Why does this food get so much flak?
Why does this food get so much flak?
Some people have low-iron diets.
Because children judge food with their eyes and not their taste buds.
>because plating is just a meme
Why would I want to eat part of an animal's digestive system? I've seen what farm animals are willing to eat, it's pretty fucking gross. I don't want to consume that through proxy.
first step to vegan
>m-muh gateway
I go hunting every fall with the senpai, there is NOTHING wrong with eating meat. But we live in a privileged era during which we don't have to use every single fucking part of the animals we kill.
Unless you live in a 4th world country --which I'm guessing you're not since you're on the internet-- there is absolutely no reason to be consuming innards.
>inb4 muh masculinity
>inb4 my taste is better than yours
Stop being a hipster pretending to be better than others. Your insecurities seep through posts like that.
>family --> senpai filter
I forgot about that
Not sure
The worst I ever had was grainy as if filling mouth with copious oats
Best I ever had had firm but easytear/melty skin and rich/creamy body
Shit is fantastic with everything but the pudding
>Why does this food get so much flak?
because it looks like someone's torso actually hit by flak
>there is absolutely no reason to be consuming innards.
1) They taste good
2) Why waste them?
1. If you genuinely enjoy it, then more power to you.
2. My post addressed why you don't have to worry about wasting them; nice reading comprehension.
>tfw I'll never eat haggis unless I kill and butcher a sheep myself or go to scotland
>there is absolutely no reason to be consuming innards
I bet you eat hotdogs.
I bet you eat pepperoni.
Poverty tier food. Cultured and refined people wouldn't touch that trash.
>Someone that has never dined in a Scots Guards Officers mess.
Because they're complete fuckin mongos OP
Food of the gods, great as a topping too. Haggis pizza, chicken balmoral, haggis topped burger
Nobody should want to eat haggis, people ate it because they didn't have a choice other than "don't eat."
>2. My post addressed why you don't have to worry about wasting them; nice reading comprehension.
No, it didn't address that as all. Your point was basically "you might as well throw them out since you can easily afford something else".
That's inherently wasteful. Just because you aren't forced to throw them away doesn't mean you should anyway.
The deal with innards is that they require more skill to cook than the choice cuts. Any tard can make a steak taste good. Offal takes a bit more effort.
to be honest all they seem to do is put pepper, pepper and more pepper in haggis to make it taste decent
not that i don't love it, but that's basically all it seems to be
They put pepper AND salt in it...
>with the senpai,
With your cuck-master ?
what is this fag doing
The problem is only in america where they are made in actual condoms because its not legal to serve stomach here.
>Because children judge food with their eyes and not their taste buds.
This might be relevant, haggis does look pretty disgusting.
It's delicious if it's good but there's also plenty of bad haggis in the world and that is disgusting.
>pepper AND salt
And whisky, surely?
Is that a vintage Cannondale? I think they're collectible.
Chopped heart with steak in a chilli???
Nah just kys you are the lowest of the low
It's one of a very few traditional British foods that I find palatable.
no one who has tried haggis dislikes it.
i've seen vegetarians try it and like it.
people are just squeamish about any form of offal and haggis simply does not give a fuck about pandering to them. apart from the faggots who turn it into fritters and lasagne and shit
Im scottish and I dont like Haggis. I love black pudding, liver, kidney etc but I cant do haggis.
tragically middle class
you are the definition of a non true scotsman
Wrong, Ive eaten deep fried mars bars and enjoyed them, I think my scottishness is safe.
Do you eat the Sheeps stomach too or just the meat inside
i want to try haggis really bad. it sounds lovely.
tacos de tripas are delicious tho
just the meat inside
You're a shit hunter if you don't try to use the whole animal
I thought lung was banned there too, it's pretty ironic with the shit you consume and export.
nice goalposts senpai