawwwr!
Offer a plain cheese pizza for kids/picky eaters and call it "Simply Epic"
You are everything that's wrong with this board. Just because you don't understand something, and it seems outlandish, you automatically brand it as a meme.
You fuckers absolutely sicken me, taking food and segregating it between memes and non-memes, like a fucking leper colony. Food is food. No meme about it. So shut the fuck up. When you label food as a meme, you're taking all of the tasty ingredients and reducing them to dust. You should be ashamed of yourself.
When I came to this board, I was hoping for some great discussion regarding food and recommendations for new dishes to make, but all I got was this "meme" bullshit. Just shut the fuck up about it, okay? People can like whatever they enjoy, so stop reducing it to a "meme" just because you're too pussy to realize that. I fucking hate you, just like I hate the rest of this board. I'm jumping off this gravy train, and it was your straw that broke the camel's back. Hope you're happy, fuckstick.
I'd eat there.
So what's your favorite meme food?
'The refugee' a kebab 'za with extra banana, whole, but dyed black.
Epic. Simply epic.
>The Distinguished 'Za
You are everything that's wrong with this restaurant. Just because you don't understand something, and it seems outlandish, you automatically brand it as a meme.
You fuckers absolutely sicken me, taking food and segregating it between memes and non-memes, like a fucking leper colony. Food is food. No meme about it. So shut the fuck up. When you label food as a meme, you're taking all of the tasty ingredients and reducing them to dust. You should be ashamed of yourself.
When I came to this board, I was hoping for some great discussion regarding food and recommendations for new dishes to make, but all I got was this "meme" bullshit. Just shut the fuck up about it, okay? People can like whatever they enjoy, so stop reducing it to a "meme" just because you're too pussy to realize that. I fucking hate you, just like I hate the rest of this board. I'm jumping off this gravy train, and it was your straw that broke the camel's back. Hope you're happy, fuckstick.
Served with a complimentary glass of chilled water upon request, no ice.
>Go on–you deserve it!
Go on - you EARNED it
She must have been giving the worst blowjob.
This guy looks irritated to be there.
It's not a meme. It's a longtime, strongly held opinion of maybe 40% of pizza eaters. A lot of you here need to learn what a 'meme' actually is.
Bacon is not a meme. Sriracha is not a meme.
Literally serve this unironically
Did you need the 'literally' in there?
Once my roommate was literally drunk, and he had unironically ordered that literal type of pizza, irregardless of the fact that it seems literally disgusting. He literally offered me a literal slice and it is unironically good irregardless of the fact that it seems literally disgusting.
I never understood how people could think that that pizza looked bad.
Why would you save this image????????
for (you)
Because tomato slices are the most retarded pizza topping there is.
Why? They add a nice burst of juiciness and sweetness.
>quoting the whole post
god let this thread die if it gets the get im never coming to Veeky Forums again what a shithole
>caring about gets
>b-but Veeky Forums is the shithole
alright m8 you can fuck right off now
Why would they be sweet? They're not long enough in the oven to caramelize and "juiciness" on a pizza just translates to "watery and soggy".
Check my digits
Because tomatoes are sweet?
And it won't be soggy as long as you keep the slices thin enough.
pineapple deserves to go on pizza
>Because tomatoes are sweet?
they're not sweeter than the tomato sauce that should be already on that pizza, no.
>this nigga never had a proper tomato in his life
lmaoing at your life right now
>The SMUG Pepe
Sausage, Mozzarella, Umami mayo and Green peppers
>The Big Guy
Sausage, Salami, Meatball, Caramelised onion, Buffalo Mozzarella, Basil, Mushroom and Chilli Jam
>The Wall
Mozarella, Meatloaf mix, ketchup and Edible gold flakes
>The Jack
Pineapple, Egg, Tortilla Chips, Olives, Bacon, Anchovies
Fried chicken pieces, squid ink, jalapenos, hot sauce
>The Dubs
Double cheese, Double Beef, Double Pepperonis,
Double mushroom, Double Green Peppers
shutup your dumb nerd
I have "proper" tomatos in my garden.
Why would they be sweeter than their condensed form, user? Use your head for a second.
Came here to post this
haha yeah bro like why would you condense tree sap from a sugar maple it's just as sweet as maple syrup as is haha I must not have taken my brain pills this morning
I'm not the one claiming that something with more water content is magically going to be sweeter, mate
Howzit badger!
Someone has already done it
It's an affectionate term for Grand mother in French
clearly sarcasm meant to mock you for saying condensing something with sugar would not make it sweeter
do you have aspergers?
>next to a gay sextoy shop
ya cant make that shit up lads
>Rainbow Dash
If we're going to be literal here, pineapple on pizza is, by definition, a meme since it is an idea that has spread.
But you know damn well what people mean when they say meme, and it is not an idea. Bacon and sriracha are meme foods and you are trash if you eat or speak approvingly of them ever. Kys.
Who are you quoting?
A pizza that is dough only with few pieces of dry meat sparingly scattered atop it
Put a sign that says "over 9000 combinations!!!" outside
is this copypasta?
made me think of this
found an old thread, jesus christ
fucking newfags don't know what the fuck memes are.
Kill yourself.