I like making my own burgers at home but I feel like I'm lacking creativity. Need some more orginal burger ideas.
Really any advice on making burgers is welcome as well. For some reason I find them really satisfying to make and it's cool to add different ingredients to your burger and experiment.
Burger advice
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Have you tried impaling them to a wooden chopping board with a knife or serving them on top of a cup. You're welcome.
My best advice? DO NOT EVEN ATTEMPT to add lettuce and tomato. That will ruin it. Just meet and cheese.
Good quality meat, dont make the pattys too fat. I think its better to have two very thin pattys seared well than one big one.
Blue cheese and bacon with a is my personal fave. kimchi and cheese is also good
I remember having a really nice burger with shrimps once
as in, both beef and shrimps
The more you try to get "creative" with burgers and add stupid shit that doesn't belong, the worse they get. Bacon is a no-no. Egg is a no-no. Avocado is a no-no. Really all you need is a bun, burger and American cheese. Some basic condiments, lettuce, pickles and onions are all fine. But don't take my word for it...
Onion and pickles are a must imo but like you I don't add Lettuce and Tomato when I make burgers at home.
Bacon cheeseburgers have been a thing since like the old West
I don't know where this idea that people like bacon is new comes from, it's not a meme like avacado or chicken sauce or kale or whatever else has only gained popularity recently
How do I make these badboys?
Even in the old west, many an user was shot for putting bacon on the wrong guy's burger.
>avocado is new
>kale is new
I dunno what the fuck "chicken sauce" is, this is going to be hilarious.
Toasted bun, burger patty, thick cut bacon, french fries, onion rings, jalapenos, ketchup. Maybe some lettuce.
>lacking creativity
You're missing the point. Eating burgers is the opposite of being creative. A good burger is a simple thing, and a great burger is just a good burger made from better quality ingredients. Getting creative doesn't improve things, it just allows you to mask the fact you're using shitty ingredients (like the burger in OP pic). If you want to be creative make something other than burgers.
>that'll be $23.99 plus tip
Creative doesn't mean just shove weird ingredients in the burger. You can be creative with simplicity.
>getting creative doesn't improve things
You sound so boring holy shit.
Lettuce is shit imo also, but if you can get your hands on actually flavorful tomato then it would balance a bit the fattiness of the meat and add a different flavor to the burger.
Never use cheap grind meat from supermarket. Buy second cut meat and ask the butcher to grind it.
The trick to burgers comes down to the seasoning of your patty and sauces. The sauces are arguable the most important part so go get a bowl and start playing around with some mixes.
Itend to like min a bit tangy and spicy so my key ingredients for sauces are always mayonnaise, vinegar and some form of hot pepper. From there you add stuff like onions, honey, relish, salts, ranch, tartar, soy sauce, so on and so forth until you come up with something good.
>Never use cheap grind meat from supermarket. Buy second cut meat and ask the butcher to grind it.
Is that a thing at meat counters? It sounds like it would be a time consuming service to provide as an individual request; does it cost extra? I assume they have to sterilize the meat grinder between uses.