How many McDonald's cheeseburgers can you eat in a row? My record is 17. If you can't eat at least 10, kill yourself.
How many McDonald's cheeseburgers can you eat in a row? My record is 17. If you can't eat at least 10, kill yourself
I don't have a cheeseburger record, but I've eaten 32 of their hash browns in one sitting. Did it as a joke with some friends
i will eat 3 in row
i don't know how many i can
OP spotted.
My local one has a "wednesdays and sundays $0.39 hamburger $0.49 cheeseburger" deal so I can buy 20 for under $15. Record is 23 I think
wtf im like 20 pounds overweight and i can only only stomach 2 till im full. im sure i could force a 3rd but idk if i could keep it down. you guys are monsters
I could probably eat around 5, maybe 6.
>If you can't eat at least 10, kill yourself.
If you can, or want to, you are also killing yourself.
Fat Fuck
My record for McDoubles is 12. I could easily beat your record if I'm eating single-patty burgers.
I can probably eat 3 before feeling nauseous
I have a tiny stomach, but when it comes to a chicken wings I'm a savage aminal
i could eat 6 double quarter pounders
My brother has this skinny manlet friend who practically got ptsd after watching him down 50 chicken mcnuggets and 2 large fries.
i could def do that desu
I dunno when im dirty bulking I like to get a bunch of double cheeseburgers from mcds but thats usually only around 10 or so, they are like 1,50 each here.
i probably cant eat more than 3 and i will not be killing myself
what now op?
i'll have two if it's all i'm getting, three would make me feel gross, four would be drunk barfing tier
joke was on you man
You fat fuck
i've eaten 4 or 5, i could prolly go for 6 but there's no good reason to do it.
thank god i'm not a fatty!
15 before my acid reflux
now 0
I can eat 2 maybe
>TFW crohnsfag
Crohnsfag here too, ayyyy
Honestly, I could probably eat 6. I've been doing keto for the last month so I am pretty fucking hungry. I might give it a few more weeks and then go all out on a refeed day and try for 10-12
Probably eat at most 3.
When I was a teenager probably 10+ since I do remember eating 20+ jack in the box tacos in a sitting.
i am overweight but i can't eat very much at once
i guess i just graze from time to time is my issue
my friend is built just like me and the dude just inhales food
Have gotten down eleven McDoubles in one sitting. I binge eat once in a blue moon, feels good. A competitive eater saw the amount of food I put away at a New Years Eve party and told me I would dominate the sport if I triained. Fuck that shit.
Do it Skippy!
I could manage 10+ plain ones, but fucking mustard and ketchup are gross.
None of you faggots can top my McDonald's record.
3x Double Quarter Pounder with extra cheese
4x triple cheeseburger
3x Super Size fries
2x Super Size Coke
4x apple pie
This was years ago when they still did Super Size. I was working construction and had been on a two day fast due to being too fucking exhausted to even eat.
I've no idea. I could probably do about 20 but I'd be too embarrassed to order more than two burgers at a time so will never know.
You kidding? I used to get stoned, then go buy 2 double cheeseburgers and a DQP large meal at least once a week. I weighed ~155lb. My body was disgusting, but it wasn't overweight.
hahafunny joke you ate food xP
>no ketchup
Id beat her to death with a brick, burn her body, explode her house, rape her parents, and kick her dog.
crohnsfags out here in force today, make it 3 my niggas
If you eat 10 of these at once, you're gonna die soon anyway, so the "KYS" is kinda redundant.
Personally, I hate hamburger.
But, I do love a a McRib sandwich.
Last fall I ate 13 in one sitting.
Did one for each of the original colonies.
Washed it down with some McDonald's Orange Drink (RIP).
Won $150, couple buddies bet me I couldn't keep more than 4 down.
Had a really bad indigestion, got stopped up for 2 days, then sat on the crapper for an hour, thought I was giving birth, had to flush 3 times, got tired of wiping so I just took a shower.
Hey Fatass along with the drink that was a 7500 calorie meal enjoy your diabetes
how fucking fat are you? Are you the president of HAES?
>that bread/meat ratio
Tbh probably like 7