What book will absolutely fuck with your mind?

What book will absolutely fuck with your mind?

Depends on what you mean by "fuck with your mind." Are you asking for something that's abstract and difficult to actually comprehend or are you looking for something that's more concrete but will deeply challenge your preconceptions?


What exactly do you want?
For example
Guns, Germs, and Steel - Will make you realise that people with 0 idea of what they are talking about publish books and influence the world enough to destroy the greatest civilization.

Bataille's Accursed Share

Occult and spiritual books.

epic meme my redpilled sir

The Bible

I do not say this from an atheistic perspective

Infinite Jest

1984 is a good start, it's really quite terrifying

something abstract and difficult to understand

Nah. As I Lay Dying did it better, I think. Then again, that's probably because I'm American.

The Dead Father by Donald Barthelme
The Blind Owl by Sadegh Hedayat
The Red Book by Carl Jung


Man's Search for Meaning

The Phenomenology of Spirit.

Hi Dav. Nobody is going to buy your book.

Finnegan's Wake

Hardcore Zen

anything by wittgenstein

Philip K Dick

I got that book from Christmas. I still smiled and said it's very interesting since it actually supports the point of our civilization being the greatest

The blind owl. What are you trying to do make him off himself

Sex and Character



top post in every single one of these is "House of Leaves"

How did it fuck with your mind? I thought its strenght lay in its relatability

>Will make you realise that people with 0 idea of what they are talking about publish books and influence the world enough to destroy the greatest civilizatio
For those who haven't read it, this statement is 100% true. The fact that people take this book as gospel and as a reason I should feel white guilt need to be slaughtered.



I'll take the latter

>Dude, what if like, controlling the media makes you the controller of truth
>What if, like, that describes our civilization


because it shows how people could become completely enslaved and dehumanized forever by not even a conscious human, but an idea that can never die.

There's nothing wrong with reddit.

1000 Plateaus is one of those books whose chapters can be read in any order. It's like hitting your mind with a stick, which has thousands of tiny holes in it, into which your mind seeps.

Orwell's thesis in 1984 is really more centered around the idea that an individual's cognition and perceptions can be manipulated through the strategic augmentation of the language which necessarily frames their every conscious thought. He just speculated on that concept's application as a form of covert political oppression on a large-scale alongside some other ancillary strategies that naturally follow from that core idea. So it's really not so much "lol government put fake news on the tv" as it is "lol government literally made it impossible for an individual to actively conceive of a worldview that deviates from the orthodox narrative"

>Dude, what if like, controlling the media makes you the controller of truth
>What if, like, that describes our civilization

can you actually read the book? It's not supposed to be a criticism of contemporary society, if anything it's drawing parallels to the soviets. If anything it's thought provoking on how bad tyranny can possibly get, and that you should therefore be very wary of authoritarians, not matter how good their intentions seem.

>Dude, what if like, controlling the media makes you the controller of truth
>What if, like, that describes our civilization

>Let's be wary

Yeah not exactly that thought provoking


"The Last Question"

No, you fucking idiot, it's:
>Dude, what if like, controlling the language makes you the controller of truth
The transmission of Ingsoc's narrative through media outlets is dependent on the manipulation of the language. The idea is that if an authoritarian power can properly frame the very vehicle by which one's own thoughts are produced (language), the false media narrative cannot even be questioned privately, it is not possible for an individual's mind to even generate the notion that the political power could be lying to them, much less formulate an alternative to the narrative. Additionally, it's purely speculative, it's not meant to describe our civilization. The issue isn't even that you're oversimplifying the book, you're entirely misinterpreting its core premise.

And you're right, it isn't that complex or wildly thought-provoking. That's precisely the reason why the fact that it flew over your head is so fucking baffling.

Cool, I was just quoting some guy, but thanks for the explanation.

The Notebook, the Proof, the Third Lie

Thing is we already call democracies to our representative republics, and many socialist parties are just social-democratic, and we call everything that we dislike nazi, etc



looks spoopy

The Green Face, too, is immersive and mind-bending.

Valis really fucked with me. Being a fellow schizo it was simultaneously frightening and comforting.

I have not read this and don't intend to. It is a rehash of history I know.

The only history you really need to know is the history of ancient Greece. If you read Herodotus on the war with Persia and Thucydides on the Peloponnesian war, everything else in history is simply a repetition of the same events with different actors.

The Median Dialogue is probably the single most rousing, concise and effective argument about international politics ever formed with two sides with genuine points a expressed philosophies.

"the strong take what they can and the weak endure what they must." There is no need for any further consideration in international affairs.

You'll either feel overwhelmingly empathetic or get your mind fucked. Perhaps, both.

Try "Entropy: A New World View" by Jeremy Rifkin and Ted Howard. It will make you feel sorry for the poor creatures whose universe is ruled by such cruel laws.
The mindfuck is that the poor creatures are the human race and the book is non-fiction, so you may feel a bit down after reading it. Exept if you don't dislike the idea to live a frugal life in the sticks, with fire as the most advanced technology.
It also offers an interesting perspective on society and history in general.

second and third critique

not memeing read it all