36 best books of 2016


What does Veeky Forums think of the best books of 2016? Is 2016 a woke time in book publishing?

wow, a fat dyke tells me about my privilege

>Slavery. Racism. Urbanism. Disease. While 2016 may not have been a banner year for liberal democracy in the world at large, it should definitely go down as a woke time in book publishing.

Our 2016 Top 20 offers up nice variety—13 fiction books, seven nonfiction; 12 female authors, eight male; 12 white authors, eight authors of color. But more pronounced is the timeliness of the list’s recurring themes. All of the top four books are focused in some way on race, and two explicitly on slavery. Two of the books in the Top 20 are about Russia, and one is about America’s disaffected white working class. Two touch on health and disease, and another explores being transgender. Even the lighter fare—like The Girls, a breezy thriller that earned its 27-year-old author a $2 million advance—has plenty of gravity: Emma Cline’s debut is a riff on the women involved in the 1969 Charles Manson murders.

be real with me Veeky Forums, are any of these 20 worth reading



"Han Kang is a South Korean writer. She won the Man Booker International Prize for fiction in 2016 for The Vegetarian, a novel which deals with a woman’s decision to stop eating meat and its devastating consequences."

This trash passes as literature nowadays lol

No wonder average people think the literati are disconnected from reality

"Hillbilly Elegy is a passionate and personal analysis of a culture in crisis—that of white working-class Americans. The decline of this group, a demographic of our country that has been slowly disintegrating over forty years, has been reported on with growing frequency and alarm, but has never before been written about as searingly from the inside. J. D. Vance tells the true story of what a social, regional, and class decline feels like when you were born with it hung around your neck."

This and maybe the Whitehead book are the only ones worth looking at

That book was really good. Don't bash something you haven't even read. If you had read the book or even had a base knowledge of Korean culture you'd understand why it would be such an issue.

>Don't bash something you haven't even read.

do you want this board to die?

>woke time

>dumb crackers
>worth looking at
i'd rather read your diary desu if i wanted stupid cracker shit

>woke time


I'm not liking how the mainstream burgerland right wing has become /pol/ and the mainstream left has become Ted Kaczinky's exaggerated caricature. If this keeps going this way it's going to end up in a situation where all right and left wingers together only comprise 25% of the population with the other three quarters being disaffected and completely politically disengaged.

If virtue signalling and parroting the status quo is """"woke""""" then I guess so.

>If this keeps going this way it's going to end up in a situation where all right and left wingers together only comprise 25% of the population with the other three quarters being disaffected and completely politically disengaged.
>the other three quarters being disaffected and completely politically disengaged.

Nonsense kid, they'll be our cannon fodder.

>that pic
Liberals sure are going overboard with the damage control

This is sick, why does it matter WHO wrote it? Why does it matter what politics it addresses? Neither have a thing to do with art.

Rightwingers will always win because liberals think guns are icky.
The media doesnt have a liberal bias, it has a neoliberal bias.
The corporate status quo must be maintained through identity politics which is used to divide and conquer the lower classes.

Any speak of class or economics is squashed and destroyed, (occupy wall street)

No, billy bob who lives in the trailer park is not your enemy, yes he says politically incorrect things, no he has no control over anything.
Your real enemy are wall street, silicon vally, the ceo's and land owners.


There is no such thing as art under capitalism, it is entertainment, and entertainment is a means to extract wealth.
Once you understand this you realize why movies, tv, books, etc suck

wtf i'm liberal now

liberals are the ones who maintain the status quo, if you cant tell the difference between liberalism and Marxism stop watching fox news

when the truth is too true

"Best book" and lists, charts are the printing jew meme.
Don't fall for it!