Do you consider yourself to have healthy eating habits Veeky Forums? What is it you eat? What made you want to start eating healthier in the first place?
Discuss all aspects of healthy eating ITT
Do you consider yourself to have healthy eating habits Veeky Forums? What is it you eat? What made you want to start eating healthier in the first place?
Discuss all aspects of healthy eating ITT
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>Do you consider yourself to have healthy eating habits Veeky Forums?
I don't eat as healthy as I should. I make good money and don't have a lot of time so I eat out too much. I try to order salads pretty often, but fried food is soooo tempting.
For a while there I ate nothing but salads, oatmeal, and lean protein. Snacked on nuts. Lost about 20 pounds. Cut my blood cholesterol in half, lowered my blood pressure by 20 points diastolic and systolic. I was walking 30 minutes a day back then too.
I fell off the wagon after eating some papa john's pizza around the 4th of july about 3 years ago now. Went from 165 back to about 180... I still eat more salad than I used to and never really went back to red meat. But carbs have been my downfall. I love to bake and I love sandwiches.
Now that it is bathing suit season I have been trying to get back on the healthy wagon, but it's been difficult. I have been eating small portion sizes of beans and rice and salads and wheat bran cereal. There have been too many work successes lately though that have meant celebrating at the bar though...
And now it's sno-ball season... ugh.
I try to eat as fresh and unprocessed as possible and when I can. Also, the only beverage I drink on a daily basis besides water is green tea. Feels good mang.
changes every three months, the only thing i avoid the preprocessed food(exept ramen, my kryptonite)
After years of exhaustively reading all the research on the subject, I have come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as 'healthy eating', or 'eating healthy', or any other such concept of eating for your health.
It's like a chimera or an honest politician. It simply does not exist. Everyone talks about it, but no one has ever seen it.
Like anything else you have to approach the subject of healthy eating with common sense.
Are most things best in moderation? Yes.
Are fresh unprocessed foods the better alternative to processed foods usually laden with fillers? Yes.
Should you aim to keep your caloric intake low while maximizing nutrient consumption? Yes.
What food provide the most nutrients with the lowest amounts of calories - fresh fruits and vegetables.
It's pretty simple desu.
This is a very american thing to say. Granted, there's no such thing as a one true diet that's healthy for every single person, but that doesn't mean that aren't general things you can consider healthy and unhealthy based on the quantities and frequency you consume them.
Also look at the diets of cultures around the world who are the healthiest in terms of the lowest rates in obesity, cancer, heart disease, etc.
Game meat, vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, honey, eggs, filtered water (removing fluoride and heavy metals from the tap water). I try and avoid eating out as much as possible.
Also iodine supplement (most people are deficient), apple cider vinegar and weightlifting and cardio to keep the body strong and healthy.
I try to watch my health. Since switching to a healthier diet my blood pressure is down 20 points at the same weight. Don't have lipid panel though. I also save a lot of money by buying simple foods and not many animal products.
I try to eat as much fruit as I can afford and supplement with golden syrup and raw cane sugar. Contrary to received wisdom, a good amount of sucrose and fructose is essential to optimal health and well-being. The high-sugar is great. Starch-wise I go for potatoes, lentils, rye bread. Add nuts and seeds
Also going for the eggs and liverwurst, sort of in the Masterjohn way. Get some quality iron, zinc and choline. Also getting some fishies in
Nice bait shit head.
Some foods are more nutritious and don't include saturated or trans fat. Those foods are objectively (calorie for calorie) better for you than foods that do include those fats.
And when I talk about saturated fats I am talking about those linked to cancer, obesity, gout, diabetes, and cardio vascular disease as studied by the world health organization and at least a dozen other well respected health and medical organizations. Palmitic and Stearic Fatty Acids, basically.
(Red meat and dairy)
Sorry meat heads. I love meat too... but its a fucking scientific fact that its not healthy - even in moderation it raises your risk for all above mentioned diseases.
i have pretty healthy eating habits.. i used to be pretty fat but that was because i drank like 8 tall cans of beer a day for a few years.. but i cut that out and dropped 20lbs pretty quickly
i mostly make food at home. a lot of vegetarian food but i'm not a vegetarian, i just like really high quality meat so i don't consume that much of it
i like fast food once in a while though but i'm a burger, small fry and black coffee kind of person so i don't think it's that big of a deal
rarely drink pop either.. i love soda water and i might drink 8 cans of coke a year
my weakness is alcohol and cheese, i guess
I use to eat utter garbage until about a year ago I decided to improve myself.
Visited my kinesiologist today and she said I'm the healthiest person she's seen in months. I feel fucking great too. It's amazing what exercise and good food can do to your mentality.
Fermented pig fodder, eggs, bread, oats, fresh fruit, carrot, cucumber, kale, pitato, sweet potato, other vegetables, fermented vegetables, cheese, homemade ice cream, yougurt, butter, olive oil, pig, beef, chicken, liver, makrell, herring, coffee. Organic everything. No processed food not too much sugar no softdrinks
I eat cleaner than anyone else I know. Unproccessed foods, cook everything myself. Cheaper and quicker (was only slow when I was initially new at cooking). But socially it has it's tolls. I practice intermittent fasting, which has taught me I can avoid bad food in social gatherings, but it still wierds some people out. I was always interested in nutrition. Came to realize I would rather have a fully functional mind & body than the short gradification of processed food. Feels good man.
>a good amount of sucrose and fructose is essential to optimal health
that doesn't sound right
How to motivate myself to eat healthier?
My staple snack was chocolate for years, recently I've been trying to cut back and replace it with more nutritional food. It's been going alright although I still crave it sometimes.
I can't let go of my frozen pizzas though.
get a disease
get a 10/10 gf
Check my lunch
Go super dark chocolate + peanut butter
Something so engrained as eating is a tough habbit to break, but certainly doable if you focus.
A couple books I would recommend is Mind Hacking by John Hargrave (ebook is free) and The Ultramind Solution by Mark Hyman. Hyman makes some rediculous claims in that book, but the core wisdom is still there. If you are more of a blog person, checkout ZenHabbits or James Clear.
Do my sleeping problems count?
That... would probably actually help, but as if I could ever score one.
For the chocolate,eat a little less everyday. Like say you have 4 bars a day,reduce that to 3 then eat 3 for a week then reduce it to 2 then after a week 1 and maybe you might even lose the motivation to eat chocolate after that.
As for the frozen pizzas,they are honestly worse then chocolate. You should look up some scary shit about them to scare you. Also,make like four of them in one go. Then lay all four out in front of you and keep eating and eating until you physically cannot eat anymore. Guarantee you won't want to eat a frozen pizza for a long long time after that.
Try replace your snacks with healthier options like granola bars. And drink plenty of water but not too much. Exercise as well.
It really boils down to your own motivation. You need to actually WANT to get healthier. Just believe in yourself.
Also check The China Study
>Do you consider yourself to have healthy eating habits Veeky Forums?
yes, I eat daily to provide my body with nutrition without caloric excess.
I drink lots of vodka. That cleans out my system, and even cleans my teeth (I haven’t brushed in years, and haven’t had a cavity since).
I also eat a liverwurst sandwich pretty much every day – to counterbalance the effects the vodka has on my liver. I make my sandwiches on seeded rye (because it’s the healthiest bread), with mayo (because eggs are the best protein; I use kewpie, because the msg makes it taste better), coarse mustard (good for the white blood cells), zucchini pickles (because they taste good), and a bunch of baby spinach (just for filler; it could honestly be left out).
I also eat a lot of canned fish (mostly sardines, but also the occasional fancy smoked oysters) on saltines. They give you all your essential amino acids, and provide a nice opportunity to try out various hot sauces, which are generally very low in calories, while high in flavor and immensely prodigious to healthiness.
Aside from that, I drink large amounts of water (anywhere between ice-cold to slightly chilled) every day, always through a straw, and sometimes with a lemon wedge.
To each their own, I say, but I’m just shy of 30 and am doing better than most of you.
enjoy your gout
That's not healthy
Overall no. The foods I eat are typically extremely healthy.
(typical day is like brussel sprouts/cauliflower/grilled boneless skinless chicken/drink basically nothing but water/etc...) But I just eat too much. I tend to eat about 2600 calories per day.
Been on a steamed food kick since last August.
Yeah it looks like poop but seasoning fixes anything, I ain't cooking for the Ritz. I really like steamed bell pepper and cauliflower with a sprinkle of salt, pepper and basil leaf mmm!
Once a month (exactly once a month!) I'll pig out on whatever catches my eye; extra large meat lovers pizza etc and snarf it down like a bulimic at Golden Corral. Also switched from beer to red wine, really enjoying it. Cut sweet drinks out of my diet, no late night runs to Wendys or Taco Bell, etc. If I'm craving sweets I munch on candied ginger.
Down to 135 lbs now, hope to lose another 5 lbs before summer so the boys will ogle my bum :3c
I eat healthy on weekdays so I can smoke guilt-free
then i kill myself over weekends
Same, healthy on weekdays and on weekends I ate whatever the fuck I want (within moderation ofc)
i'm trying to gain weight bro I'm not a fatass
eat nuts
i've knocked down like 13 servings of chunky natural peanut butter in the last couple days
today I ate two servings of greek yogurt, two apples, six porkchops five hardboiled eggs and like 10 rashers of bacon
You're going to die of heart disease
I want to fix my diet but Veeky Forums's suggestion of steamed brocolli and chicken breast every meal seems like it would get old fast.
nah I stopped eating or drinking refined sugar a while ago
also I a handful of raw garlic cloves every other morning or so, which lowers your blood pressure better than any medication on the market and greatly aids heart health in general
>nah I stopped eating or drinking refined sugar a while ago
Are you retarded? Or I guess just trolling...
aware yourself noobling
>ignoring all the sourced studies in the site because it has a guy's name on it
I glanced over them and realized that I already know them and they're bullshit.
The first reference is James J. DiNicolantonio, a known fraud and media whore who is riding the "everything we were told is wrong" train to sell books (salt is healthy, fat is healthy, etc.). And O'Keefe, a keto carbphobe retard. It's just their personal unscientific opinion shrouded in scientific jargon. It isn't even a meta-analysis. DiNicolantonio isn't even qualified to talk about this subject.
As for citation 5 and 6, they are not even described correctly in the text. Citation 5 is a COMMENT on citation 6, but the text claims that they are independent studies. Furthermore, citation 5 is actually a criticism of citation 6, called "The Link Between Dietary Sugar Intake and Cardiovascular Disease Mortality - AN UNRESOLVED QUESTION" pointing out that, according to the same data in citation 6, cardiovascular disease, obesity and diabetes have increased dramatically at the same time there has been very little change in sugar consumption, which is known for a long time.
So the "study" (which is an article, not a study) that is used to "prove" that sugar causes heart disease actually says that the evidence for that isn't there at all.
Actually, since the last 20 years there has been a significant decrease in sugar consumption with a parallel increase in obesity and diabetes - this has happened in the US, UK and Australia.
It's also dishonest to reference the WHO guidelines, because according to their own guidelines, the reason for an upper limit on added sugar is "very poor quality evidence" that it causes tooth decay. There has never been any concern about heart disease from sugar. The IOM on the other hand suggests an upper limit of 25% of calories from refined sugar, only to maintain nutritional adequacy in the diet.
the mcchicken is the scientificly most healthiest thing ever
>Scared of fluoride
>Supplements iodine
I go out of my way to find light vegetable dishes that I'll like. Using cabbage (blanched if you prefer it) for wraps is a no-brainer.
Mostly I just skip supper and drink a lot of water. The easiest way to eat healthy is to not force three meals a day.
i've been meaning to follow a produce calendar to make sure i'm eating stuff when it tastes best
that way i can trick myself into thinking vegetables taste good
i just can't find calendars that work like a normal calender
they're always circular and never go by months or days
i'd like something that works like a regular calendar so i can put schedule in the same place i put my food suggestions
but i just don't have the effort to translate the whole thing into something actually usable
like it's never as intuitive as i need it to be
Personally I just struggle on filling meals without meat, or just healthy meals that are quick.
Any suggestions?
Red lentils, potatoes
rice, pasta, beans, potatoes
For me it's the McChicken, the healthiest and tastiest fast food burger
I've been trying to eat a mainly vegetarian/vegan diet but realized my weight a couple of weeks ago was pretty low (around 110 - 115). I also do cardio every day so that probably doesn't help.
Been lifting weights/doing pull-ups ontop of the cardio and increasing caloric intake in the form of snacking on nuts and getting more protein from stuff like fish, QuestBars, tofu/edamame, nut butters, hummus + veggies, non-dairy milk and homemade protein bites, greek yogurt, oatmeal, etc.
Still trying to make lean gains by being mainly vegetarian but it's kinda hard. I've noticed a little more flabbiness has formed but I do think I'm getting stronger and I think I've gained around 3 - 4 lbs.
Steam some veggies for 10 - 20 minutes and eat with a hummus dip. Hell, if you're in a hurry, just eat em raw with hummus dip.
If you're extra lazy, just buy salad mixes from the store, some dry roasted edamame, and an olive oil based dressing. Mix that shit together in like 2 minutes and you have a healthy quick meal.
We all know that cooking trends are that, the more upscale, the more ingredients you feel the need to use (when a dish reads like a paragraph). I have gone the opposite route, personally...because all that razzle-dazzle is really designed more for your tongue and not your overall health.
So I keep things basic. Dishes vary, but main ingredients involve avocados, spinach, sweet potatoes, beets, lentils, peas, eggplant...with hints of brown rice and quinoa (meaning not the centerpiece of the meal; more like a side, which is a rarity in most cases).
Food streamlined. Just taste the food. You don't need whisks of asterberry lime infused with powdered mercon-valley grown wild roots...that's basically a way of saying "let me give you this insanely small plate of little nutritional value...aaand that will be 76 dollars, plus tip"....
So the question becomes
And the larger, troubling problem (think fast food)
Once food gets past the mouth...why?
Wonder bread?
Snickers bar?
All the way up to bullshit plates of nothing.
No I don't, I eat all sugary junk food because all that other bullshit is boring.
I love brussel sprouts, I always have ever since I was a wee child. I know people complain about the taste but I don't understand why, they are so damn tasty. Fuck you normalfags, collared greens, spinach and other leafy foods are delicious.
Are those ridiculous smoothies with kale, garlic, ginger, etc in them actually as healthy as people say? How the fuck do you make that palatable as a liquid?
i always thought just throwing lettuce carrots and cucumbers with italian dressing would make a badass smoothie
>garden salad smoothie
Usually you mix it with fruit/sugar, but I know Tropical Smoothie makes a kale/spinach/ginger smoothie without any added sugars because the ginger acts as a natural sweetener.
As far as I know, you're still keeping all the nutritional content of the food even when blended up, the only difference between eating spianch/kale and blending it would be either a solid or liquid texture.
>as healthy as people say?
Depends on what people are saying. No, they're not going to cure obesity and cancer overnight. But they are pretty fucking nutritious; you can easily look up the nutritional value of the various ingredients and decide for yourself.
>>How the fuck do you make that palatable as a liquid?
The first time I tried one I thought it was going to taste like a bunch of lawn trimmings. But they are surprisingly good. Get the balance of ingredients right and they taste downright awesome. Though, I will say this: you need a very good blender. If your blender is shit then the resulting smoothie has a horrible consistency/texture. But if you have something good like a vitamix or a blendtec then you're set.
I need more friends like you. Keep it up man.
>Do you consider yourself to have healthy eating habits Veeky Forums?
I don't know, you tell me:
>What is it you eat?
Raw broccoli
Green Apples
Cashew nuts
Fried salmon
Grilled turkey breasts
Boiled eggs
>What made you want to start eating healthier in the first place?
Trying to lose weight and save money
Trying to cut for the summer. Currently eating chicken thighs, spinach, eggs, and bacon mostly. Just ate a lunch of a chicken thigh, spinach and an egg and my stomach is already growling. May need to re-add potatoes to my lunches.
What foods are best for digestive health? For me, I think it's lentils.
>Discuss all aspects of healthy eating ITT
There is no such thing as healthy eating for 'Mericans
To 'Merican niggers, Obesity = sexy
Eggs (2-3) with TJ canola oil spray
O% fave with teaspoon or half of B maman jam, Banana, Orange etc Sometimes English muffin with little cream cheese
TJS rústico bread with turkey, 1 cab tuna with teaspoon mayo, tjs tomato or butternut squash soup, or frozen Amy's Indian
Chicken breast, swordfish mahi mano ahí etc pan with olive oil, sweet potato or sometimes ref, plus one-two other veggie
2 snacks
Cliff bar, raw almonds fruit , sometimes a candy bar
With this diet I can have good indulges 3-4 times as well as a good many smaller indulgences every week and remain very slim.
Only thing I'm terrible about is leafy greens, rarely eat salad. Also drink Diet Coke and have alcohol 2-3 time per week.
Rate my diet healthiness
>What foods are best for digestive health? For me, I think it's lentils.
lentils make me bleed
try matmeal
>To 'Merican niggers, Obesity = sexy
No entirely. I've been reading a shit ton of studies, articles and guidelines about nutrition and I've taken a few steps. No packaged (junk) food, no sweets or added sugars, generally lower sodium intake, less meat/dairy and more focus on just fruits and vegetables and some of those strictly organic. Wholemeal pasta instead of regular pasta, black rice and instead of white, olive oil instead of sunflower etc etc
I don't think vegan is the best diet for health but meat/dairy intake should definitely be very low compared to basically any normal diet. I'm trying to cut back more on that or at least replace it with fish (small, low polution). Also I need more general variety. I think I'll make wraps a staple, you can put basically any combination of vegetables in there and it tastes good, also really fast and easy to make.
you should do less food combining
aka protein + starches
Most of what I eat is rather low in protein anyway and even legumes like lentils are perfectly fine to eat with rice in a vegetarian curry for example. Oatmeal is mostly starch with quite some protein too and it's really great. But yeah I get what you mean.
nah those are fine
sorry should have said meat + starches
just space them out 2 hours if you wanna do that.
>strictly organic
you got meme'd by the organic food industry dude. save the extra money you waste on organic produce to spend on pokemon cards.
Yeah less meat is generally better. But it's so convenient to have some sausage, at the very least from a local butcher/far, in the fridge. Maybe buying a ton of chickpeas and making a batch of hummus will help that habbit.
Nah there are foods that make sense to buy organic and pay a bit extra like if you want apples or peaches when they're out of season. If you have the chance to buy local that's of course even better and some organic foods are made by corporations you'd avoid any other product. All organic is stupid.