Ok, Veeky Forums
>get gifted this chunk of filet.
>have basically no experience cooking meat.
>have an electric range/oven, a stainless pan, butter, oil, salt, and pepper.
What do?
Filet Mignon
Wrap it in bacon and use skewers or toothpicks to keep it from falling off. Season both sides with salt and pepper generously. Preheat your oven to 400F. Put your pan on the stove and turn it to medium high (probably like a 7 but that can be too hot on some stoves). Add a tablespoon of oil to the pan (enough to coat the whole surface) and heat it until you can just barely see it start to smoke (If it starts smoking a lot it's too hot and you need to clean the pan and start over otherwise you'll burn your steak instead of sear it). Put your steak in the pan and sear it on both sides flipping every 30s until you get a nice brown crust on both sides then take the pan with the steak in it and put it on the middle rack in your oven. Cook it until the bacon has cooked. Then take it out of the oven and put it back on the stove. Add a knob of butter, a crushed clove of garlic, and a sprig of rosemary or thyme or oregano or sage to the pan. When the butter starts foaming tilt the pan and use a spoon to baste the steak in butter for about 2 minutes. Make sure to pull the pan off the stove if it gets too hot, you don't want the butter to burn. When it reaches about 5F below your desired temperature pull it off the stove and let it rest on a plate for at least 5 minutes, then plate it. Pour the juices back in the pan, heat it up with a little more butter and then pour it over your steak and dig in.
Season steak 40 minutes in advance and let chill in fridge before cooking with just a little bit of salt. Don't use the pan, use the electric range directly. Oil it with olive oil and put steak on it, then turning heat on low. Don't flip it on the other side, just cook it on the same side you put it down on. Cook twenty minutes for medium well if you like it bloody, thirty if good. Finish it off with your favorite steak sauce (mine is A1!) or ketchup. NO MUSTARD.
Thanks, but I have no culinary herbs except cinnamon
He meant fresh herbs, and I think you can replace it easily with a piece of lettuce or cabbage, they work just the same.
seconding this. bennihana style.
Cinnamon is not a culinary herb, user.
The more you know...
>use hands to coat steak in butter
>Cover generously in salt and pepper
>Preheat pan on med-high
>4 minutes
>6 minutes
>2 minutes
How did I do?
Decent but not great sear
>I have no experience
This is obviously too advanced for OP you asshat
It didn't cook evenly user but I that looks like an ok medium.
You should have let the meat rest a bit longer after cooking, it'll help retain the juices that has seeped out onto the plate.
Otherwise it's a medium of you were going for that. A tad uneven but that's nitpicking. Enjoy a steak you made for yourself.
Should have cooked it well done. Medium is a meme.
The herbs and garlic aren't essential, they just add a little aroma and flavor to the dish, you can still make a really tasty sauce without them. Also, cinnamon is a spice, not an herb.
It's cooked a bit unevenly, but otherwise it's a pretty good result for someone with no experience cooking steak. It's not burned, it's not horribly over cooked. How was your seasoning? Did it taste good?
I always thought they were called Flamin' Yawns
It was delicious and soft and buttery. The next one will be a little better, hopefully.
glad to hear that youre ready to start cooking more
The better you get at cooking, the better you'll get at analyzing and fixing (and wasting less time) your mistakes. Don't underestimate yourself as a teacher to yourself
I can see raw stuff inside, and its leaking blood everywhere! Disgusting! And where's the ketchup?!
I would like this pipe to subtly troll my libcuck friend.
>Filet Mignon
>Wrap in bacon
Fuck of you piece of human garbage.
Salt and pepper, fry it on all sided in oil and butter, so that it gets color, then put it in the oven for a few minutes. You can also add garlic to the butter if you want.
>Wrapping filet in bacon
Go back to the Foodgore thread where you belong please
>shitting on one of the most common ways to cook filet mignon
What are you? Oh, let me guess.
Filet is a garbage piece of meat with little to no fat content, ergo no flavor. Wrapping in bacon keeps the meat moist, as well as adding much needed flavor.
>ketchup with steak
Have you considered suicide ?
have you considered not taking shitty bait?
>Filet is a garbage piece of meat
You sir are a meme of the highest power. I shat on thee!
Meat eaters are fucking disgusting. How does this look appetizing in any way?
Why go to all this trouble when you can just microwave it for ten minutes or so? Boiling until al dente is also a good option.
That would take ages to pan fry maybe 4 mins on each side sear the edges then 6 min in the oven @160.
>Season with black pepper before pan-frying >leave for 1hr becuz thicc
>Coat pan in oil and get it smoking hot then add steak
>season with salt, it will flip when it forms a natural crust.
>repeat on next side
>sear on edges
>cook in oven at 160 for 6 mins
Also open a window
If you are not used to cooking, do not bother you will ruin it. So instead of anything complicated just slice this pice, salt and pepper then fry on pan. Do not try anything more fancy than basic salt and pepper.