Thank you. I guess I need to moderate more. I have challenges in life like everyone does, and the humble comfort of a meal is a lot for me to be grateful for.
So when things feel hard, I indulge more treats for balance. Its not a lot, and its not terribly obvious, but the effects are the same medically.
Theres more to it, a miserably reclusive and thus sedentary lifestyle, much of it hiding from the horrible weather here. But spring is (sort of) here so maybe I can get some mobility back
Thank you, I will factor that too. My breakfasts will be oatmeal, bananas and yogurt or cereal, lunches are salad and tuna or beans, and dinner is the potato, veggies and presumably beef, chicken or salmon.
Like I said, I dont have a lot of resources, so meal planning is a bit dull, but I will find ways to adapt variety.
Thats good information, thank you. It is indeed amazing how quickly you can repair some metabolic issues just by moderating soda alone. I dont think there is anything morally wrong with soda as some suggest, but that its shouldnt be an all day habit every year of your life.
Oh. I will look more closely. I thought thats what they were, ty.
i try to go light on flavor.
Thats helpful too. I make enormous salads full of so many veggies, shrooms, peppers and such that you can barely wedge in a leaf of lettuce.
Awesome, will read next, thank you.
Thank you all again very much, I really appareciate the information, and will re-read it all again to take it in while planning.
Have a great week, all, and be blessed.