>live in russia
>a lot of space where you can pasture your cows or grow grains
>still a kilo of beef costs around $7
>your salary is $400
>you almost crying after buying it
Live in russia
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How much for a bottle of vodka?
I dont know. Maybe $3 for the cheapest one
Is that.. bad? On sale a kilo of ground beef costs 15$ here. And only if you can find it by the kilo
According to google 1l is around $5, here its about £15 so, not all bad, swings and roundabouts ya know.
Not op but $400 is pretty low income so $7 beef could be a large bit of income depending on other living expenses.
That said I could probably stretch 1kg of mince beef over 10 meals.
eat bears, then
I asked a hunter once if they shoot bears to eat. He said they don't cause since bears are scavengers they have worms and diseases
omnivores are full of nasty shit and bad eats
I heard animals on the high end of the food chain taste worse than animals on the low end
Misery is like air for Russians, you guys need it to live
meat eating animals tend to taste worse than herbivores
It's what you deserve for what you're doing to LGBT people.
those are muzzies
no it's just wild pigs and bears can have brainworms, heartworms and stuff. en.wikipedia.org
>live in Brazil
>minimum wage US$300 monthly
>regular beef kilo is US$10
Beat us blyat
Fay Reagan is looking rough these days
The problem you need to feed them, while pastures and grain plots covered with snow 6 monthes a year.
t. Russian
I thought you guys were more into krokodil than meth, though, so isn't the whore in your photo an Ameri . . . umm, not an Amerifat, I guess Americunt is the right word for that.
>Alcohol sanctions
>Sanctions in general
>North korea of all places trying to nutcheck you
>Constant protests on putin
I had respect for you guys but holy shit things aren't looking too great
>own farm
>have cows
>sell one cow to buy new cows
>butcher the other cow for hundreds of pounds of meat
>enjoy my sub $1/lb ground beef, sirloin, and backstrap
Losing the Ukraine really fucked you guys up, huh?
>the Ukraine
Why do retards still say this?
OP, if you are a hot single Russkaya between 18-29, I can rescue you from your despair. Just provide an email address and I'll be in touch.
those are in /a/ desu
I usually do it because it pisses people off and its sounds funny. Not sure why the guy you're replying to is doing it though.
I came here to post this.
...It's not actually her, is it?
>this one guy is the entire Russian government
nice meme
So then stop eating beef. It's bad for you.
Nowhere to keep chickens?
He's trying to keep you from having top tier bear shoulder. Bear lasts longer than a cow in a freezer and it so versatile and delicious. I've never had major problems with parasites in any of my game.
t. Flyover southerner
Kindly fuck yourself faggot. Also here in Alabama I've never seen any beef for under $3.50 a pound and that was top or bottom roast
waste products and pollution are all magnified the higher you go up the food chain. Pic related only shows mercury, but you get the gist of it.
>tfw you live in a modern day tsar state and the dumbassery/thieving of the elite hurts the humble serf
What has changed, friends.
I know, it's just Russia now
Personally I think that's the best part of Russia. You LGBT snowflakes need to stop being whiny pussies. Nobody needs to hear your tales of sexual oppression, like about all the cute hetero guys who refuse to date you because they have the sanity to realize that you putting on a dress doesn't make you a chick.
>live in Russia
>kill the people raising cows, sheep and goat
>force the survivors to quit raising animals
OP, entire chicken is like 2-3€/kg. Buy beef in markets, not the packaged type in grocery stores (shit tier).
>having a vodka smashed over your head by strangers is a specious tale of imaginary oppression
This is what alt-right Russia Today shills actually believe