>Dad owns a burger place
>Cares deeply on burgers quality
>5 black people in
>black people rarely come on
>they come to the menu board and see how much quality burgers cost
>They're outraged
>start screaming "Shit" Infront of children and saying they could get it for a dollar something at mcdonalds
>all walk out cussing and screaming mcdonads
>everyone watches them walk out
Pic related. Our burger.
Dad owns a burger place
Other urls found in this thread:
nigger hate thread?
>April 20 this year
>At Wendy's drive thru to grab a quick dinner to take to work
>behind car
>order my food and waiting in line
>car in front of me starts yelling jigaboo bullshit at me
>this continues for ~3 minutes
>can see there are at least 4 of them in the car and don't want to get my ass mobbed when I'm trying to go to work
>take literally ten minutes when they get to the window
>cashier apologizes to me and complains how they were being assholes and changing everything about their order when they got to the window to pay
I seriously hate black people the more I interact with them, even when I'm minding my own business they have to be stupid niggers. I just wish I had someone with me because they parked after getting their food and I absolutely would have run up and pepper sprayed the inside of their entire car if I had a getaway driver, no way am I getting in a street fight with 4 apes.
at least post the image with it
Those patties look 10/10, but that bun needs some serious work. Literal 3/10
Get some better buns and that burger goes from a 6/10 to an 8 or 9.
Buns are the second most important part of a burger.
looks like a steaknshake melt
probably not worth the price.
but yeah haha them darkies right?
Thank god, OP. You wouldn't want them as customers anyways. How much DOES that burger cost?
See for yourself at our website.
$8.99 + 13% colored person tax
>Wichita Falls
Home of the Cowboys training camp?
>niggers chimping out
>being surprised
choose one
im black and would buy from here
That's kinda high, not insanely so though.
How many ounces are each of those patties?
Do they include fries or do you have a special for like $1 more with fries?
I get a half pound bacon cheeseburger and fries for $7.99 at my local family run pizzeria/sub shop that's really good.
Is that your mom OP?
as Veeky Forums's resident black person, i'd like to say that those burgers look very tasty. :)
itt: shit that didn't happen
op I'm gonna fuck your mommy
I haven't seen this copypasta in awhile.
shredded lettuce ruins it
i'll stick with fuddruckers
I'd fuck his dad desu
Superior version.
ITT things never happend.
What I find hilarious is all those "YAAS" niggers talking about white people food on twitter when none of them can even cook a meal. They also chimp out when you try to convince them that Italians (at least northern ones) are white and they completely ignore French and German cuisine. They just focus on shit tier Anglo stuff.
God,I don't even mind all these white people memes becaus I even laugh at them and shitpost on /int/ and /pol/ with them but the food one really pisses me off because retards actually believe it.
>texomas best
MG's is better, MG's is literally God
RIP Ronnie's Burgers
Looks p. comfy desu. Probably not a place to eat at daily, but for sure at least once a week or after a local sports game. Burgers are a little expensive, but the cheap sides make up for it.
user got cancer and died fyi
Is this a reoccuring thread I'm not aware of or are you people autistically doing this in real time?
It was some kind of heart condition, not cancer. Also he was dumb enough to reveal his home address in a /b/ thread. thebarchive.com
Did you see the pic says 2013
Google Ronnie's Burgers in imagea and look at the efeet even mild memeimg can have.
you sound insecure. i dont care if youre ugly, i dont care if you have sex often but you insisting that it was important to the story tells me its something you care that i/others think you do have sex/ look good. you probably deserve to be hackled and im glad it has continued to bother your insecure and fragile personality
so THIS is the anomalous legion................
I pointed it out specifically because this board has been overly abrasive lately and was trying to avoid a bunch of ironic meme replies trying to bash me like the niggers did, you couldn't be more wrong.
>Wants weed legalized
>But is wearing a MAGA hat
i live literally in the next town over, you wouldn't believe how many of these faggots there are.
>writes white nationalist screed
>calls other overly abrasive
So basically they like the idea of legal weed but rather support a party that is totally against it? Okay I guess.
You fucked up OP
Your mom is hot
again, i dont care if im wrong. nobody cares if you dont have sex or how ugly you are but you. thats why you keep insisting that youre not. fix this about yourself and stop generalizing an entire people because of your insecurities.
The embodiment of Veeky Forums
>keep insisting
I mentioned it once, you have poor reading comprehension and you sound like a little pussy nitpicking details to find something to get upset about
This is why I keep a gun in my car.
Well, that and one time five years ago when I had to stop at a light and a hitchhiker ran up to my car from the side of the road and started pounding on my window and begging for me to give him a ride.
He's right, you're an insecure beta faggot, and since blacks are more animalistic, they were able to sense that insecurity. They didn't make fun of you because you were ugly, they made fun of you because you care about whether or not you're ugly. When you're raised in a lawless, jungle-like culture, you have to be able to spot weakness very quickly in order to survive, and that extends beyond physical weakness.
>nigger hate thread?
no this is Veeky Forums
I never keep my gun in my car.
>someone will eventually break in and steal it and you have the police all up in your business
>i mentioned it once
you mentioned that you have a lot of sex and that youre handsome once in your original post and another when you said "you couldnt be more wrong" in your response to me, implying again that you have sex and arent ugly.
>you sound like a pussy
this is name calling also this is coming from someone who said he wanted to spray people with pepper spray and then drive away for hurting his feelings
no this is Veeky Forums
you have to go back
>/r/the_donald telling me to go back
lol ok kid
I didn't say I LEFT the gun in my car, did I?
I can clip my CCW's holster underneath the steering wheel. Only takes a few seconds to put it on or take it off.
>implying again that you have sex and arent ugly
um, sweetie? No. You really need to learn to read, the entire point of saying you couldn't be wrong was to point out that your bullshit analysis of me as a person based off a greentext store is completely wrong. You really are not looking very smart in this thread.
It's obvious that he's incredible insecure, but the question is, is he insecure because he's as critical and mean towards himself as he is to everyone else, and assumes everyone else is going to be judgmental as he is, or does he lash out at others because of his insecurity?
>you're a pussy for not singlehandedly taking on 4 thugs
Your trolling is nosediving pretty quickly, don't reply to me again
He never called you a pussy, retard. He was quoting you.